Looks great - are you doing anything on EMFs as well? I love the different topics but would love to see what you have to say on EMFs as well. :)

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I was considering your course but am aware of the dangers of many of those toxins and have avoided them for a long time. My whole family has thought I was crazy for a while because I refused to let my kids wear flame resistant sleepwear, and I’ve spent extra on car seats to not have flame retardant there as well. However, due to the ease of WiFi, etc, I haven’t learned enough about EMF and would like to, while also expanding my knowledge on these others toxins. Thank you!!

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Jul 25, 2022Edited
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I spoke with him and he was so rude to me and accused me of being "a conspiracy theorist". The man I feel is controlled. He is not interested in really doing anything about it, just playing the game. I could be wrong, because so many activists are like this today, it's quite mind boggling. It's maybe just a lack of mouth control.

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Yes we are soused in toxins and we've talked about it for years and years and still more dousing goes on like spaying on people and land without getting consent, (chemtrails and pesticides) and typically rampaging on the environment that belongs to all of us and future generations. And why? Because companies want to make a profit. And to do that they make things that are convenient so people will buy them. So the real problem is people who buy them, who pay for toxic showers and use toxic substances. It's symbiotic. Talking about it is good but really we're talking to the choir because so many people I know that use Roundup don't listen to talks like this, don't care about what they do the the environment, the environment isn't even on their radar, it's just not something they think about. So another strategy needs to be incorporated as well. Maybe advertising on tv but that's never going to happen. So what about ordinary people like us doing "reverse ads" and getting our message out? Rather than having summits that only talk to people who already care, how about those people doing something like tell a friend? Maybe record these encounters and put them on social networks. We are the media now. Or we can be if we use our noggin. We have so much at our disposal now but we are not branching out and using them. We are using the same methods to get things across - summits, courses, seminars, webinars. It's not enough anymore. Now we have to be accountable to each other and state what we do. If we go to these seminars, every single person should speak about what they do. Because those who just talk without doing the walk are what I call "bloviators" not doers. Though talking is good, it's not enough anymore. It's just not going to cut it.

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Jul 25, 2022
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Scott don't mean to sound patronizing but if we're living in a structure that makes it alright for any entity to have that one goal - making a profit, then you can have this stinking situation. Many defend it because they think we cannot be better. But really? Do we want to live in a world, and defend a world, that runs on the philosophy that pursues profit at any extent? As for law, common or otherwise, that's for slaves. I don't agree with people making laws over my life. Law is illegitimate in my eyes. Just because everyone thinks it is legitimate that's their business. But usually they only convince themselves it's legitimate so that they'll not land in jail. It's like blackmail. Yeah, the law is blackmail. You don't do what bozos want and thugs will come and lock you in a cage. Wow, we're really advanced from the old middle ages. We're still going by "laws" that were written before electricity or cars let alone digital technology. The laws are totally illegitimate and well past their use-by-date. Those who give law legitimacy are agreeing to be a slave. With that understanding, then we may come to the realization that we might want to try something different. But what? We are still grumbling about laws that were made without us and long ago and that are no longer relevant. So we must start talking about the kind of world we'd love to live in.

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Jul 26, 2022Edited
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You agree with the way things are whereas I find it totally illegitimate. To agree with motives of making profit means we don't value life, nature, regeneration, we value profit, exploitation, and transferred responsibilities. When people use money they perceive that they are absolved from responsibility. And think the earth can be trashed along with people. I see a very different world is possible and even likely because this one is pure shit. I used to see the world the way you do but I reformed.

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'I see a very different world is possible and even likely '

How does this world operate?

If people do not work in order to gain money which they in turn use to purchase goods and services they need/desire how does society function?

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Is anyone looking into virology and whether or not the foundational claims of orthodox virology are actually scientifically valid?

As far as I can make out orthodox virology is built on a house of duff guesswork and massive leaps of faith.

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Loved the presentation!

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Your paper on pathogenic priming helped expose the tip of a very large mountain:

Autoimmune disorders: COVID-19, spike protein & homologous epitopes

A literature review


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