Great post! Apparent typos:
do the write thing
do the right thing
FDA needs to be take by the hand down the corridors
FDA needs to be taken by the hand down the corridors
James, typos not errors of fact or data. Sometimes, it's important just to get the message out there. Thank you for acknowledging the glitches in expression, and making the timely corrections.
Great post! Apparent typos:
do the write thing
do the right thing
FDA needs to be take by the hand down the corridors
FDA needs to be taken by the hand down the corridors
*Apparent 😬
Happens even to the correctors! It's all about editing! Read before you post! 😊
To be honest this particular post from James is riddled with typos, double wording & mishaps. James, do you need an editor??
I thank you for the article and appreciate that we often can't see our own typos well.
Since I wanted to share, I wanted to get them cleaned up so the article would be perfect.
Please delete this thread to keep the comment section focused on the article's content, rather than the now-corrected typos.
Thanks much - the community sends me corrections. I deeply appreciate them.
We appreciate all that you are doing. Thank YOU!
Hey, Thanks for these. The community helps me by emailing me corrections.
James, typos not errors of fact or data. Sometimes, it's important just to get the message out there. Thank you for acknowledging the glitches in expression, and making the timely corrections.