Excellent detailed post of the biomarkers to indicate damage of the heart cells to get help for those young adults , Dr John Campbell posted such an article as well Referencing Troponin as an indicator of heart tissue damage in one of his recent articles keep up the great work Dr. Jack you guys are amazing

other markers for inflammatory responses are C reactive proteins was mentioned a long time ago by Gary Null to look for heart disease that might manifesting down the road .....

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Thank you.

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Focus has so far largely been on acute myocarditis. But what of longer term sequelae like accelerated artery disease and myocardial infarction?

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What virus? There is no virus.. wake up

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You might like Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis (EIM) from the mRNA jabs via upregulation of CD68 Histiocytes across multiple organs identified in autopsies using selective staining.


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