Very frightening. Very important

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Evil Supreme Court…

Of the over 74 doses per child on the CDC-Pharmafia Lethal Injections Con-plex childhood vaccines schedule, one in 39 vaccine doses administered results in a reportable injury up to and including death.

Oh, and here’s an amazing guide my friend Ashley Everly wrote for parents…


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by now, over ~6 million kids in the U.S. are said to have "long COVID"

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the, uhh... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/cbs-news-up-to-58-million-kids-have

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Thank you, Dr James Lyons-Weiler!

One of the best articles explaining these natural rights of parents & their children & the violation of these rights by a state court system.

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It's really shocking they can go so obviously wrong.

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Home school or move out of the state. This fight for human freedom, medical freedom, bodily autonomy & parental rights is far from done!

We need all the warriors on board & parents to figure out that Pharmaceutical Corporations are writing our laws, have captured the medical systems, the academic thinking, the court systems & our own elected officials, and, that all their profits depend on us being sick.

Good grief. What a horrible business model.

We must wake more parents, legislators, judges, attorneys & doctors up!

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Mr. Lyons-Weiler, may I republish on Www.vermontdailychronicle.com? My email is news@vermontdailychronicle.com.

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"Vaccines are continuously studied for their long-term safety..." Methinks you are assuming facts not in evidence. I think a more accurate statement would be, "vaccine safety is studiously ignored."

Thank you for your work, just adding my two cents.

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Not one vaccine has had a real safety study, let alone continuous safety studies. If safety studies were done, not one vaccine would still be on the market. Plus, we continue to vaccine for disease that disappeared due to increased sanitation programs for waste and water quality.

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