Excellent! And I bet if you take ivermectin with zinc, A and C vitamins and make sure your D levels are optimal through sun exposure or supplement, that infection percentage would decline even more.

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Or the great majority of people would simply become infected and experience mild symptoms then gain natural resistance, or perhaps even durable immunity, then go on with their lives. Injecting people, particularly children, with a radical new technology that has never been used as a vaccine, even in livestock, was and act of lunacy.

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Well, my point was that optimal nutrition ensures a good, robust innate immune response that usually results in shorter, milder illness or even NO illness, and durable immunity even without overt illness, after exposure to a pathogen against which you have not acquired immunity. In this study, ivermectin alone did not prevent all symptomatic illness. I think the point of having ivermectin available for prompt treatment is for the many people today who are NOT optimally nourished - and for those whose immune systems are degenerated by the jabs. So many young healthy fit adults I know who got the jabs experienced Covid infection and reinfection anyway, with progressively worse bouts of it despite good nutrition and taking supplementary D etc. Absolutely right it's an act of lunacy. At least ivermectin can undo some of the damage and reduce suffering.

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And melatonin to ensure you have sufficient to allow D to do all its good stuff.

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Think the ones drinking the kool aid will finally wake up ?

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I'm not confident of that.

Wilful blindness will likely be the order of the day.

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I would love to get some, especially being as I have caught it 3 times since 2019. I have been doing other protocols to help with my symptoms, but I wish I knew how to get some to have on hand.

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You can buy Ivermectin from India. I bought a supply from https://www.alldaychemist.com/

I have not had to use it but worth having it on hand.

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Thank you. :)

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Thank you for the site. I was able to get ivermectin and use it when I had Covid, but it was very difficult to get it an expensive too. I want to have some on hand in case I need it again.

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Same here. I had to got through an independent pharmacy per my doc and it was pricey. However, the likelihood you'll need it again is pretty low. One good natural infection and frequent exposures afterwards and your immune system is going to be very well-trained. At this point I only need/use vit D, zinc, querectin and some iodine nasal spray to keep things at bay.

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Farm supplies.

Whereabouts in the world are you?

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East coast.

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Americas frontline doctors can order it for you in 3 days! US- not sure where you are located. I take it prophylactically.

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Drpierrekory.com. You can book a telehealth appointment. I think it’s 250. They can prescribe that and a couple of other items in the flccc protocol and they use a compounding pharmacy that can dispense.

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Doctors will lose their practising certificate here if they prescribe ivermec for covid. A very brave Dr gave me some for my daughter (heart condition) and elderly parents, for which I am very grateful.

So did over half the placebo group catch covid within a four week time frame? That seems really high (especially in an unvaxxed population, given what we see in official government datasets).

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All trial participants had someone living with them who was tested covid positive in the last 5 days so there was a better than average chance of getting infected.

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Oh that makes sense. Thanks!

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also, a study said that 100mg of NAC/Acetlcysteine with 100 mg Bromelain dsissolves the spike protein. You can order chewable for kids.

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Nothing to see here, says the AMA/CDC/NIH/WHO.

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Whenever power lusting political ideologues (often hysteria ridden) declare something isn't true, and threaten you if you talk about the matter, odds are excellent your view is in fact based on reality and they are attempting to foist a self serving political narrative to expand their control over you and everyone else.

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I hope they randomized those who got covid to treatment /placebo groups.

Small sample though.

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Massive effect size. The subjects were double randomised. There was a link to the study details in the post.

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I saw it, you are right.

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Seems consistent with user reviews found here: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/people-rate-ivermectin-higher-than

People have posted very telling reviews and rate Ivermectin higher than Covid-19 shots, Paxlovid, and Remdesivir. Compare reviews and share your own experience with others:

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Not surprising as that trio of shite drugs are ineffective and dangerous.

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The main reason I wrote this is because people started turning to private groups to describe their experiences because they were getting censored. When those private groups grew to hundreds of thousands, they got shut down, so they started another private group, and in these private groups continue to write in code words and emojis to not get shut down. So my post shows a public arena that does not appear to be censored. If people want to hear from other people and not just the companies selling products, they turn to user reviews. Perhaps if people did more of this in the beginning instead of creating private groups for which the people who need to hear the truth the most cannot, that the truth could have come out sooner.

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This is good news for restoration of ivermectin's reputation and supports its use in hospitals.

However, the only people who now need protecting against SARS-CoV-2 variant infection are those who got the spike-injections and those with multitple co-morbidities. The experiment should be run again on those groups. Also, it is important to specify what the placebo was, to rule out any sort of cheating (i couldnt find it in the trial documenation.)

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Someone who subscribes to Berenson should post a link to this post 🥸

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I posted it on his Twitter account.

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And that's a pretty low dose of ivermectin!

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The study results use relative vs absolute risk reduction.. why??? That’s the issue I have with it- same twisted data they used to peddle this gene injection. 🤯 I would love to see absolute risk reduction for IV vs placebo group. I take IV already so I know it works but was disappointed to see this in these results.

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In Vietnam we can buy IVM over the counter....about $4USD for 24mg.

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Southeast part of the country here! IVM is widely available for livestock in any area where livestock is! We buy the liquid form for our dogs, shoot it in the mouth. Same for human with bodyweight calculations 👂if you can't obtain any other way!

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