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Jun 30, 2023
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This is an interesting take. I’m curious, have you many papers on the list that you think ought to be retracted? In the name of science, let’s hear it.

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What justification do the editors of these journals that publish this sh!t use to accept these methodologically flawed ‘studies’?

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Answer = $$$🤪

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Because it's "gold standard" RCT. Absolutely irrelevant what they test it against, so long as done as an RCT.

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They just tewrote the definition of placebo....like they rewrore the definition of vaccine for the gene editing jabs

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Behind Closed Doors at a “venerable” automakers meeting of top executives:

“Hey guys, great job lobbying Congress to pass that bill which gives us total indemnity for our products. Can you say, “Cha-Ching?”quick before they realize what they’ve done...let’s make a product or dozens of vehicles where we don’t do any real safety testing or we test the safety of the car/truck against the safety of another of our quick and dirty cars/trucks and let’s use our numbers tricks of relative risk profiles so the consumers (aka Suckers!) think our products are safe. Which they will believe because we’ve paid off the media and the politicians to continuously and adamantly parrot the stellar track record of safety. They will say it so much they actually BELIEVE it and they’ll get mad when their constituents so much as question the safety of our cars. Watch the record profits start rolling in and the best part is we can’t be sued because we have immunity by law! The stockholders and stakeholders will be pleased as punch. Woohoo! Where’s the Crystal champagne and the cocaine let’s celebrate!“

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IF you and I could (ignoring the absolute disaster of the moral issue at hand) create a product with the following conditions, it would be a veritable gold rush just as Bobby Kennedy mentioned during that town hall.


1. Can’t be directly sued for damages created by the product we produced

2. Virtual mandate of everyone world-wide to take our product (they say it’s “recommended” but anyone who has sat across from a dogmatic pediatrician understands that this is an f’n high-pressure situation)

3. Fast track for our products to be approved and marketed and added to a “schedule” which is then forced upon the masses by the <ahem, Sales Teams> in place in every large city and small town across the country

4. Federal agencies who will not admit errors or conflicts of interest with respect to this industry

One could perhaps view this whole situation as legalized and enforced drug-dealing with no downside. It’s easy to see why the manufacturers and patent-makers (without naming names) have gone all in on this since 1986.

In short: Let the good times (and profits) roll!

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That's why this cartel is now widely called the Pharmafia

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Keep this up Dr. It is eeds to be pounded into peoples brains....and our fda cdc and nih need dismantling asap.

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Thank you. I just sent this to someone having a baby in a couple of months.

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Please see the documentary "Under the Skin" from 2022 by Bert Ehgartner about the HPV-vaccine, and aluminum adjuvants.

Ehgartner is specifically interested in the role of aluminum compounds, which are used as adjuvants in two-thirds of vaccinations: Why is this toxic metal compound needed? And who checks that those vaccinated are as healthy after the sting as they were before? Ehgartner also created the investigative documentary "Age of Aluminum" about toxic aluminum compounds in deodorants, medicines, drinking water, etc.

It is heart breaking to see how damaged these women have become from the HPV-vaccine. Their lives are essentially ruined, because they and their families trusted their doctor and the government institutions.

"Under the Skin (2022)"



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The Gardasil/Merck example is the most telling. Siri went through this in painstaking detail when he deposed Plotkin back in 2018. Search out the video excerpt. It is really damning. Plotkins rationalisation at the end of that section is jaw dropping.

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I happen to be reading the HPV VAccine Trial and they say the 320 participants who were given Saline were actually given everything else in the vaccine besides adjuvant and antigen. Which included stuff like polysorbate 80. They noted the conflation issue as well. Curious what the final verdict on that is. Thanks.

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