Amen! Am 56, based in UK so no access to IVM or HCQ. Quercetin, zinc and vitamins daily. Got mild Covid I think (never masked or tested ever!). Got parosmia as did my wife. Cannot stand taste or smell of onions and garlic and many toiletries and perfumes now stink. Bonus - lost weight! LOL

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I'm 55, have taken NO shots and in the last 3 years have had nothing beyond a mild throat irritation, which never developed into a full-blown cold or flu. I've been taking Vit D and zinc during the dark months, and adding quercetin and NAC the handful of times I've felt the throat irritation, which for me is usually a precursor to getting a cold/flu, and it's fizzled out every time. I've also never tested for the coof.

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And the world will pretend that the Science just changed or somehow evolved.

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Songs about the dangers of vaccines and the Covid tyranny.

New Substack Release. Verdi meets Pfizer. A satire on Vaccine mania. Watch Turfseer’s hit music video, VACCINE, MY LOVE! https://turfseer.substack.com/p/vaccine-my-love

Just Too Good to be True. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed


“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “They Tried to Kill Country (But Country Fought Back).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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Todays Vaccines Revealed is on this topic as well. https://vrevealed.com/og/viewing#

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I’m one of the survey participants from the US. 😊

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I should’ve been in that survey I’ve been working throughout the whole pandemic did not take the vaccine worked a lot of hours and never got sick people around me got sick multiple times who had the vaccine and another person that I work with also did not get the vaccine and she did not get sick , I know it’s anecdotal but yes I could of added to positive outcome to this survey ……

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It's not too late to join the group, as they are still gathering data. Sign up at vaccinecontrolgroup.com

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I reposted this riveting video with the adding of my own editorial to my so call open minded health conscious environmentalist friends (cohorts) , I hope it makes them think how they acted and how they where controlled into manufactured consent thru fear…….

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Oh yeah I’m a vegetarian I take quercetin selenium NAC vitamin D3 , zinc , high doses of vitamin C 2000 to 3000 - 4000 when feeling run down from the excessive hours worked I juice a lot

As well I would like to add to my profile I’m 65

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Amazing how measured and soft-spoken you two are at a time when heads ought to be on spikes, globally.

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I am thankful to this group, and the Card I have as my shield. I could stop the requests coming from my company to return to office I needed Vaccine passport. But once I shared copy of my card with my manager, it was all good.

Yes, I do take care of myself as much from natural food with specific thought to Vid D, Vic C and Zinc. and keep capsules handy as well, but seldom take it myself. They are more for my family than for me, as they won’t do natural dietary stuff to keep micronutrients topped up! naturally from food items.

I have not visited Dr since the start of covid, and only visit was to say hello as they are friends too :)

I have in the past taken care of my ailments naturally and Dr observing my progress. That was long before Covid. Before Covid I trusted Dr. but opted to minimise medicine use. Now I don't even trust the lab reports that much.

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Glad that it worked for you; I have not had to use mine as of yet, but I'm prepared to pull up my Ace if need be.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Exactly! If you have a problem with GMO crops and food products, why in hell would you roll up your sleeve for a GMO jab? Watching 'organically-inclined' friends in complete cognitive dissonance.

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