This all seems to be “Politically Correct 2.0”. They literally ratcheted it up a notch. Unbelievable...but it happened.

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"But can someone show me a time in history in which humanity learned something new without conflict?"

Garden of Eden?

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Sometimes it seems like people are trying to bring back hair shirts and then force uninterested parties to feel pity for them.

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"Racism exists in all races, but only in the hearts and minds of bigots."

It might be more fundamental than that. I have proposed that racism is a way of satisfying an instinct for xenophobia, see

Tribalism, Xenophobia, Us and Them


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I quite agree. I call these "Cultural hangovers from our Pleistocene ancestors."

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I've never met a racist here in the UK. I've heard people say racist-sounding things, but then I discover they have a friend from the race they scrutinised, or participate in sports, games & pastimes with them...

I believe everyone has prejudices, but the corporate State decides which ones are bad, & which ones are acceptable, or even openly encouraged...

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I believe it. There's a culture on the left here (not restricted to any race) of slathering oneself with victimhood. To suffer is to be virtuous, as opposed to overcoming and rising above suffering. It's a distortion in virtue ethics.

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Black preaching has always talked about buying from only blackened stores. Same for the Muslims, and Jewish Americans.

Not facing these three racist preaching ideologies, and picking on White Christian Males, is an tintentional injustice.

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According to Sapolsky, this is actually wired into our brains.

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A must read for my teenaged daughter

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"pro-censorship liberals beware"...

what i am thinking is how did the word liberal become darkly twisted such that it is associated with pro-censorship, that liberal was, yes/no? traditionally based on the desire to be allowed to have freedom to speak up against, to attempt to address/expose, government/commerce/church collusion distorted crony capitalism...

that while i agree that the left currently overall is seriously deranged, the deeper question for me is better understanding the nature/source of dark psychology which has been used to gaslighted the left into embracing a deranged notion of what is a liberal...

also have concerns that just using liberal/left as the target of all that is evil gives unnecessary legitimacy to this darkness and negates that some of the most outspoken contrarians like RFK Jr. are from the left...

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Remember the absolute fundamental though - offence cannot be given, it can only be taken.

Whether someone is offended is down to them on receiving whatever information. It is not down to the messenger.

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This seems to have been forgotten these days. There's no point taking offense where none is meant.

Even, a lot of the time, where it *is* meant.

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Sure. The best way to react if one suspects offence is meant to be taken is to be not offended. :) That's a win win in my book.

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Speak up. Say it. Don’t be afraid. And when they come for you, double down.

You don’t have to be hateful, just say the truth.

And dear Lord, don’t fear their made up hurty words. Like “phobe” is some magic talisman to ward people like us off..

White lives matter

It’s okay to be white.

Your ancestors weren’t evil.

Maybe actually look up crime stats based on race.

George Floyd was a piece of shit, garbage human being, who OD’d on fentanyl AND had COVID… and if it was MY pregnant daughter that he robbed and put a gun to her belly…. Then chauvin would’ve been doing him a favor.

Mexican border jumpers act more like colonizers than Europeans who came here.

Some cultures actually are less than others, which is why I choose to live in the west.

There’s only two genders.

People calling themselves Jews have too much institutional power in the USA, but willingly sit back and allow white people to be blamed for having it.

And on that note..where the fuck is the Epstein flight list?

The vaccine sucks, don’t take it.

Drag queens are pedophiles, and apparently a huge portion of the gay community is too.

The rainbow flag has six colors because six is one less than seven, and a real rainbow has seven colors, so the gay flag is demonic.

Truth hurts. So does exercise. Exercise your rights and quit letting people self censor you, or lose your rights.

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I speak freely, they call me conspiracy theorist, anti environment, anti this or that...I SAY, IF MY SPEAKING QUALIFIES ME IN YOUR EFFING JUDGMENT TO CALESSLY DISPENSE SUCH LABELLE! GREAT, MAYBE I AM, and you should go and fock yourself

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But indoctrination into the global cult of 'corporate-woke fascism' would break down if dissenting voices were allowed to gain traction...

I was only a teeny-weeny voice - yet even I found myself shadowbanned & then suspended from Twitter.

Also, letters of concern to my UK MP go unacknowledged, as questioning the official narrative now puts you beyond the pale... It all certainly looks like mass-psychosis to me - exacerbated with the information revolution and its increasingly sophisticated narrative controls.

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The constitution protects FREE SPEECH.

Good speech praising someone or the system DON'T NEED PROTECTION.

Critical speech of someone or the government is the kind of speech that needs constitutional protection.

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Really well-written essay, Dr J! I’ve read it twice, and just now printed it out so that I’ll have a copy no matter what happens to the digital universe. How I wish it could be published in the New York Times or Washington Post! People need to hear this truth, and comprehend that our First Amendment rights are the very foundation of our country.

Our right to freedom of thought, freedom of belief, and freedom of speech has always been the envy of most of the world’s people.

The encouraging trend is that the ‘woke’ has not only become the butt of jokes nationwide, but they’ve also begun to ‘eat their own’ by censoring each other for not being ‘woke enough’. Ha! That isn’t going to end well for any of them. I am old enough to remember the fallout from McCarthyism, and this current censorship of thought is just a variation on that theme.

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I don’t know what you mean by “woke crowd” but I bet you are NOT applying it to those violent, abusive and down right nasty white females who scream and threaten people usually without consequences!!

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No, those people need to chill for sure. Socialized to fear. As I said, the root of bigotry is ignorance.

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In my opinion, the biggest of the many evils perpetrated in the last couple of years has been the blatant suppression of legitimate scientific discourse. Come to think of it, make that almost all discourse.

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Being offended is one aspect of life. The issue really is, how does one respond to an offense? This is a ‘life skill’ that people USED to learn, through experience. Depending on various factors, we can ignore it or respond in a variety of ways, and learn to cope with it. It’s as if people think they should be able to go through life without ever being ‘offended’.

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