Possibly, but not covertly... we can choose whether we deem him credible with the announcement of sth important in his view, something he has put work into and which we need only share, if we wish to. Also, 9 am gives the message time to diffund, the recipients then have the morning to read, digest it, make calls, talk about it at lunch, spread the word. And you know how professional interest groups always make concerted campaigns. Lobbying. Ours maybe is also an endeavor worth a bit of lobbying effort for once.
When you think back to the conspiratorial beginnings of Comintern, that was conspiratorial and at the same time good planning. And so many more examples of good (long-term and short-term) planning all around us. Creating patterns we don't know to look for and that become clear only with hindsight. Maybe Tardigrade was encouraging us to get a little bit organized for once, too.
Possibly, but not covertly... we can choose whether we deem him credible with the announcement of sth important in his view, something he has put work into and which we need only share, if we wish to. Also, 9 am gives the message time to diffund, the recipients then have the morning to read, digest it, make calls, talk about it at lunch, spread the word. And you know how professional interest groups always make concerted campaigns. Lobbying. Ours maybe is also an endeavor worth a bit of lobbying effort for once.
One person's conspiracy is another person's good planning.
When you think back to the conspiratorial beginnings of Comintern, that was conspiratorial and at the same time good planning. And so many more examples of good (long-term and short-term) planning all around us. Creating patterns we don't know to look for and that become clear only with hindsight. Maybe Tardigrade was encouraging us to get a little bit organized for once, too.
I always used to include non-illegal action in my definition, as long as that action was covert or its coordination hidden.