Correct. In reality very little to do with virology, epidemiology and genetics and solely to foist total digital control over us. This is a war on sovereignty from personal to national. Carried out by foreshadowing chimeric nightmares to make people cower until their turn to be genetically modified to as yet fully unknown detriments beyond the already obvious disabilities, sudden deaths, spontaneous pregnancy failures and dampened fertility. They had to vaccinate everyone to eliminate the control group but they didnt succeed yet. Which is why we have to wake as many people up as possible. Plandemic #2 is a certainty and and ICD Z28 is going to be used to identify and round up and force vaccinate the recalcitrant 1st.
Well, Yabba-Dabba Do! All Satan inspired, Nuremburg code violating Forced medical experiments on the Godless soulless suckers & fools! All to empower big Godless governments to own & control the sheeple!
The fear based "predictions" was to sell clot shots & empower Big Governments!
Correct. In reality very little to do with virology, epidemiology and genetics and solely to foist total digital control over us. This is a war on sovereignty from personal to national. Carried out by foreshadowing chimeric nightmares to make people cower until their turn to be genetically modified to as yet fully unknown detriments beyond the already obvious disabilities, sudden deaths, spontaneous pregnancy failures and dampened fertility. They had to vaccinate everyone to eliminate the control group but they didnt succeed yet. Which is why we have to wake as many people up as possible. Plandemic #2 is a certainty and and ICD Z28 is going to be used to identify and round up and force vaccinate the recalcitrant 1st.
Well, Yabba-Dabba Do! All Satan inspired, Nuremburg code violating Forced medical experiments on the Godless soulless suckers & fools! All to empower big Godless governments to own & control the sheeple!