Big pharma's own the world and can't be prosecuted! [Fact!] they can back Hitler's war so as to sell war supply's as Holocaust promoting Bayer IG Farben did [to kill 12+ million] receiving a slap on the wrist for it! As learned in war crime trial #6! Their Pharma's recently jabed Fort Riley patient zeros [cough] "Spanish Flu" bug that killed 500 million. (No problem) Stupid Godless fools & suckers can't correlate USA Pharma's patent/ gain of function SARS & SARS 2 Cv 19, sent to Godless mass murdering [remember Korea & Vietnam?] Wuhan for vaccine sales development! It's all to demonstrate, "There's a sucker born every minute." AND, that, "Death is the wages of sin; but the gift of God, is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Sanity is a small tent that is being expanded daily, come on in and set awhile.

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".....in the present conditions resistance cannot be a separate activity: it can only become a form of life.

There will be real resistance only if and when each one is able to draw the consequences that concern him from this thesis."

June 2, 2022

Giorgio Agamben

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

One can hope & invite & love & forgive - praying they will wake up & see the light

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Well, I can certainly agree that the Democrats have fallen into the pharma vaccine trap-, but I don't believe you can exclude Republicans from Big Pharma support(especially if you see how much money Pharma has paid out to Republican politicians.). Yes, it is noteworthy to see so many Republican states not supporting mandated covid vacines and the like. But while I support that, I am still a liberal in many other ways. I don't support the reversal of RvW, the lie that Trump won the election, the Jan 6th seditious act, the idea there is no climate change(a common mantra of Republicans) and so for me it's all a huge conundrum....but each day we carry on because we have no other choice.

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We all come to the truth through many different paths and through viewing with many points of view. Both parties have sold out their constituents, but the base of the R party has had more success in holding their elected leaders to account than we in the D party. My experience with folks that traditionally vote R has been of well-informed, majority-rational and welcoming. This experience has forced me to re-assess many of my cherished beliefs, including a large swath of what I thought was iron-clad information/data on a number of subjects. The gift of COVID has been the return of a full-throated and well-reasoned defense of Enlightenment Ideas and the Scientific Method. The sifting through of information in this era has been invaluable in assessing avenues of propaganda versus actual, verifiable content. The road to recovery will be long indeed.

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The gift of COVID has been the return of a full-throated and well-reasoned defense of Enlightenment Ideas and the Scientific Method.

We're little kids who have to burn our hands on the stove because we won't listen to our parents. Our ancestors knew and tried to warn us about these evils, but we had to experience things for ourselves. I hope that we see a renaissance of self-reliance and mistrust of authority after these dark ages.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Way to go doc! You knocked this one clear out of the park!

I think this will be the gateway article to awaken my sheep family.

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Let's hope!

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Mine, too. I’m going to pray for that!

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Great article James. Very well articulated. The Woke movement is an infection, and I pray that good people - democrats, republicans, anyone paying attention - will be able to see if for what it is, call it out, stand against it, and beat back the tide. If enough pressure is exerted on the corporations who are along for the ride because it's profitable, I think that's a good start. There are just so many embedded systems at work that are benefiting financially, and I think until those are all rooted out, we have a long way to go.

Keep opening those eyes. This might have been one of my favorite articles by you. Also, I did an "Understanding the Woke Movement" article that you and your readers might also find helpful.

Keep fighting the good fight.


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Thank you for sharing, looking forward to it

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If they put more effort into actual health like prevention and solutions then maybe the critical thinkers would have actually believed them and this is where they failed. This IMO, is proof that it was planned all along. Too many table top simulations by same players etc. Hegelian dialectic is ‘PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION’ and how it works is like this:

The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others.

The people react by asking the govt for protecton and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem.

Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occured.

What’s the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Yup. Liberal was a brand. After the 2008 election many who were loyal to the brand moved with those marching under the banner of the brand name. It is to the point where it is no longer recognizable as what it once was.

Once liberals opposed supporting wars between other countries. They opposed censorship. They supported free speech. They saw the questioning of authority as healthy. The stark reality is that liberalism as a real force in american politics is dead. The only thing that remains of it is the brand name and it ain't what it used to be that's for sure. If a liberal from 1978 was transported to current times, having not participated in the march towards new liberalism they would likely identify toda6's liberals as neo fascists.

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and the far right Republicans aren't fascists? I get the point of the once liberal Democrats, but does that let the elephant out of the circus?

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Replying to my own comment-that's ok, right? On another note, I have never been to a circus and a zoo only once. Cages are for politicians.

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No it does not and as with 'liberal' it depends on what one means by 'far right'.

I support gay marriage. I'm pro legal cannabis. I'm pro life but opposed to criminalizing abortion. I'm anti censorship. I think there is one race, Human. I've worked to help abused and neglected children for decades.

And yes I've been called 'far right' a few times.

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Far right is Trump, the January 6'ers, Lindsay Graham, Charlottesville clan, far flung Christians that support racism, anti-semitism and the white man's dream to rule the world. I know I missed a lot of people but you can get an idea.

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I'm not a Trump supporter but I don't see him as far right but more as populist. His actually policies aren't well known thanks to MSM.

As for Jan 6. I think there is enough evidence to show that agent provacateurs were involved. I've never met a white man who's dream it was for white men to rule the world but I'm sure some exist.

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I can agree that we disagree. Have a good evening.

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.....you sound a LOT like myself, sir - and I do believe there are MILLIONS of us OUT there who identify as ACTUAL 'Progressives', effectively disenfranchised by those who would PURPORT to be such : (

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Yes me too. I'm no longer a D, just a No Party Affiliation now. The Ds are lost and mindless. Most of my D friends are on board with the vaccines, but are older and don't believe men can have babies. Still, they support Ds.

(Edited to include that I know it's trans men who are having the babies, not babies randomly assigned male at birth by a doctor--which makes zero sense).

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Hi, Maurine,

There's Mussolini-style fascism, military/industrial/state complex, and then there's American-style Regulatory States of America - style fascism. I decry that both sides have positions and platforms tainted by corporate campaign money & the influence that comes w/it. Cheers.

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Perfectly stated. Please move to the head of the class. Sometimes, they are intertwined. I understand all of it (having been my field of study), but often I have a hard time taking down the Democrats(even when I know what they are doing wrong) without taking down their counterparts . Probably why I never made the debate team. cheers back.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

There was an article in the old "Sparta Report" titled something like "No Longer Your Father's Democrat Party" patterned after the "No Longer Your Father's Oldsmobile." I certainly wish I could find a copy of that article, because it would be a great companion article to this one.

"These people - the vaccine risk aware - fall second only to the indigenous American Indians in the degree of continuing contempt and disregard by society as unworthy."


All I can say I will laugh long and hard when either or both Big Pharma or OPEC burn baby, burn!

I did see myself and everybody else get ripped off by them nearly as long as I have seen myself and everyone else ripped off by Big Oil and OPEC.

Fortunately, I did commute by motorcycle (great gas mileage, even on the super bikes) for around a million of my road miles back "in the day."

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

New Study shows Link between being a Conspiracy Theorist and not having Myocarditis:

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That'd be funny if it wasn't true.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

To see how we got here; I’d like to recommend a little film, The Atomic Cafe.

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The left was never anti-racist. The democratic party was the KKK party then when they hated black people. Now they remain the KKK party that hates white men.

The "change" is only for someone that never paid attention.

By the way, the left was absolutely *never* for freedom: The left is against *these* controlling elites (when the elites are not leftists). This is a whole lot different from being against *controlling elites* in general.

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"Vaccine risk aware"- Well stated!

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People can run to a new political party, but politicians conform. Politics is both Tragedy and Comedy. Those who work have little interest and less time in learning the nuances of political power. Perhaps banning money in elections and ensuring limited media coverage to the issues and the Aye or Nay for the issues is one way to ensure it is only Comedy.

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You are hitting it out of the park on today's article. Fantastic and concise description of the Bolshevik-style, Maoist Cultural Revolution 2.0. As a recovering Democrat, I have to thank you for the reminder that CRT was with us and causing trouble well before 1998. It all feels like there was plenty of prep-work carried out in Schools of Education to create a cadre of willing activists-in-teachers-clothing to create this environment. Plenty of support from corporate and philanthropic groups to create the illusion of mainstream acceptance.

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Thank you, my friend!

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Yes, the Democratic Party sold out to the corporations and to Big Pharma in particular years ago, and covid seems to have sent them insane. However, the Republicans have similarly sold out, and hardly hold the high moral ground on most issues. I too hope "massive numbers of people in the Democratic party wake up to the reality" of the past two-plus years, but don't conflate that with embracing the "bigotry, hatred, and intolerance" that is still very much present among "racist, bible-thumping, uneducated conservatives".

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