In 2020, your position was that Sars Cov2 was a natural and not a manmade or altered virus. You rejected the lab leak theory with at least one long paper explaining why. I read it at the time.

That said, not sure that the west is enlightened, or more enlightened than other parts of the world.

Re the second enlightenment being upon us - more like the Second Coming.

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agree with every word, Dr Jack. I fully intend to back this initiative but I just wish I shared your optimism. the powers seeking to control us and every fact we are allowed to read or hear, are vast. the people willing to wake up and fight them are small in number. institutions of higher education looks more like places of worship than places of enlightenment and learning. make no mistake, it will be an uphill battle. puttin' on my climbing shoes. thanks for the great leadership, sir!

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

The citizens oversight of regulators is a good idea but it needs to go further.

1. The regulatory agency must not accept anything from those they regulate. If they do, it will be considered bribery and subject to criminal prosecution.

2. A period of time, at least 5 years, must be set between employment as a regulator and employment at a regulated company.

3. The regulatory agency must not take a position on products they regulate. Approve or disapprove the product, present their findings, then get out of the way. In other words, stop the cheerleading!

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Great article.

We have been building new consensus and governance tools that can be one path towards these goals, they are called Eden on EOS, hypha, and gofractally. They utilize Blockchain as well which decentralizes money.

I agree this enlightenment is ready, we have all the tools and capabilities needed to achieve, just need the people to break the ties of existing systems.

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Love & appreciate your ideas & hopes.

Because I greatly admired Sir Francis Bacon & Isaac Newton - I, like them, choose by the marvelous freedom of the will, to still joyously hold to...Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

World religions & cults (even in the scientific realm ... are detrimental to the soul.) But, the embracing of God’s wisdom & boundaries is truly freeing ❤️‍🩹

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Faucism: incessantly vacuous and harmful argument from authority. ♥️

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If I could ask for one public take-away from the last 3 years, it would be the oversimplification that you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. Putting it in the most simple laymans terms, If everyone came to that realization, the puppet masters would have to change their strategies, and their underlying plans would be laid bare.

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Science began not in the Enlightenment but in the late Middle Ages with the Christian Neo-Platonists with people like Nicholas of Cusa who suggested that the earth moved. The Neo-Platonists believed that God had planted divine seeds in nature and that the invisible was reflected in the visible. Mathematics was viewed as bridging the gap between the finite and Infinite. They were in some ways better than we are in science because they realized that every model, like a mathematical model, was only an approximation that broke down due to the unknowability of the Infinite. The Enlightenment was very late in the game, and not particularly enlightened--look at the disastrous French Revolution where hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed--including being drown. It's naive to hold the Enlightenment up as a standard.

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To comment on Linda's comment, scientists propose hypotheses that need further testing. Beware the scientists that says: "This is it! There is no other alternative!" That is a sure sign of someone that is too invested in their idea and not disciplined enough to generate alternative hypotheses to test.

Granted, the entire ballyhoo that erupted in late 2019 and the speed by which a virus was identified is incongruent with a thoughtful process of real scientific discovery. The speed by which a narrative formed and governments fell in line was an indication to apply caveat emptor.

As for being an enlightened society - it all depends on what you are comparing.

Great post, Jack.

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"The development of the scientific method" - Thank you to Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham & Sir Francis Bacon

Look around you folks. All objects that are not natural were developed and built with the scientific method as the basis. Great progress for centuries. Abandon it at your peril.

There is no "Follow, Trust, Believe" words in the scientific method. Those are belief based words used by religions and cults. "Repeatability and Falsifiability" ARE the two pillars.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

I've long advocated expanding the concept of "double blind" to the entire drug approval process. The FDA (or its replacement) would act as a firewall. It would work along these lines:

1) Company has a product they want tested

2) Company and FDA design the testing required

3) Public review of the test design and adjustments

4) The tests are carried out by a university or test centre

5) The company and test centre do not know of each other

6) ALL data (raw included) are released publicly at the end of the study

The level of difficulty for cheating would be substantially higher and the possibility of getting caught much higher. Cheating would be a felony with mandatory time in prison.

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Great article, but no reform, however well intentioned, of the alphabet soup gang of health regulatory agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.) is possible without eventual industry recapture. The only solution is to permanently shutter these agencies and fire all staff members. The market demand for drug safety and efficacy testing can be met by private, independent labs.

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James, your work has been so well received here. I think you are on to something with your thinking and the format is great but I have some doubts as to whether it will come to the hopeful end.

I see a mother of all debt-explosions leading us toward more chaos and less order. People will more than likely shrink their trust horizons but not feel comfortable to expand them unless what you propose is implemented very quickly.

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The West has never escaped Roman & religious rule. The Church shifted over a period of time & now masquerades as "Science" & "Rationalist" & "Materialist". The Church established itself after the persecution of the original christian groups, in other words, they subjugated the competition, & were able to obscure the teachings of Christ & misuse them for their own purposes.

There is more than one "way of knowing". The observable or measureable materialist & molecular worldview of life, along with technology, has been misused.

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I’m going to weigh in on this discussion Dr. Jack doesn’t need any defense from me but I remember the video podcasts that he did with Brett Hawes , the first time I saw Dr. Jack podcast when the discussion came up where did this Covid virus come from , Dr Jack was comprehensive about what was known at the time of the outbreak of this pandemic in 2020 early it was on March 14, 2020 .

Dr Jack stated that 2005 when the Chinese were trying to get a hold on understanding corona viruses taking samples from bats they download 4 sequences one which had a similar spike protein in the middle of to COVID-19 this particular sequence eluded the Chinese authorities and were not aware of it at the time of publishing these findings and then the university North Carolina copied and down loaded them if they used the that one sequences having that spike protein , COVID-19 virus outbreak could of come from North Carolina , his position was very clear from the beginning this could very easily have come from a lab that took a natural virus worked on it and it escaped or a gain of function on it and it escaped but he ruled out a biological weapon in his opinion ,so I think we’re getting confused on the semantics of what was done to the this virus to study it on mice , again Dr. Jack was very clear that this could’ve come from a lab brought in from its natural origins in his final analysis he determined there was plenty of slop that caused this and looking back of what he stated on the March 14, 2020 podcast not knowing everything and not knowing all the information that we know now he was pretty accurate in my opinion , in fact he got a lot of pushback from his Chinese counterparts on his statement about it .

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