Pulling a page from the CCP playbook, according to some, now you're mentally ill if you question the official narrative. From 2021 onward, your brain is the battlefield. Protect it at all costs.
Thank you James. This is such important work!!! A stunning article. And I can confirm that in my case, having overcome severe abuse many years earlier made me see through the bullying and the gaslighting that was thrown at us in 2020. I finally knew why I had to go through the horror I went though. It finally all connected. Immediately I thought, "Wait a second, where did I hear this messaging before? Oh, it was my abusive ex! I see!!!"
Same here! I was finding myself being grateful for the abuses I had grown up with- but now. It was a training ground for me. I honed my skill to detect deceit, truth......Gift in strange wrapping paper. I get what you are saying.
I have encountered very evil, cruel, abusive and ruthless people in my life. I was incredibly gullible, naïve and insecure, a perfect target. I had to learn to see reality the hard way, but once seen and understood, it serves as an invisible shield against continuing exploitation.
Thank you, I know so many who didn't the pain was too much. I came precariously close myself. My moving forward & striving to be happy is how I honor them. I will never forget.
I so relate! For me it was my father, but subtle to other observers. Not subtle to me, the canary in the coalmine....scapegoat, you name it. I may have seemed to be the black sheep, but I will NOT be the sacrificial lamb! A familiar feeling of dread/guidance in this whole scenario for me, like you alluded to.
the psychology of child abuse is identical to the psychology of a police state. you deserve a lot of credit for making that connection. what none of us deserved was having to learn that from personal experience.
I really appreciate that comment. I feel witnessed after living a life of seeming invisibility, unless I did something wrong. That same "survival mode" kicks in like post traumatic stress response...but it is really a gift for survival to be able to recognize it as such. "Pay attention to this feeling"...... One becomes a very keen observer.
Yes .. so many connections between the personal and the bigger picture .. Maggie Russo's substack is a gem, about narcissistic communication, making the relevant links. https://maggierusso.substack.com/
There's so much writing and helpful videos and deconstructing about abusive / narcissistic / blameshifting dynamics in personal relationships, that don't make the links, like Maggie does, to what's happening in the bigger picture .. and some believe, like this great article explains, that the collective manifestations of narcissism are the people who don't mask or "vaccinate" ...
Some gaslighters and narcissists are intentional predators, gaslighting with the purpose of breaking down another's mind and spirit .. others are not predators (orientation is "self preservation", instead of "predatory", as noted by psychoanalyst Mervin Glasser), but revert to the Exact Same blameshifting, gaslighting, denial of reality when they feel criticized / threatened, even in the slightest ways.
I'm not making this distinction to make excuses for anyone who is incapable of listening, self reflection, and taking responsibility, while they act as literal cartoons of astounding hypocrisy ... But they can be harder to spot as manipulators. These types of people are not meaning to manipulate and slyly hiding it, they're being run by an almost artificial intelligence program that is incapable of introspection or true respect, and it's so below the surface they have no idea.
With the narrative, this certainty of safe and effective, and being so right that anyone disagreeing must be mentally ill or influenced by dangerous disinfo ... Some know what's true and what's a lie and who will be hurt and they don't care, or they want them hurt.
Others really, deeply, believe what they believe, and that humanity will be much better off if everyone could just understand how they see things and trust the "health" agencies.
How to expose the AI program of gaslighting, blameshifting, hypocrisy that it all runs on ... and hold those who intentionally deceived responsible for crimes against humanity ... and also allow possibility for those who believed the lies to come out of the cult ...(?)
Biggest psyop EVER. Gaslighting the whole world sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry and governments across the globe. They need you to embrace the lunacy and play in their delusional sandbox. Or else!
I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
~ Carl Sagan, 1995, apparently having invented a time machine
.....for at least 5 decades, we've suffered the SYSTEMATIC erosion of an inability to shape our OWN lives REMOVED from what can no longer be denied - at least HONESTLY, as a COMPLETELY fascist economic model - and as for 'truth', there IS a more FLUID, malleable kind contingent WIDER access to technologies ALLOWING for same.....Sagan WAS, as I characterize those LIKE him (Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Fauci, Gates and TOO many others TOPPING that list) an institutional NARCISSIST whose communicative abilities were EXTREMELY limited; STRICT conditions PERPETUALLY had to attend NEW ideas, ways of thinking.....
And? Was he then wrong? I read Brave New World Revisited in 6th grade years before he spoke. Huxley too has his back story. Everyone in the public eye has a back story. Sagan is a well known popular/public intellectual.
.....NOT entirely (but, a BUNCH; his TYPICALLY-ignorant derision of BOTH crystals & astrological charts WITHOUT truthful context that would serve to ACTUALLY educate, EMBLEMATIC) - the PROBLEM is, he SIGNIFICANTLY contributed TO this prevailing culture, PSYCHOSIS we now SUFFER as a direct CONSEQUENCE.....
The harm of one Sagan or even one dozen Sagans is far less than the American culture of idiocy. Johnny could not read in 1955. 67 years out several generations have gone to school not able to read and write. We have the freedom to think.
.....and, let me FURTHER clarify - those VERY instruments, have a direct RELATIONSHIP to the VITALLY-important work I'VE been doing with concern to MONUMENTAL truths; these creatures at least APPEAR to be HIGHLY lacking IMAGINATION, a DIVERSIFIED ability to spark that of OTHERS.....
“Vaccine risk awareness” is a brilliant reframing! We need to push that out into the mainstream.
Similarly, I’ve just detonated the next “mass formation” thought bomb (minus the Rogan effect but aided by the Malone, Yeadon, and ZeroHedge effect) by blasting the concept of menticide into the zeitgeist, along with a 12-step recovery program:
On January 23, 2020 I sent an email to a friend, subject line "coronavirus: we're screwed". From that day I committed to read the research papers, making myself understand molecular biology and gene therapy as a layperson. Thanks to Substacks like this one, I received the truth and it has saved my life.
Well...it SHOULD be alarming. But by now too many of us have heard it all...often personally directed.
I am astounded at the number of really bright people I know who never questioned the need for vaccines (usually because POLIO!!). While Covid has brought awareness to a few, the inertia of conviction seems to be keeping many from really examining what has been going on
I'll tell you where I stand. This is one of the best and most easily readable articles covering a complex topic that I have had the pleasure of reading. This could have been a boring academic slog and yet you make it a joy to read, from an IT guy perspective. Thank you
The pathologization of dissent puts me in mind of Brave New World, where society's methods of keeping its citizens tractable includes their constant consumption of a soothing, happiness-producing drug called Soma.
This comparison of Orwell and Huxley is worth a read (yes, I know, it's in Wikipedia). Carrot versus stick, essentially.
And yet Alex Berenson keeps claiming marijuana is the cause of increased violence and mass shootings. Go figure.
I think marijuana is the current generation's alcohol. I never saw the point of making marijuana illegal if you're going to allow alcohol, which is worse in some ways. Whatever.
.....as you ESPECIALLY know from our conversations, SO much of the preceding is EXACTLY what has underlined my OWN work towards trying to establish a set of legally-RESILIENT, comprehensive jab-pathology mechanisms which can be RELIABLY presented, Jamie - that WILL shut them DOWN, forever - though I've struggled with some [more] stress-related (EXACERBATED perhaps by AGE) physical effects of late (as if destitution WASN'T enough of a contributing factor) am hoping to COMPLETE it within these next two weeks, NO later than Memorial Day.....turning 60, ALWAYS is a SOBERING thing.....
Thank you for the detailed capture of these (hopefully ignorant) attacks on the psychological well being of others. I read Kowalik's pre-print Ethics of Vaccine Refusal which helped extinguish both the gas and the light for me :) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33637609/
Terrifying, absolutely terrifying the push toward enslavement by the vaccine-benefit-deluded. So 20% I think you wrote are on psychotropic meds, how many of them took the kill shot, it seems they would be the unlikely group to agree, according to the propagandists. They are grasping at straws, each talking point pro the shot has proven to be false. The largest psy-op in history is rolling out right before our eyes. The CCP's methodology of control is working in China, and like a noxious gas, it is encircling and polluting the globe. Imagine pathologizing conscientiousness, only character-disordered people would attempt to spin the good to make it appear bad. It never works (at least not long term), a lie can never be proven true. It is anti-survival to ignore an intuitive sense of danger, that anxiety is pro life, benefitting the individual and the community. The cognitive dissonance resides in the minds of the propagandists, take this safe and effective product, that has negative efficacy in real life terms. It is anxiety provoking to know that there are those wishing to control us, in positions of power, brazenly foisting their twisted thinking on us, and moving from negative press to anti-life rules as permit to live and function in society. Ghastly!
The use of Psychiatry to pathologize and effectively marginalize rational dissent has a long and distinguished history. It was used to justify Slavery in the United States-Runaway slaves were pathologized then and alternative mrfical practitioners have been brought up as "practicing medicine while impaired mentally. Since the Mdical Board could not take away a license for practicing alternative medicine in states with alternative nedical practice acts, like New york,they tried to take away licenses for being mentally impaired.
well, as if, this entire campaign, this lobbied bribed legislated funded covid narrative...
is headquartered/controlled within the sales/marketing departments of concerns with best potential for profits realized, so from a sales/marketing controlled/focus promoting best-case with externalities unconsidered/denied outside of product liability as determined or not by legal...
so, maybe, maybe not so unexpected, that within a single-minded focused sales marketing campaign/propaganda type of event, that a profit blinded type of single mindedness would be expected to view as heretical by default anything with any hint of being a threat to dreamed of extortion level profits...
which then, the deeper question, to what degree is this descending us into deeper levels of totalitarian type of social darkness, which answer is appearing that while we are experiencing a significant bump however this dark trend has significant historical roots...
that the covid narrative being accepted to the degree it was/is follows historical patterns, like being empowered by a desire to believe that trustable adult(s) are overall by default in key decision-making positions this shadow driven by the longing to be forever a child...
a history which shows us the failures of not having a robust given in mainstream psychology, that the healthy by default given was set on being observed as being a functional member of society, that being even highly functional in a highly dysfunctional society is not necessarily a sign of robust psychological healthiness...
Great article! Thanks! They’re definitely priming society for monstrosities to come in the name of mental health. Yet another angle from which they’re weaponizing our minds against us. Disgusting.
Some of these studies appear to have been conducted *before* jab rollouts, published after. Suggesting planning for messaging and propaganda. In accordance with event 201 LARP footage.
From the citation in the notes at the end, one can see rather small effects with low internal reliability for some of the categories. IMO, they shouldn’t even bother reporting those. Also, there’s obvious bias in their reporting based on how they discuss the results (e.g., linking religious to paranoid or conspiracy theories in the sentence constructions). And in the UK cohort, it looks like they’re more religious but also believe more in chance? When the instrument used for religiousness has an item like, “God has a plan for us” and has greater internal reliability than the instrument measuring chance? Not to mention potential issues that could arise from using an instrument measuring conspiracy theories and locus of control in the same person at the same time. Question order could impact outcomes. Especially where internal reliability is low. It feels like they had a hypothesized result before beginning and sought to confirm it. Rather than observing the state and reporting it - which is what these instruments are designed for. In short, it seems to be garbage.
Thank you James. This is such important work!!! A stunning article. And I can confirm that in my case, having overcome severe abuse many years earlier made me see through the bullying and the gaslighting that was thrown at us in 2020. I finally knew why I had to go through the horror I went though. It finally all connected. Immediately I thought, "Wait a second, where did I hear this messaging before? Oh, it was my abusive ex! I see!!!"
And so by April 2020, I was done with the fear. https://tessa.substack.com/p/the-physical-world-is-the-only-world
Same here. I recognized it early on and was actually grateful for the past experiences as weird as that sounds.
Same here! I was finding myself being grateful for the abuses I had grown up with- but now. It was a training ground for me. I honed my skill to detect deceit, truth......Gift in strange wrapping paper. I get what you are saying.
I have encountered very evil, cruel, abusive and ruthless people in my life. I was incredibly gullible, naïve and insecure, a perfect target. I had to learn to see reality the hard way, but once seen and understood, it serves as an invisible shield against continuing exploitation.
Indeed, like armor.
I am so glad you prevailed!!!
Thank you, I know so many who didn't the pain was too much. I came precariously close myself. My moving forward & striving to be happy is how I honor them. I will never forget.
I so relate! For me it was my father, but subtle to other observers. Not subtle to me, the canary in the coalmine....scapegoat, you name it. I may have seemed to be the black sheep, but I will NOT be the sacrificial lamb! A familiar feeling of dread/guidance in this whole scenario for me, like you alluded to.
the psychology of child abuse is identical to the psychology of a police state. you deserve a lot of credit for making that connection. what none of us deserved was having to learn that from personal experience.
I really appreciate that comment. I feel witnessed after living a life of seeming invisibility, unless I did something wrong. That same "survival mode" kicks in like post traumatic stress response...but it is really a gift for survival to be able to recognize it as such. "Pay attention to this feeling"...... One becomes a very keen observer.
the world needs you now more than ever
And those like you to help keep us aware of this. Thank you.
Yes .. so many connections between the personal and the bigger picture .. Maggie Russo's substack is a gem, about narcissistic communication, making the relevant links. https://maggierusso.substack.com/
There's so much writing and helpful videos and deconstructing about abusive / narcissistic / blameshifting dynamics in personal relationships, that don't make the links, like Maggie does, to what's happening in the bigger picture .. and some believe, like this great article explains, that the collective manifestations of narcissism are the people who don't mask or "vaccinate" ...
Some gaslighters and narcissists are intentional predators, gaslighting with the purpose of breaking down another's mind and spirit .. others are not predators (orientation is "self preservation", instead of "predatory", as noted by psychoanalyst Mervin Glasser), but revert to the Exact Same blameshifting, gaslighting, denial of reality when they feel criticized / threatened, even in the slightest ways.
I'm not making this distinction to make excuses for anyone who is incapable of listening, self reflection, and taking responsibility, while they act as literal cartoons of astounding hypocrisy ... But they can be harder to spot as manipulators. These types of people are not meaning to manipulate and slyly hiding it, they're being run by an almost artificial intelligence program that is incapable of introspection or true respect, and it's so below the surface they have no idea.
With the narrative, this certainty of safe and effective, and being so right that anyone disagreeing must be mentally ill or influenced by dangerous disinfo ... Some know what's true and what's a lie and who will be hurt and they don't care, or they want them hurt.
Others really, deeply, believe what they believe, and that humanity will be much better off if everyone could just understand how they see things and trust the "health" agencies.
How to expose the AI program of gaslighting, blameshifting, hypocrisy that it all runs on ... and hold those who intentionally deceived responsible for crimes against humanity ... and also allow possibility for those who believed the lies to come out of the cult ...(?)
Biggest psyop EVER. Gaslighting the whole world sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry and governments across the globe. They need you to embrace the lunacy and play in their delusional sandbox. Or else!
I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
~ Carl Sagan, 1995, apparently having invented a time machine
.....for at least 5 decades, we've suffered the SYSTEMATIC erosion of an inability to shape our OWN lives REMOVED from what can no longer be denied - at least HONESTLY, as a COMPLETELY fascist economic model - and as for 'truth', there IS a more FLUID, malleable kind contingent WIDER access to technologies ALLOWING for same.....Sagan WAS, as I characterize those LIKE him (Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Fauci, Gates and TOO many others TOPPING that list) an institutional NARCISSIST whose communicative abilities were EXTREMELY limited; STRICT conditions PERPETUALLY had to attend NEW ideas, ways of thinking.....
And? Was he then wrong? I read Brave New World Revisited in 6th grade years before he spoke. Huxley too has his back story. Everyone in the public eye has a back story. Sagan is a well known popular/public intellectual.
.....NOT entirely (but, a BUNCH; his TYPICALLY-ignorant derision of BOTH crystals & astrological charts WITHOUT truthful context that would serve to ACTUALLY educate, EMBLEMATIC) - the PROBLEM is, he SIGNIFICANTLY contributed TO this prevailing culture, PSYCHOSIS we now SUFFER as a direct CONSEQUENCE.....
The harm of one Sagan or even one dozen Sagans is far less than the American culture of idiocy. Johnny could not read in 1955. 67 years out several generations have gone to school not able to read and write. We have the freedom to think.
WRONG - they contribute MIGHTILY to LEARNED ignorance, abdication FROM critical thinking.
.....and, let me FURTHER clarify - those VERY instruments, have a direct RELATIONSHIP to the VITALLY-important work I'VE been doing with concern to MONUMENTAL truths; these creatures at least APPEAR to be HIGHLY lacking IMAGINATION, a DIVERSIFIED ability to spark that of OTHERS.....
“Vaccine risk awareness” is a brilliant reframing! We need to push that out into the mainstream.
Similarly, I’ve just detonated the next “mass formation” thought bomb (minus the Rogan effect but aided by the Malone, Yeadon, and ZeroHedge effect) by blasting the concept of menticide into the zeitgeist, along with a 12-step recovery program:
• "Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)
Amazing article, I copied it for my growing file of real information.
Thank you, Margaret, and glad it's of use to you!
On January 23, 2020 I sent an email to a friend, subject line "coronavirus: we're screwed". From that day I committed to read the research papers, making myself understand molecular biology and gene therapy as a layperson. Thanks to Substacks like this one, I received the truth and it has saved my life.
Such an impressive and alarming collection.
Well...it SHOULD be alarming. But by now too many of us have heard it all...often personally directed.
I am astounded at the number of really bright people I know who never questioned the need for vaccines (usually because POLIO!!). While Covid has brought awareness to a few, the inertia of conviction seems to be keeping many from really examining what has been going on
I'll tell you where I stand. This is one of the best and most easily readable articles covering a complex topic that I have had the pleasure of reading. This could have been a boring academic slog and yet you make it a joy to read, from an IT guy perspective. Thank you
Thank you, Rob!
The pathologization of dissent puts me in mind of Brave New World, where society's methods of keeping its citizens tractable includes their constant consumption of a soothing, happiness-producing drug called Soma.
This comparison of Orwell and Huxley is worth a read (yes, I know, it's in Wikipedia). Carrot versus stick, essentially.
When our illustrious prime minister came into office, one of the first things he did was to legalize marijuana.
That fact has crossed my mind many times over the past 2 years
And yet Alex Berenson keeps claiming marijuana is the cause of increased violence and mass shootings. Go figure.
I think marijuana is the current generation's alcohol. I never saw the point of making marijuana illegal if you're going to allow alcohol, which is worse in some ways. Whatever.
Marijuana is Soma. I stopped following Alex Berenson...
I'm often tempted to stop following, except every once in a while he does produce something useful. I certainly don't read all of it anymore.
.....as you ESPECIALLY know from our conversations, SO much of the preceding is EXACTLY what has underlined my OWN work towards trying to establish a set of legally-RESILIENT, comprehensive jab-pathology mechanisms which can be RELIABLY presented, Jamie - that WILL shut them DOWN, forever - though I've struggled with some [more] stress-related (EXACERBATED perhaps by AGE) physical effects of late (as if destitution WASN'T enough of a contributing factor) am hoping to COMPLETE it within these next two weeks, NO later than Memorial Day.....turning 60, ALWAYS is a SOBERING thing.....
Thank you for the detailed capture of these (hopefully ignorant) attacks on the psychological well being of others. I read Kowalik's pre-print Ethics of Vaccine Refusal which helped extinguish both the gas and the light for me :) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33637609/
Terrifying, absolutely terrifying the push toward enslavement by the vaccine-benefit-deluded. So 20% I think you wrote are on psychotropic meds, how many of them took the kill shot, it seems they would be the unlikely group to agree, according to the propagandists. They are grasping at straws, each talking point pro the shot has proven to be false. The largest psy-op in history is rolling out right before our eyes. The CCP's methodology of control is working in China, and like a noxious gas, it is encircling and polluting the globe. Imagine pathologizing conscientiousness, only character-disordered people would attempt to spin the good to make it appear bad. It never works (at least not long term), a lie can never be proven true. It is anti-survival to ignore an intuitive sense of danger, that anxiety is pro life, benefitting the individual and the community. The cognitive dissonance resides in the minds of the propagandists, take this safe and effective product, that has negative efficacy in real life terms. It is anxiety provoking to know that there are those wishing to control us, in positions of power, brazenly foisting their twisted thinking on us, and moving from negative press to anti-life rules as permit to live and function in society. Ghastly!
The use of Psychiatry to pathologize and effectively marginalize rational dissent has a long and distinguished history. It was used to justify Slavery in the United States-Runaway slaves were pathologized then and alternative mrfical practitioners have been brought up as "practicing medicine while impaired mentally. Since the Mdical Board could not take away a license for practicing alternative medicine in states with alternative nedical practice acts, like New york,they tried to take away licenses for being mentally impaired.
Wasn't it also a policy in the former Soviet Union? It may have also happened in Canada to Dr. Bruchet some months back
well, as if, this entire campaign, this lobbied bribed legislated funded covid narrative...
is headquartered/controlled within the sales/marketing departments of concerns with best potential for profits realized, so from a sales/marketing controlled/focus promoting best-case with externalities unconsidered/denied outside of product liability as determined or not by legal...
so, maybe, maybe not so unexpected, that within a single-minded focused sales marketing campaign/propaganda type of event, that a profit blinded type of single mindedness would be expected to view as heretical by default anything with any hint of being a threat to dreamed of extortion level profits...
which then, the deeper question, to what degree is this descending us into deeper levels of totalitarian type of social darkness, which answer is appearing that while we are experiencing a significant bump however this dark trend has significant historical roots...
that the covid narrative being accepted to the degree it was/is follows historical patterns, like being empowered by a desire to believe that trustable adult(s) are overall by default in key decision-making positions this shadow driven by the longing to be forever a child...
a history which shows us the failures of not having a robust given in mainstream psychology, that the healthy by default given was set on being observed as being a functional member of society, that being even highly functional in a highly dysfunctional society is not necessarily a sign of robust psychological healthiness...
but seems here we are...
Great article! Thanks! They’re definitely priming society for monstrosities to come in the name of mental health. Yet another angle from which they’re weaponizing our minds against us. Disgusting.
Some of these studies appear to have been conducted *before* jab rollouts, published after. Suggesting planning for messaging and propaganda. In accordance with event 201 LARP footage.
From the citation in the notes at the end, one can see rather small effects with low internal reliability for some of the categories. IMO, they shouldn’t even bother reporting those. Also, there’s obvious bias in their reporting based on how they discuss the results (e.g., linking religious to paranoid or conspiracy theories in the sentence constructions). And in the UK cohort, it looks like they’re more religious but also believe more in chance? When the instrument used for religiousness has an item like, “God has a plan for us” and has greater internal reliability than the instrument measuring chance? Not to mention potential issues that could arise from using an instrument measuring conspiracy theories and locus of control in the same person at the same time. Question order could impact outcomes. Especially where internal reliability is low. It feels like they had a hypothesized result before beginning and sought to confirm it. Rather than observing the state and reporting it - which is what these instruments are designed for. In short, it seems to be garbage.
Skepticism of Communism was a "mental illness" too.
Fantastic article, very "on point."
From 2021 onward, your brain and heart are the battlefields. Protect them at all costs