Read Animal Farm again. I just did and it has their blueprint down. They are hoping that most people don’t look deeper into things and believe that these “elites” are the only ones with answers. In the mean time they destroy the middle class to create a greater separation and need for their answers. They all support the establishment answers that perpetuate crisis after crisis, growing ghetto after ghetto. None of their answers will ever purposely be conclusive and no crisis that they create will ever be squandered by them. We will only just have what they think is enough. If we die we die.

I help to support the establishments I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go there.” “Many can't go there; and many would rather die.” “If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” -Dickens A Christmas Carol

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Agreed. IPAK-EDU just held its first Humanities Curriculum Committee meeting. Thanks!

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Thanks for the reference MAMatt. I’m adding “Animal Farm” to my list

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keep government out of farming. I just read a 1920s pamphlet from a Hitler associate, totally wrong solutions they gave, but they did see that farmers are what supports your people. At least they did see one thing right. As to those that think there are too many people - do they have children ? yes, why? since there are too many you should not have had any. Still think there are too many, then take yourself out. But that is not the way they see it - others are too many, not them. They are the golden boys, they are superior, Hitler style.

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If the elites persist with this sort of nonsense, the next environmental problem they may encounter is an excess of lead projectiles within the brain.

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Hoping you're dead "viruses are everywhere" shots or debilitated from food withdrawal. Remember reading that Hitler authorized work on a diet that would make a worker feel full but was devoid of nutrients for survival.

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Wow. Positively Machiavellian, even for Hitler. Enjoying a beautiful summer day in Pennsylvania, seems like only yesterday our president was wishing me a winter of severe illness (and quite possibly death) should I refuse to submit to the vaccine. Just goes to show: We live in treacherous times.

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If they can't kill us they want to control us. Limiting food supply to then control the population. Oh yes, and destroy as many businesses in the process is a bonus for them.

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.....while I can't PROVE it at present, their obsession with now TWO different densifying agents, believe COULD hint at a connection to aforementioned drastic alterations to the planet's atmosphere - inclusive of geoengineering projects; as terrestrial EMF strength PLUMMETS (for reasons not ENTIRELY contextualized against that backdrop, length of day is shortening comparatively FAST at this very moment) if the ionosphere CAN'T be effectively metamaterialized / optimal density realized through ionospheric heating arrays as I've envisioned; should there be a mass coronal ejection, or WORSE, full-on 'micronova/e' we can EXPECT a HORRIFYING set of resultant effects to life, climate - SUSTAINED ones, within NO more than 25 (and QUITE possibly, SEVEN) years.....

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Agree on the CME. Most of the public do not have a clue of projected disruptions.

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.....and that ALONE, truly TERRIFIES me, Stephen - SO much work to do in QUICKLY recovering them from this LUNACY we've endured these past 2.5 years; am trying to identify viable means to accomplish JUST that.....

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Alberta government just shot itself in the foot: for the first time ever, they have not permitted cattle ranchers to truck herds from their ranches to feed and fatten on public grasslands for the summer, which saves a lot of money on feed. The cattle roam with elk, deer and wild horses. Their manure fertilizes the grasslands. (I think bison used to do that too, back when 'climate crisis' was just a gleam in Sir John A. MacDonald's great-great-grand-daddy's eye.) Guess what's going to happen with price and availability of Alberta beef now. Imagine how many fifth-generation ranches won't survive. Count the WEF frontmen who will come in and buy up the farms. And who knows what's in store for the grasslands.

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A gift for the leftist socialist-facist totalitarianians.

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It is shocking to my core that the globalists have successfully escalated their timeline in such a short period. I knew they had to beat trump by any means necessary because it was for all the marbles, but I didn't realize how much all the marbles really was. What we are living through right now was unimaginable, even for me - and I am one of the most government paranoid people I know.

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Good essay! Great pic of repatriated plane. Dutch history is so interesting! Why starve people?: Enslavement and mass murder. Metaphysically: Powers and Principalities’ ongoing anti Owner of the Universe agenda and the last stand of the prince of the air. Spoiler alert: Our Father in Heaven wins in the twinkling of an eye—ALL glory is His.

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- Making us dependent on the globalists , Bill Gates buying a lot farmland in the US and he is just waiting until the next agenda is furfilled by the WEF .

- WEF is propaganding VERTICAL FARMING.

This how they will force out the farmers , take over the foodsupply and BUY all there LAND .

IF it’s true that Bill Gates has a depopulation plan . Then they will have to relocate the population in order to control them as best as possible .

Central europe is best suited for that .

“Crazy plan “ if it’s true …..

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I do not know, and I am very willing for someone like you to show me why I need not fear what I'm about to say. Based on what I witnessed with the pandemic, I believe these unelected, corporate-aligned, media-enabled and unaccountable elites are seeking to create a "crisis", in this case, a global food shortage, and then to come in with a "solution" which they will present in the face of the fear they have stoked as the ONLY solution, and force it upon people. It's the next attempt in a long line of attempts to implement a utopian vision, and when one looks at every such attempt in history, one learns that it is always accompanied by mass graves. Where that leaves "we the people", I'm not sure, as our elected officials are either complicit with this enterprise or are not paying attention. Sheep without shepherds spells doom. God have mercy.

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Hungry people are easier to control. Who would subscribe to substacks if doing so meant your social credit score went down and you could no longer receive your wheat ration allotment? Plus a lot of them likely believe the 'saving the planet' nonsense because they want to think of themselves as saviors.

The darker version is that they have some reason to believe that a very great many people will be dead soon so they are downsizing the food supply.

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same thing is happening in Belgium but I guess so little farmers are left, that they can not assemble such a huge protest as the Netherlands did. Those that propagate these laws should eat accordingly, and act accordingly. I see Rutte does the same scam as Buttigieg, arrive at work on a bicycle that they took a mile from there, after securely parking their cars.

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I think it's pretty simple. controlling food is controlling people.

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This is a land grab by the WEF. The BMG foundation is poised to buy up the land that will be available after the farmers are pushed off. This is the case world wide. It’s part of the great reset.

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Depopulation. Too many "coincidences" to call it anything else. This is a war against human nature with it's philosophical basis still alive since the eugenics movement arrived on the scene in the 1900's and continued with the attitudes of the anti humans today, Albright, Kissinger, Clintons, Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Schwab, the Royal House of Windsor, Finks, Diamonds, Bushes, and so many more in a lust for power and domination and greedy pursuit of money and things.

These are very, very sick people and we aren't institutionalizing them but giving them our institutions.

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I'm at the point where it seems this sort of depravity or darkness is finally being given some light. I now feel a bit naive about my worldview of humanity prior to the last few years. From the most positive perspective I have right now--I think these global predator's actions are an unconscious request to awaken those who've been decent and integrous all along. I say that because the people I admire are standing integrously in truth and engaging in helpful ways to say no to the global predators.

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Rutte and Justin do not serve their respective countries. They are servants of global interests. Period. Both are insufferable empty vessels and vassals for entrenched elitist interests. In other words, they're whores.

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If our tax burdens, housing costs and finance costs were lower, we could all afford to pay higher prices for fresh produce. Farming has to be worthwhile for farmers. Their labor is much more valuable than that of politicians, land-hoarders, and bankers. If the elites were serious about pollution, they stop all their wars.

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