As long as Mr. Kennedy touts the absurd idea of “reparations”, he’s a big “NO” as far as I am concerned.

Oh, and the whole jailing of “climate deniers” thing is a bit of a problem as well.

For what it’s worth.

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I was disappointed in what I read several days ago in The Kennedy Beacon regarding Kennedy's stance on reparations. He has since cleared that up. He apparently did not mean "reparations" in the conventional sense of the word. I have found that when he is wrong he either clears up the confusion or changes his mind to fit the facts. I'm opposed to reparations if it means checks in people's mail boxes. I am in favor of education and opportunities for ALL of America, not just black America. Kennedy's explanation, which I saw on Twitter, has reassured me. He included in his plan, all of America: Appalachia, inner cities, rural America and he's not talking about checks in the mail. I think you'll be pleased by what he has to say. I don't know who or how the kerfuffel over reparations got started, but it's been clarified to my satisfaction.

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Maybe. But using the word “reparations” smacks of pandering. And pandering equals insincerity. Insincerity indicates a deep character flaw.

Now, it might be overlooked as a minor political miscalculation if Mr. Kennedy didn’t display in spades that other, some might say characteristic, Kennedy character flaw.

That being said, I know well, and am eternally grateful for, the real possibility of redemption. I’m looking carefully for evidence that Mr. Kennedy is as well.

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I should think that in a [once] God fearing, "Rational" nation “Reparations” would be sought by our ABC protector agency's for the damage our 5 Billion in fruad fines, (i.e. Fraud's that cost millions of lives and billions of suffering!) from our all-powerful all-knowing Big Pharma’s! BUT I guess with all the woke Leftist's dumb-down "education" (the topic of so many book out now) and fear of Ridicule, it's "rational" to, see no evil, hear no evil, and for the sake of neo "rationality" never, never speak of that evil, lest ye be cast out and censored as a miss information apostate!

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I don't get your "reparations" point! Should our 5 billion in fruad fines/ big pharma's be held harmless for all the evil death they cause? I also don't get your, "jailing of climate deniers"! I do know of the war on doctors who advocated safe and effective ivermectin & HCQ to treat pharma's patented, gain of function & profit SARS 2 Co v 19 money & power maker!

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I had no idea he thought this way!

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Well said James. I haven't felt this hopeful since I supported Obama. Hopefully he can overcome the multiple hurdles that are before him and unite the American people. Keep up the great work you're doing for all of us!

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Democrat Obama stopped [too late] evil pharma's patented/ gain of function in the USA! Republican Ronald Reagan striped our first amd. rights to sue evil big pharma for vax damage! Just go's to show, how messed up a Godless nation can get!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Funny there's no mention of the swamp which is the true uniparty.

That is the true battle. It's way beyond a couple of agencies. Systemic Bureacratic Rot.

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Are you kidding? Kennedy has disqualified himself by his childish and unstatesmanlike response to the Israel/Palestine conflict. You would have thought he had the maturity of a 12 year old. It was appropriate to respond with disgust to the Hamas attacks, but to immediately support sending US military aid to the Israelis? Not only that, but he has doubled down in the last two weeks, saying absurdities like "Israel does not target civilians" (!) and "Israel is not an apartheid state." What does he think apartheid means? I had supported his campaign generously, but after October 7th I contacted the campaign and asked for my donations back. Not only did he fail on the FIRST plank of his platform--ending the forever wars--but he has shown himself to be indistinguishable from the DNC and the GOP. He might as well be Lindsey Graham or Marjorie Taylor Greene. Now he has a former CIA agent as his campaign manager and the president of the Zionist Organization of America as his "Israel advisor." Anyone who still supports his candidacy for president is complicit in genocide.

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Most of the arms used on Israel were donated by Democrat Biden's Afghanistan pull out!

Too bad his dad didn't pull out, If you get my humble drift?

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Sorry but they have been supplied by both parties for fifty years. It is a two-party plan. Just as Ronnie Raygun supplied the Contras and Iran at the same time. It has been US policy to support Israel all this time by both. Speaking of Israel, are you aware of the sinking of the USS Liberty in 1967? If not, then you should see what they did to a crew of American sailors on purpose, then got away with it. These guys have been trying to get justice all these years without any luck. Neither party wants to embarrass their proxy country, created to be the tip of the empirical spear in the middle east. We would defend them if they were murdering children for throwing rocks! Oh wait, they have done this.

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You have a valid critique but what candidate doesn't support more war?

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The point is that Kennedy was specifically advertising himself as anti-wars that do not threaten Americans.

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Every war threatens Americans! All wars are bankers' wars. Take a red pill. All the history you were taught to regurgitate was for this verry purpose. No truth to any of it at all. After WW11 we became empire, but the empire is crumbling behind the lies. Our monetary system is collapsing, the dollar is practically worthless. Inflation is just a backdoor tax. It is the illusion of things going up in price, when it is actually your dollar value going down. Your remaining rights if any are paper or plastic, take it or leave it. Just look at the last three years of dictatorial mandates for something that was no worse than a seasonal flu. An untested vaccine that alters your human DNA in ways that cause it to be worse than the covid lab created and released virus. This is part of an orchestrated destruction of the American experiment that will enslave us all, and now they offer us a Saviour again. He is just another Bernie. The minute he loses, he gives his full support to Hillery Clinton, the person who vilified him on the trail. Please stop thinking that a candidate of any party will change things. They murder these people in order to stop them or don't you remember his uncle Jack in 1963. I hope you do not believe Oswald was a lone nut gunman.

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I am not unaware of any of this. What I am aware of, though, is that the only action we can take is to be disruptive. I'm not a believer in sitting in a corner and cynically whining about our powerlessness. (I haven't believed Oswald killed Kennedy at any time in my adult life.)

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I think all the Satan inspired evil demonstrated, [in this short test life] is to teach us what eternal Hell is going to be like! i.e. if you like it here, you'll just love Hell!

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Not saying I would vote for either, but Cornel West as well as the Libertarian candidates.

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I haven't heard his responses, but if it is as you write, I'm thrown by it. What Hamas did was terrorism and can never be justified. However, if Israel is carpet bombing Gaza, then they are also engaged in acts of terrorism, as half the pop of Gaza are children. None of it is justifiable. There are other ways to fight and still win. What a pity he is losing perspective.

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This is why Dennis Kucinich left the campaign.

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An update: according to Scott Ritter, Dennis was FIRED from the campaign at the insistence of the Zionist rabbi that has been stuck to Kennedy's side for weeks now, even being allowed to speak for him in public. Kennedy is now no more than a puppet for Zionism.

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I see you do not know any history either! Israel created Hamas! Fact. They are not the people of Palestine. It is a political party that acts in whatever way it chooses just like ours. If our two parties do not represent us, then what makes you think they represent Palestine? Israel has brutalized and robbed these people of their land, homes, dignity, lives for decades. If you look at a map of the original Israel and look today, it shows that they have expanded into almost all of the land with lol settlements or what they call the occupied territories. They are occupied for sure with permanent towns that are not leaving ever. This is where the homemade rockets are launched into, without any guidance systems in them at all, and it is not Israel they are sending them into, it is their former land that was taken by force. Wake up from this matrix and take a red pill.

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Your reply was hostile and insulting, who are you? I can't find what I wrote that you responded to, but I am very aware of how the Palestinians have and are being treated, and it is wrong on every level. However, my position is that Hamas behaved as terrorists, and I could never condone that. The oppressed do need to defend themselves, but not with torture and killing innocent civilians. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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I am sorry but your position is standing on sand. How in the world did Hamas gain entry into the most secure borders on earth? Answer, it was allowed to get in. Ever heard of a false flag operation? Operation North Woods document states what should be done in order for Americans to support any war. It is a real thing, and they will sacrifice many in order to arain their goals. Where have you been, how do you not know this? Do you still think 911 was true? Two wrongs make a plan my dear, and this is the point. Read some history please, I beg you.

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Yes, I listened to Bret Weinstein's interview discussing with an ex-female Israel soldier on the subject. So far though, the false flag operation is a theory, more proof is needed before I would feel certain it was.

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Wasn't WW2 stopped by bombing mass murdering Japan & mad dog Germany to HELL where they belonged, i.e. killing many poor civilians, who supported their nation! As Sherman put it, War is Hell." You think you can make it more kinder and gentle? I say Nuke Palestine, it worked well to civilize Japs, so why not mad dog Muslims?

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Unfortunately, war defense involves killing yes. But rape and torture are not necessary to protect a nation. Jesus himself told the apostles to arm themselves with swords for legitimate protection.

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Were IDF troupes accused of mass rape & torture as were murdering Muslim mad dogs?

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No, but Israel has instituted a cruel apartheid system that does constitute a crime against humanity, land seizures, segregation, movement restriction etc....Both sides are guilty of immorality.

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Not being an expert on Israel it's my understanding [from experts] Muslims were ordered out Israel so the Jews could all be slaughtered and driven into the sea! Did you know that Muslims & their religion killed many Americans? AND did you know Muslim caused war is Hell?

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

Please define "Right", "Far Right". "Corporatism", as well. So many different names for Fascism. Gramsci & Mussolini coined and defined "Fascism" as ... well, essentially what I think you mean by "Corporatism" -- A totalitarian government that -- rather than explicitly abolishing private ownership and creating explicit government-run industries -- "partners" with industry, with corporations, setting public policy and becomes, essentially, the 10,000-lb Gorilla customer of those corporations & their chairman of the board. Olivetti - "private", IG Farben - "private", but they did their governments' bidding. The modern incarnation is a bit different in balance: The government threatens & cajoles, regulates & "guides" mega-corporations, but those organizations, run by their own idealogues, influence and shape government policy. But it is NOT in the slightest representative of a free market, of a consumer-driven Capitalist model of how business is conducted. It is FASCISM, an expedient version of Socialism invented by Gramsci, refined and put into practice by Mussolini, to build a war machine.

If you define Left - Right by the "horseshoe" model, i.e. that they both converge on totalitarianism at the extremes, you bury the mechanism by which totalitarianism gains its power. As far as a political system, Far Left is NOT anarchy, it's Communism, it's Totalitarian. Far Right, as a measure of Limited Government, which is a basic tenet of free market Capitalism, would more likely approach anarchy, though it can't get there without abandoning the requirement of the protection of individual rights & property which makes Capitalism possible. Never leave it to your enemies to define your terms. Marx & Engels came up with the term "Capitalism" and saw it as just another autocracy. Thanks to regulatory capture, it has become that, but as a consequence, it is no longer "Capitalism" but "Corporatism"... "Fascism."

What the new Left has abandoned is any pretense of respect for individual rights, for freedom of speech, unless that speech is sanctioned by the regime. RFK, Jr is an "old-school liberal", more in favor of a limited government authority, just defending individual rights, but, unlike a Classical Liberal of the Locke/Von Mises school, he still thinks the federal government should be a force for "good", should intervene to correct injustices, rather than applying the laws equally and preventing favoritism and social engineering. Though he says it's the Left that has moved, not him, I think he's beginning to see the dangers of entrusting "public good" in the hands of agencies like the FDA, CDC, USDA, DOE. He used to think they were misguided, now I think he realizes how guided they are, by psychopathic interests that set themselves as Elite & above the peasants. He's not quite there (cf. "reparations", "climate change"), but he's getting better. I'm just afraid of old premises he continues to hold, implicitly, that he needs to examine & jettison.

Sorry for the digression, but my point is that the modern Fascist state is not "Far Right" but "Far Left." It's why they -- the WHO, the WEF, the Globalists, Trudeau, Ardern, Biden's speechwriters -- admire & attempt to emulate China, a Totalitarian regime that wields the power they wish to have.

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This analysis is very helpful. But tell me: how can we get to a perspective of (1) individual liberty, (2) the limitations of public good (avoiding the corrupt public agencies), (3) private enterprise, and (4) the role of the state. And, an especially timely question: how does the state avoid the current histrionics and avoidance of responsibility by Congress?

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Yeah. That's the Trillion Dollar Question. And, as it depends on a driving force of human nature, it's a hard one. Freedom, a free market in trade and association, requires an impartial arbiter, a government of rules/laws not the whims of those enforcing the rules for their own benefit, there is an inevitable conflict of interest. You necessarily cede the use of force to a government to keep the peace and enforce covenants and contracts. As long as those enforcers share your values, it's all good. How long does that last? Historically until the desperate and costly fight for freedom is a distant memory and those elected or appointed to those government positions are those who most crave power over others, essentially a legalized bully status. It happened in ancient Greece, Rome post-Republic, Great Britain post-Magna Carta, but most impressively in the United States, with the Enlightenment values in the Declaration & Constitution & the Civil War to finish the job. But you could argue that the USA in actual principle-in-practice only lasted until the establishment of the National Bank and was kicked to the curb in 1913, with the Fed Reserve, the IRS, & Railway Labor Act. Too many powerful people behind the scenes who wanted a bigger piece of that juggernaut than they’d earned honestly.

So the question is how do you construct a society that respects individual rights & property, a truly free market, in a way that doesn’t snap under the first pressure from “special” interests. I don’t have an answer. I’ve heard proposals, but they all depend on a critical mass of people who actually understand and hold those values. It lasted less than 100 years in the US & it was less than perfect, and that’s pretty much gone. The Long March Through the Institutions was quite successful and at least 3 generations have been taught what to espouse, but not how to think. Of course many survived that brainwashing, but Collectivism just needs a big enough mob, enough positions at the gears of State, and they’ll make sure they run the joint from that point on.

Sorry for the long and probably useless answer. It’s the right question & I wish I had a better one.

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Thank you for your serious answer! I now realize that the public education I underwent was merely placatory, why it didn't teach history in any meaningly way. Mine is not to reason why . . . Just to shut up and put up. Sadly for "them", I did not get that memo, and it's too late now. I'm looking forward to rabble rousing.

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As Gov. William Bradford wrote in his diary in the 1620's, Two years of his proto Marxist socialism brought only death and disharmony to the Plymouth colonists. Bradford wised up, [thought he was trying to play god,] so dumped socialism for capitalism, and it brought God's abundance and harmony! But trying again, Marxist socialism has only brought failure and the death of over 110 million, and enslavement of a billion people! Godless fools still want free stuff Socielest government, to be their god/ master!

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His support for Israeli Zionism negates his voice to me, sad.

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The danger of the Zionism which is powering the Israel-Gaza War, is that it has the capacity to expand into a regional war and even a world war. Dialog and negotiation may be the only prevention.

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WRONG! What powering the war, is Israel's not wanting to be exterminated by mad dog Muslims! [Historical fact!] When they finish off the Jews, they Will be coming for You, as history tells us!

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Where did you find Muslims that were mad dogs? What history tells you they will be coming for you?

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I found some on 911 for example! Did you consider those Muslim's hero's dying for their evil dirt bag Mohamad god? Do you know what history tough some of us, what Islam does to infidels who won't convert to their sick Hell bound fake religion? Well do you??? I do! I wish you God's best!

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Appreciate the graphic, would also visualize as wrapping around on itself - both far left and right are a "totalitarian" outcome where the "state" and the "corporatist" entity become indistinguishable IMO.

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Not sure the right-left paradigm is relevant enough to write about.

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Sorry. Bobby changed all his stances after pushback from the media!!!!! He’s just another democrat!! America can’t afford another democrat in the White House!!!

He’s a Trump spoiler as per some polls. Or the democrats will just adjudicate his votes to their candidates!!!

Since he doesn’t demand ivermectin for everyone proves he was duping us. Same with his new stance on vaxxes.

A vote for Bobby is a vote for more petro dollar wars, $10/gallon gas, and a vote for China!!!

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The Left is still there, Democrats weren't ever really Left. The DNC likes to ignore anyone to the left of them and assume we have no one else to vote for. "Neo-Liberal" has been around for a while and great for distinguishing from Liberals of decades ago. They miscalculated. Fighting fascism is more important than the uni-party's pet social wedge issues.

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Were reparations mentioned?

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I'd suggest rather than fascism - which classically is the bundling of the private sector with the state, hence "fasces" - the defining words are totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Yes, fascism for sure, but the psychology goes beyond that.

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Oh shit! To be Democratic, as I thought I was 20 years ago, is now to be a corporatist? But I have come to hate corporatism. Now what?

I am ever grateful to you for the discussion of how the DNC has become corrupted by corporatism to the point where it is now an agent of the corporations. I have too long been puzzled about what the Republican party stands for and what the Democratic party stands for. Not much difference between them these days. But . . . fascism is becoming clearer.

Do we need a Lincoln Project for the old Democratic party?

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Lincoln Project is a DNC op

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Shared hoping some will understand we the illusion of choice

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"Democratic Capitalism"?

That is a contradiction in terms. It is obviously Capitalism which allows, actually promotes the concentration of wealth that makes "Democracy" a mere cover story, that makes corporatism inevitable. See Joel Kovel's "The Enemy of Nature - The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?"

Excerpt and review here: https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/its-been-twenty-years

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