Didn’t ya know , we the people are deplorables . Never forget how much Chelsea took from Clinton foundation. She is a shameless deplorable.

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This is about two things: New World Order | One World Government

New World Order: Pornography, pedophilia, wickedness, starvation, rape, slavery, pestilence and "vaccines" against them reign supreme. Mankind becomes the playthings of psychopaths

One World Government: All governments, wealth, assets, & property combined into a 'single administrative unit' where one entity comprised of a few parasites at the top of the global power structure owns and controls everything on this planet, including you.

This hell-on-earth transformation is already well under way:


All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with all administrations using near identical language, policies, and slogans - without first having control of every government on earth. For the sake of simplicity, let's call this higher power the WEF or the 'World Economic Forum'.

This ridiculous Ukraine war is simply the next phase of the global enslavement directive that began in earnest with the lockstep lockdowns in 2020. The end-goal from this deliberate destruction and rebirth of everything is a one-world-government where one entity will own and control everything on this planet, including you. In the WEF's own words: You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Or else.


You can learn more about this treason by your governments and how all of the pieces fit together, here:


& here


Watch every video in both of those links for a greater understanding of the evil that besets us. The powers that should not be are evil incarnate and they are not messing around.

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{{anxiously awaiting Nuremberg-like trials 2.0 🍿}}

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To say that the Covid Operation failed can only be stated if you believe that it was about a power grab in its most simplest form. I don’t believe it was anything other than a well planned, well executed *depopulation* agenda. One that would kill some at the outset, through lock-down depression, poverty, and starvation, a year later within minutes/hours/days of taking dose 1 or 2 of the modRNA bioweapon gene therapy injection, and within years as the “vaccine” kills off its injected victims with shortened life-spans of compounding chronic health issues. Malthusians, Eugenicists, whatever you want to call members of “the blob” have been writing about and acting upon their depopulation agenda for >120 years. In 2019/2020 they knew that they had finally captured everyone and everything needed to put their agenda in play. IMHO, until everyone understands this, they’re still a pawn in the game.

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It certainly seems that they wanted every human on the planet injected.

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Oh & data shows that the male & female reproductive systems were targeted, as “the science” had already shown that mRNA would pool in testes & ovaries. Harm the reproductive cycle => depopulation.

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The only problem is the shots are likely killing off more of the blob's useful idiots and apologists than its opponents. They're the ones playing Booster Roulette, not the Trump supporters.

The flip from "I'll never take a Trump vaccine" to mandating it in under a year was a crazy 180 degree turn.

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Well written. It's true everyone needs to understand the game we are in and what we went through 🇨🇦

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It’s a wonderful time to be alive!

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That's a very good point made by the author, that the US is now being governed by men and women from a de facto third party. 'Bout freakin' time we had an option besides (D) and (R).

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"A worse fiasco would be hard to invent outside dystopian fiction"- And so far all we have seen is the tip of the iceberg.

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Unless you were awake before a bunch of people started yelling?”Wake Up!”

From the beginning of this Big Lie, the first thing we were told was that the vaccine producers would be indemnified, and the definition of ‘Pandemic’ was changed by WHO; that’s right, the World Health Organization!…And the flu took a back seat to Citizens Offered Virulent Infectious Diseases innumerated ad infinitum!

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You're quite correct, but it's a great "quotable quote".

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Thank you for posting a thought provoking and well written article. For what it's worth, I would caution folks about viewing the current ostensible government shake up as authentic. One must allow for the distinct possibility that those who wield the real power are allowing these appeasing crumbs to fall from their table, so that the angry masses will gobble them up and will celebrate victory as they are led further into subjugation. If you are desperately wishing that Donald Trump, Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and the rest of the paraded names will save us, you are sadly mistaken.

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Point taken, I hope you are wrong, but I think after what we lived through, I will never be able to fully trust any government and I think it wise that we remain vigilant and call out corruption/treason as soon as there is a whiff to keep snuffing it out before it starts a wildfire like 2020. Though we may be able to breathe a bit more freely, we must never take individual rights and freedoms for granted ever again and take responsibility for maintaining them.

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The party is not over. These overlords will never give up. They are shape shifters and will just continue behind the scenes to re-establish their agenda.

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They got too close to success to quit now.

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...praying for the optimists and the pessimists to unite as a way of getting the blinded middle masses to awaken. Humanity hangs in the balance.

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I agree wholeheartedly. It will be difficult, as the folks in the middle are deeply intoxicated with distractions and are frightened that they aren't emotionally equipped to exit The Matrix.

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It appears that we are all waking up now.

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RFK on the one hand, Peter Thiel et al on the other.

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The "direct payments" went only to perjurers. The resultant inflation embezzled from all.

What's this nonsense about 1904 being "ten years before the federal income tax was even legal in the US"? The unratified (See the burnt books, "The Law that Never Was".) "16th" amendment provided no new power of taxation. The unconstitutional "income tax" (nonuniform Excise requiring self-incrimination and a religious Test), a kickback scheme supporting the Federal Reserve war-funding "bogus" (counterfeiting machine), is the price we pay for Bolshevism.

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Such a great article. I forwarded it to a friend with Trump Derangement Disorder who simply can’t believe how anyone supports him. Hoping this can open his mind and help him understand that our support and hope for Trump comes from our desperate desire for the truth and to be free.

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You really think your friend will read it? As a TDS survivor, I know I would not have.

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We contine to have hope for the blinded by science.

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More accurately; blinded by lies and rhetoric!

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Beautifully written

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Great piece. And four days later, Jeffrey Tucker wrote this explosive opinion piece: Take a look at this article! https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/access-to-the-books-is-the-key-to-control-5808640

Hope it's not paywalled!

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Link to archived version with no paywall:


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Beautiful summation. Thank you, kind sir.

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Fabulius article. Comments to the article are equally interesting. Thank you!

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Holy shit Dollyboy you were right! Cmon mutherfuckers say it, SAY IT! I want that apology and then some. I was right to refuse the jab. I was right we were lied to and the government, friends and family who were so vehement in their hatred of me for years owe me at least this simple and now evident acknowledgment of truth.

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All we've gotten so far in any acknowledgment is that there are no injections required across the USA of COVID shots for any school or they will lose their funding. This is a huge achievement.

Unfortunately normies may or may not connect the dots here. It needs to be said /written in black and white before there would be any apologies given. 🇨🇦

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Well ultimately it doesn't matter. It's a good lesson in people though eh?

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How deep is the corruption? It’s authored by satan

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Except, We Who Have Eyes, has seen the erosion of freedom since Woody Wilson, Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Bush1-2, Clinton, oblunder, and o’biden

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It goes all the way back to the victory of Hamiltonian politics over Jeffersonianism IMO

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You are correct! The problem lies beneath the surface. the senior leader, Washington was a Mason! Franklin was a Mason! John Hancock! Hamilton was either invited to American Union Lodge or was being recruited Dec. 27, 1779. James Monroe certainly was.

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