What are some everyday medicines, food, things to avoid?

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Dr JLW, please speak to hesperidine.

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Ha ha ha!

Your article “Paging Dr Offitt: Your aluminum neurotoxicity reading assignments are ready!”

Can’t wait to read this one!

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Excellent review! Thank you. Restacking.

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When vaccines were first used by Jenner, there were no adjuvants used, and he successfully inoculated against smallpox. Why did that recipe change? Wouldn't it be safer, if we reverted to the old way of inoculation without all the additives? Could we just give another part of the C19 virus (not the spike), and get an immune response that was enough to protect, again like they did in the 1800's? I know Geert Van Der Bossche (sp?) wants to formulate safe shots, to me that would mean eliminating aluminum, viruses, plasmids, anything potentially harmful, and if any additives were needed, they would have to be benign.

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My limited understanding is it is precisely the immune stimulation caused by the toxic adjuvants that initiate an immune response. Therefore some say, there will never be a “safe” vaccine for anything.

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Excellent overview! For practical tips on how to reduce aluminum poisoning in your own life, Robert Yoho has produced several good articles and podcasts discussing

aluminum toxicity and how to both avoid and recover from it.

Did you know your coffee maker may be poisoning you? https://robertyoho.substack.com/archive?search=aluminum

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This article makes me look up to the sky at the ever-increasing chemtrails that are rife with aluminum.

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Hey Bill Gates,

When, Anyone, In This Case You,

And A Cadre Of Morons

Attempts To Kill Off

Other Humans (In The Millions)

Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is

You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.

I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


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Years ago I used Mitchum deodorant. Got a nice lump in armpit that extended to breast. Dr said quit deodorant & see if that helps. Went away quickly. Has aluminum zirconium in it. No longer wear deodorant

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