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Apr 7, 2022
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That is nice of you to say.

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Given that the purpose is to create a grassroots movement where private people can be trained to analyze data (focused on medical/pharmacological), what do you see them doing with their newly gained skill set? Is this just to be for personal use? I could see the dissemination of what they find being very helpful to the public who hungers and thirsts for truth, but at the same time am a wee bit leery of an organization arising, with the attendant possibility of corruption from within down the road. Can you say Federal Government?

I get into theoretical discussions frequently with my spouse, who at times can get frustrated with my sometimes thread-pulling on potential eventualities that I guess can seem like borrowing trouble. Hope my questions aren’t misconstrued. I’m genuinely excited and interested in where all this could go. I think this is wonderfully creative thinking and applaud you for looking outside the box for answers to some big problems.

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There are parents who have worked with me to write critiques of published vaccine safety studies. Of course the journals won't publish our critiques. But we will be publishing them in other journals that are being developed. I don't expect everyone to take every course, but those who have an analytic mind and care to develop a quantitative skills will be better able to state their case when policy is founded on flawed science.

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Imagine if such a course was required early in the science curriculum at university and if students were required to analyze papers (published or to be published). I think the extra eyes on science papers could be a good thing, developing a critical eye will benefit students when they write their own papers. Awards could be given for valuable input.....etc.

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Yay!!! What an excellent opportunity.

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“It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.”- Thomas Sowell Thank you!

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Thrilling news, James! Do you have a specific link for the Summer Bootcamp course on vaccine science yet? I am planning to share this in an upcoming newsletter and want to append my affiliate code to the signup link :-)

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