That's a theory worthy of consideration.

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> depriving us of our ability to think for ourselves

A lot to cover. We would need to start with childhood trauma caused by parents, grandparents and other adults indoctrinating the poor child with fiction concepts like Santa Clause, cartoons, the absolute imperative of “you tell me the whole truth and never lie” or “you won’t understand it, wait until you are adult enough”…

Then comes the school, oh boy. Half a day of non-stop indoctrination with theories and more theories, and tons of memorization (maybe because you have to memorize what you cannot explain…), don’t you dare to ask difficult questions.

Then comes the edge of adulthood, facing challenges felt for about 10 years or so, of which adults did not want to talk or which they openly forbidden to explore… You can’t find a better indoctrination than by setting up schizophrenic opposition of urge and ban.

From this point on, literally everything is done to prevent you from thinking in general and from thinking your own thoughts in particular. The whole life, 24/7, until the last breath is provided ready-made, with no space for personal exploration. You only need to remember the childhood lesson and don’t ask inconvenient questions. The rest of the indoctrination will be a breeze.

Is it why people start to telling the truth and sharing their real thoughts only when they reach the old age?

Except public figures, of course. They will remain max indoctrinated till the end. But you are not allowed to ask a very basic question: Why pension age starts at 60 or 65? Is it because you are considered unfit to contribute to the social life? If so, why decision makers and professionals are allowed to sink to their depths after 65? No, no, don’t think for yourself, the answer to this is obvious: …

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I’ve just started reading. A must have in the library.

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