Thank you for the science and your determination to bring those respponsible to justice.

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It was never about health. it was all about slavery a =digital passport system to merge man into a machine! The only protection is health of blood. Learn about Bidwig protocol. She threatened the Cancer industry! Pharmafia

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"Fauci admitted to lying, for evidently no reason"

For no reason??? Clearly, the purpose of pushing face masks and antisocial distancing was to push fear of strangers.

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you missed the massive false negative rate from pcr, which means that covid vaccine efficacy studies may have missed large numbers of covid cases in vaccinated individuals--this would impact the relative benefit since we would assume that equal numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated cases would be missed

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I would have written that paragraph in bold, the conclusion, a bit differently. For the layperson, I think it might say 'The jab mostly kills you, now or later, ages your body 50 years in days. You wont be having healthy kids. You will lose your eggs and sperm functionally. You will be so sick you will want to die. And then they turn on the 5G to activate the graphene for extra damage. And then we take your house and land.'

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Who says that Pfizer and Moderna didn't catch the effects of their serum and went forward anyway? No profit in testing.

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Organized medical and scientific mayhem. I pray we never find out if the end justified the means.

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Perhaps they felt they needed to push the mRNA technology out at warp speed because the fact they have been causing autism with the aluminium in so many different shots was becoming too hard to hide any more?

Outof th frying pan and into the vaccine fire.


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For me the most fun part of this entire debacle is the fact that no new virus was ever isolated.

By isolated I mean being isolated in the proper sense, not as in the virologists fraudulent sense where they mix sputum with monkey kidney cells, poison and starve those cells and then claim that the cells dying proves a virus was in the sputum.

Having come to understand that sars-cov-2 is a fraud it turns out that all claims ofviral disease are a fraud based on the same scientific fraud.

If we can expose the vial fraud we have a chance of stopping this lunacy.

Virology on trial


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Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, co-founder and director of Public Citizen's Health Research Group, said in his book Worst Pills, Best Pills that you should never take any pharmaceutical drug until it has been on the market for at least 7 years unless your life depends on it. in that time frame either a good safety profile would be established OR the body count would be too high to ignore. notice that it might take 7 years of serious adverse events and deaths that would be ignored and/or denied by industry and authorities and it was only when they reached obvious heights that the truth would be admitted and the drug would be removed from the market.

at least you would not be in the pile.

i've dodged many a bullet by keeping to this simple rule- a pattern i had established for myself long before i ever encountered Dr Wolfe but it's nice to have him as back up.

my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair with GBS after the 1976 flu shot which was enough for me to avoid them forever.

i'm especially dismayed by formerly intelligent reasoning adults screaming that we suddenly have no ability (or right) to make decisions for ourselves because we aren't "experts" or "scientists."

simple common sense seems more than enough to me as evidenced by these basic examples:

margarine (man made) is better than butter (not). commercial baby formula (man made) is better than breast milk (not). commercial fertilizer (man made) is better for plants than compost (not). processed food (man made) is equal to or better than organic food (not).

how many times do you get to be wrong and still lay claims to infallibility?

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I think I understand this sentence but it could be clearer “Proteins not found in the human genome expressed by human cells with lead to cytotoxic t-cells attacking them and initiative cell death.”

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And then there is mRNA instability which causes the fragmentation and random recombination to produce arbitrary sequences ...


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I'm concerned that we are behind the curve on all this and there isn't enough time or energy to stop the train before it runs over us. The data on adverse consequences of the shots is rolling out now at a faster pace than ever before, the data are undeniable, but, despite the realization by more and more people that the shots really are killing us, the covid theater continues, the push to inject children continues, the drive to saddle us with central bank digital currencies is relentless, and there are precious few people in positions of authority and importance who are willing to take the lead on efforts to put a stop to the tyranny. Yes, there are grass roots efforts to build parallel societies but those are fledgling efforts that, in my opinion, will take years or decades to materialize, and will benefit only a small portion of the billions on the planet who will be living in dystopian slavery in a relatively short time. Try to remain hopeful, optimistic, and resolute, but that is not an easy thing to do, at this point.

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What if they did catch it?

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Did anyone catch the recent comments made by Bourla abour having been surprised his team suggested mRNA vaccines when Pfizer was well-established in basic protein vaccines? He said it was counter-intuitive to have gone with mRNA. Yet he decided to put his trust in his scientists (I presume) and went along with it. I mean....seriously. What the f is going on?

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s/Now we have yet another reason to no trust public health./Now we have yet another reason to not trust public health./

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