The mainstream press cites opinion only supporting other causes in cases of COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths. Yet those "other causes" are suspiciously similar to known COVID-19 serious side effects. you're aware, with my being almost 60, will ONLY say this, Jamie (and I've identified a VERY specific alternative model which I'm trying HARD to promote at present): such mandates were the proverbial straw that broke the camel's BACK - millions of people worldwide have been YEARNING to abandon an EXCEEDINGLY-abusive, inherently-UNsustainable (AS their 'Great Reset' / 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', wholly CONCEDES) hierarchal capitalist (i.e., state RELIGION) / exploitative hamster wheel for DECADES these same SADISTS we're suffering have wielded WELL over a CENTURY (Rockers ESPECIALLY, though along WITH a LONG line of resolute FASCISTS, sociopaths) but, DIDN'T believe they'd be economically ALLOWED to indulge their entrepreneurial instincts - have REAL 'freedom', seek a MUCH healthier, diversified, SANER existence.....should've LONG ago RECOGNIZED as a society - all things BEING equal - that there can be no TRUE, informed choice WITHOUT satisfying of BASIC needs relative to 'health' (EASILY-reconfigurable, reasonably-SPATIOUS shelter, palatable foodstuffs, clean, STRUCTURED water, expedient access to NON-toxic disease-state amelioratives, individual power generation) AND for which, EXISTING / suppressed technology WILL now allow (when it's NEVER been needed MORE.....)
Most people who feel oppressed and who don't believe they can thrive in a capitalist system simply have never really tried - they not yet found out what they have to offer of value. Under the old liberal model, our time (life spent) was valuable, and thus spending our time doing labor was compensated. For many unskilled workers, that's all they every had: time and muscle. In today's burgeoning information society, it takes creativity, yes, and some imagination, and then some guts to throw in and give doing business a shot. Internal millionaires give the impression that attention is income; there is no easy way to build a sustainable, regenerative economy without earnest, focused, sustained effort at all levels. If we meet basic needs of everyone with minimum universal income, the drag on society from people not having the drive to get out and TRY just won't be there for too many. They will survive - and suffer - just around the poverty level. They won't feel any need to get out and TRY. Necessity is the mother of all invention, remember? Hunger makes you seek solutions. We do not want to become a nation of narcissistic babies who want a nanny state to take care of us. One should take pride is one's work, whatever the job, because large or small, that effort is their imprint on the world around them. Your vision, your dream, is possible by changing consumption habits in a capitalist society, and I would say that with imagination and drive, those ways of meeting needs could be popularized via capitalism. If it's efficient, and if efficiency makes those commodities desirable, then there will be a market for them. If there is no market, it's all about education.
I could not POSSIBLY disagree more, Jamie - it's the Right's (especially) INCESSANT intellectual dishonesty and UNBEARABLE tone-DEAFNESS about economic realities which has produced SO much polarization, MADE Schwab's promises of a UBI (and again, NEVER been MORE desperately required; just TRY dealing with MILLIONS of traumatized, existentially-EXHAUSTED Americans OTHERWISE - as I fully EXPECT to for the rest of MY life; HELPING them come to terms with an utterly-HIDEOUS set of truths) EXTREMELY attractive (ABSENT certain.....PREREQUISITES) - in a TRULY 'evolved' society, there is NO justification for ANYbody to suffer, do WITHOUT comparatively-good lives when a transaction fails to be successfully completed for WHATever reason - MOST of all, SOMEone's freely CHOOSING to refrain from purchase; THAT is REAL sadism and INHERENTLY fascist, the polar OPPOSITE of TRUE 'conservatism' recognizing desirability of OPTIMAL return-on-investment with LEAST conditions (I've never NEEDED any of THEIR extraneous TRAPPINGS, at all; just BASICS to make the world a BETTER place).....we ALLOWED the narcissistic, self-congratulating CREEPS running higher education (AND in politics) to HIJACK our lives, increasingly externalize innate value while SIMULTANEOUSLY dumbing down two consecutive generations in a what-SHOULD-be-by-now-FAMILIAR Hegellian tactic.....I (and yes, BILLIONS of others) have suffered through this noxious CRAP precisely BECAUSE of SUCH resolute institutional ignorance, and I'm TIRED of it.
Point is, I'M being pragmatic - they NEED to be provided UNconditionally NOW with advanced technology (3-D printing which can produce 'hempcrete', other organic building materials) to IMMEDIATELY resolve what's a genuinely-URGENT existential crisis; ultimately BE 'self-sufficient' - WITHOUT disingenuous, insufferably-CALVINISTIC judgments and WITH an opportunity to actually REST - body, mind, FEARS; everything, at LENGTH.....I've worked WELL over a thousand hours absent compensation throughout these past 2 years (as YOU'RE aware, to a certain extent) and, if there's ONE thing learned by it, real value CAN be found in / gratification taken from improvements to quality or preservation of life, ESPECIALLY when a significant portion of multiple demographics are SEVERELY disinclined to purchase material goods - economic model based PRIMARILY upon consumption, was ALREADY in serious decline anyhow and I'm definitely NOT resonating with Rifkin's PATHOLOGICAL supply-side obsession for yet 'MORE education'; he's COMPLETELY missed the POINT.....same two consecutive generations have been DELIBERATELY conditioned to lack empathy / compassion / respect, and thus are fundamentally incapable of recognizing value (mine ESPECIALLY, and at THIS age) - making them PERFECT targets for these aforementioned sociopaths to 'sell' them a TOXIC package the saying GOES, Nature DOES 'abhor a vacuum'.....
.....then, there's the matter of, WHERE exactly do I / they FIND funds to INVEST (as whatever remnant available, is already going into NECESSITIES) without having to go RIGHT back to a debt-based and / or externalized hierarchal (shareholders, board members = LOSS of control over business decisions) mechanism BY which a fiat system subsisted for 110 years? ISN'T that what we want to most AVOID?
Thank you. I laugh when people say Great Resignation because everyone I know who resigned took early retirement to escape mandates. My husband and I were nurses and we were fired. Our friends who are nurses and doctors were fired. Getting another job in healthcare is impossible. Getting any job at all is very hard... some companies want your vaccine card uploaded with your CV. This is total insanity.... I ask people, since when does the government actually want people out of work?? Never! Cutting the tax base is suicide so it tells us that they don't care about tax revenue anymore.... which begs the question of why??
This resonates with my experience. I was excited to see a job announcement a few weeks ago at a company that hired me three years ago to review some documents and were quite happy with my work. However when I got to the bottom of the job listing (not in the health field), there was a statement in bold print saying all applicants had to be vaccinated even though this MSc/PhD level job was 100% remote. By reducing their applicant pool by ~35%, vax only companies will likely be less competitive. Writing this made me realize I should look into openings at their competitors. Hope prevails.
The post a day or two ago about IPAK research on proteins and child vaccine schedules had link to IPAK, then links to "generic donation" and one or two other options. No mention of proteins / child vaccine work you mentioned. Does a generic donation still go toward this child vaccine study work or is it split into a bunch of projects?
Pathogenic priming by epitopes in the childhood schedule is currently our sole research project. For the time being, and for the foreseeable future, all generic donations will be used to fund that research. Thank you!
An article in Science this week laments that professors are having a hard time recruiting post-docs during “the Great Resignation” because salaries are lower than outside of academia, but that has always been true. They also muse that there are few research scientist positions for them to transition into, but to me these non-tenure positions seem to have only grown over time, especially if your work helps graduate students get degrees. It appears that the author is too embedded in the new normal of vaccine requirements or “expectations”, critical race theory workshops, gender pronouns, free speech violations like silencing academics, compromised medical journal peer-review and unfounded retractions, shutting down lab research by closing facilities during plandemics, and general wokeness to understand the true reasons behind current recruitment problems . Even some liberal university staff and black scholars find these policies unbearable
These were just the links I compiled yesterday! This is heartbreaking. All of these families will be too gutted to work... I know so many people out on medical leave right now, for "Long COVID" or just being emotional overwhelmed..
Hundreds of people have gathered in Nottingham to pay tribute to a teenage footballer who collapsed and later died following a cardiac arrest during a football match.
Samuel Akwasi, who was 13-years-old, died while playing for his club FC Cavaliers under-13s on the 7th May 2022.
Samuel's coach Everton Richards says more defibrillators should be installed in public places, and need to be readily available and accessible.
According to the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young, every week in the UK, around 12 young people (under the age of 35) die suddenly from a previously undiagnosed heart condition.
80% of these deaths will occur with no prior symptoms. What are signs of an undiagnosed heart condition?
- Exercise related chest pain
- Passing out during exercise
- Family history of young sudden death
- Family history of heart problems
Printer maker Xerox Holdings said on Wednesday Chief Executive Officer John Visentin, 59, has died due to complications from an ongoing illness.
David, 48, said his wife, 45, had been complaining about chest pains for a couple of weeks and doctors believed she had a strained muscle.
He said Jennifer had been milking the cows and then looking after her beloved horses when she told a farm employee she "felt unwell, turned around to go in and just collapsed on the yard".
When she'd previously gone to see her doctor weeks before, she was given a blood test but David believes they should have given her a scan.
"I don’t know what they missed, she had so much pain she could hardly stand up. She was delirious," he said.
“They gave her some painkillers and when she came home she got better and better. We had just been to Llandudno for two days. She didn’t feel unwell on the holiday..."
2 High School Football Players Die Same Weekend [Suicide & Car Accident]
It would be great if James Lyons-Weiler could address the latest studies of Dr Walter Chestnut who concludes hat EVERYONE who has either had the vaccine or naturally acquired Covid is DOOMED! The reason: the never-ending production of the man-made spike protein which has been engineered to constantly inflame the body and to initiate Tau proteins everywhere, leading inevitably to Alzheimer's and worse.
I was working remote and I quit even before the jab could be pushed on me. I didn't have to wear a mask at home either. For the record, I quit because I did my own research. I saw the writing on the wall over pressure to take the jab and I saw what it was doing to people who took it. I could not be a part of any organization that was murdering people like that. Now I am writing a book about it because nobody in any of my circles has any idea how bad healthcare is now. you're aware, with my being almost 60, will ONLY say this, Jamie (and I've identified a VERY specific alternative model which I'm trying HARD to promote at present): such mandates were the proverbial straw that broke the camel's BACK - millions of people worldwide have been YEARNING to abandon an EXCEEDINGLY-abusive, inherently-UNsustainable (AS their 'Great Reset' / 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', wholly CONCEDES) hierarchal capitalist (i.e., state RELIGION) / exploitative hamster wheel for DECADES these same SADISTS we're suffering have wielded WELL over a CENTURY (Rockers ESPECIALLY, though along WITH a LONG line of resolute FASCISTS, sociopaths) but, DIDN'T believe they'd be economically ALLOWED to indulge their entrepreneurial instincts - have REAL 'freedom', seek a MUCH healthier, diversified, SANER existence.....should've LONG ago RECOGNIZED as a society - all things BEING equal - that there can be no TRUE, informed choice WITHOUT satisfying of BASIC needs relative to 'health' (EASILY-reconfigurable, reasonably-SPATIOUS shelter, palatable foodstuffs, clean, STRUCTURED water, expedient access to NON-toxic disease-state amelioratives, individual power generation) AND for which, EXISTING / suppressed technology WILL now allow (when it's NEVER been needed MORE.....)
Most people who feel oppressed and who don't believe they can thrive in a capitalist system simply have never really tried - they not yet found out what they have to offer of value. Under the old liberal model, our time (life spent) was valuable, and thus spending our time doing labor was compensated. For many unskilled workers, that's all they every had: time and muscle. In today's burgeoning information society, it takes creativity, yes, and some imagination, and then some guts to throw in and give doing business a shot. Internal millionaires give the impression that attention is income; there is no easy way to build a sustainable, regenerative economy without earnest, focused, sustained effort at all levels. If we meet basic needs of everyone with minimum universal income, the drag on society from people not having the drive to get out and TRY just won't be there for too many. They will survive - and suffer - just around the poverty level. They won't feel any need to get out and TRY. Necessity is the mother of all invention, remember? Hunger makes you seek solutions. We do not want to become a nation of narcissistic babies who want a nanny state to take care of us. One should take pride is one's work, whatever the job, because large or small, that effort is their imprint on the world around them. Your vision, your dream, is possible by changing consumption habits in a capitalist society, and I would say that with imagination and drive, those ways of meeting needs could be popularized via capitalism. If it's efficient, and if efficiency makes those commodities desirable, then there will be a market for them. If there is no market, it's all about education.
I could not POSSIBLY disagree more, Jamie - it's the Right's (especially) INCESSANT intellectual dishonesty and UNBEARABLE tone-DEAFNESS about economic realities which has produced SO much polarization, MADE Schwab's promises of a UBI (and again, NEVER been MORE desperately required; just TRY dealing with MILLIONS of traumatized, existentially-EXHAUSTED Americans OTHERWISE - as I fully EXPECT to for the rest of MY life; HELPING them come to terms with an utterly-HIDEOUS set of truths) EXTREMELY attractive (ABSENT certain.....PREREQUISITES) - in a TRULY 'evolved' society, there is NO justification for ANYbody to suffer, do WITHOUT comparatively-good lives when a transaction fails to be successfully completed for WHATever reason - MOST of all, SOMEone's freely CHOOSING to refrain from purchase; THAT is REAL sadism and INHERENTLY fascist, the polar OPPOSITE of TRUE 'conservatism' recognizing desirability of OPTIMAL return-on-investment with LEAST conditions (I've never NEEDED any of THEIR extraneous TRAPPINGS, at all; just BASICS to make the world a BETTER place).....we ALLOWED the narcissistic, self-congratulating CREEPS running higher education (AND in politics) to HIJACK our lives, increasingly externalize innate value while SIMULTANEOUSLY dumbing down two consecutive generations in a what-SHOULD-be-by-now-FAMILIAR Hegellian tactic.....I (and yes, BILLIONS of others) have suffered through this noxious CRAP precisely BECAUSE of SUCH resolute institutional ignorance, and I'm TIRED of it.
Point is, I'M being pragmatic - they NEED to be provided UNconditionally NOW with advanced technology (3-D printing which can produce 'hempcrete', other organic building materials) to IMMEDIATELY resolve what's a genuinely-URGENT existential crisis; ultimately BE 'self-sufficient' - WITHOUT disingenuous, insufferably-CALVINISTIC judgments and WITH an opportunity to actually REST - body, mind, FEARS; everything, at LENGTH.....I've worked WELL over a thousand hours absent compensation throughout these past 2 years (as YOU'RE aware, to a certain extent) and, if there's ONE thing learned by it, real value CAN be found in / gratification taken from improvements to quality or preservation of life, ESPECIALLY when a significant portion of multiple demographics are SEVERELY disinclined to purchase material goods - economic model based PRIMARILY upon consumption, was ALREADY in serious decline anyhow and I'm definitely NOT resonating with Rifkin's PATHOLOGICAL supply-side obsession for yet 'MORE education'; he's COMPLETELY missed the POINT.....same two consecutive generations have been DELIBERATELY conditioned to lack empathy / compassion / respect, and thus are fundamentally incapable of recognizing value (mine ESPECIALLY, and at THIS age) - making them PERFECT targets for these aforementioned sociopaths to 'sell' them a TOXIC package the saying GOES, Nature DOES 'abhor a vacuum'.....
.....then, there's the matter of, WHERE exactly do I / they FIND funds to INVEST (as whatever remnant available, is already going into NECESSITIES) without having to go RIGHT back to a debt-based and / or externalized hierarchal (shareholders, board members = LOSS of control over business decisions) mechanism BY which a fiat system subsisted for 110 years? ISN'T that what we want to most AVOID?
Thank you for your contribution to ending the madness. If it were not for sane voices like yours, I would have given up hope.
Thank you, Amking. We're all in this together.
Thank you. I laugh when people say Great Resignation because everyone I know who resigned took early retirement to escape mandates. My husband and I were nurses and we were fired. Our friends who are nurses and doctors were fired. Getting another job in healthcare is impossible. Getting any job at all is very hard... some companies want your vaccine card uploaded with your CV. This is total insanity.... I ask people, since when does the government actually want people out of work?? Never! Cutting the tax base is suicide so it tells us that they don't care about tax revenue anymore.... which begs the question of why??
Nurses, doctors ... Why not set up alternative healthcare together? The demand is there, I should think.
oh, they are ;)
Beyoncé’s song is revolting.
Single Ladies? (If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it).
If I hadn't loved you before, a little acerbity towards Beyonce would've set my heart aflutter.
The red splat...
If that doesn't convince those over 70, I don't know what will...
This resonates with my experience. I was excited to see a job announcement a few weeks ago at a company that hired me three years ago to review some documents and were quite happy with my work. However when I got to the bottom of the job listing (not in the health field), there was a statement in bold print saying all applicants had to be vaccinated even though this MSc/PhD level job was 100% remote. By reducing their applicant pool by ~35%, vax only companies will likely be less competitive. Writing this made me realize I should look into openings at their competitors. Hope prevails.
James, one of your best ones yet Cheers.
Beyonce is Beyonlol.
It's the best I've got.
The post a day or two ago about IPAK research on proteins and child vaccine schedules had link to IPAK, then links to "generic donation" and one or two other options. No mention of proteins / child vaccine work you mentioned. Does a generic donation still go toward this child vaccine study work or is it split into a bunch of projects?
Pathogenic priming by epitopes in the childhood schedule is currently our sole research project. For the time being, and for the foreseeable future, all generic donations will be used to fund that research. Thank you!
An article in Science this week laments that professors are having a hard time recruiting post-docs during “the Great Resignation” because salaries are lower than outside of academia, but that has always been true. They also muse that there are few research scientist positions for them to transition into, but to me these non-tenure positions seem to have only grown over time, especially if your work helps graduate students get degrees. It appears that the author is too embedded in the new normal of vaccine requirements or “expectations”, critical race theory workshops, gender pronouns, free speech violations like silencing academics, compromised medical journal peer-review and unfounded retractions, shutting down lab research by closing facilities during plandemics, and general wokeness to understand the true reasons behind current recruitment problems . Even some liberal university staff and black scholars find these policies unbearable
Great article!
While only partway through it, I was inspired to share it to my lists article linking to it:
I got sidetracked by the incompetence of their propaganda teams.
Are the "ruling elites" are sending their best?
These were just the links I compiled yesterday! This is heartbreaking. All of these families will be too gutted to work... I know so many people out on medical leave right now, for "Long COVID" or just being emotional overwhelmed..
Hundreds of people have gathered in Nottingham to pay tribute to a teenage footballer who collapsed and later died following a cardiac arrest during a football match.
Samuel Akwasi, who was 13-years-old, died while playing for his club FC Cavaliers under-13s on the 7th May 2022.
Samuel's coach Everton Richards says more defibrillators should be installed in public places, and need to be readily available and accessible.
According to the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young, every week in the UK, around 12 young people (under the age of 35) die suddenly from a previously undiagnosed heart condition.
80% of these deaths will occur with no prior symptoms. What are signs of an undiagnosed heart condition?
- Exercise related chest pain
- Passing out during exercise
- Family history of young sudden death
- Family history of heart problems
Printer maker Xerox Holdings said on Wednesday Chief Executive Officer John Visentin, 59, has died due to complications from an ongoing illness.
David, 48, said his wife, 45, had been complaining about chest pains for a couple of weeks and doctors believed she had a strained muscle.
He said Jennifer had been milking the cows and then looking after her beloved horses when she told a farm employee she "felt unwell, turned around to go in and just collapsed on the yard".
When she'd previously gone to see her doctor weeks before, she was given a blood test but David believes they should have given her a scan.
"I don’t know what they missed, she had so much pain she could hardly stand up. She was delirious," he said.
“They gave her some painkillers and when she came home she got better and better. We had just been to Llandudno for two days. She didn’t feel unwell on the holiday..."
2 High School Football Players Die Same Weekend [Suicide & Car Accident]
Dad Dies After Brain Surgery
Female Firefighter Dies During Water Rescue Demonstration
SADS: 16 Year Old Girl Dies In Sleep
It would be great if James Lyons-Weiler could address the latest studies of Dr Walter Chestnut who concludes hat EVERYONE who has either had the vaccine or naturally acquired Covid is DOOMED! The reason: the never-ending production of the man-made spike protein which has been engineered to constantly inflame the body and to initiate Tau proteins everywhere, leading inevitably to Alzheimer's and worse.
I was working remote and I quit even before the jab could be pushed on me. I didn't have to wear a mask at home either. For the record, I quit because I did my own research. I saw the writing on the wall over pressure to take the jab and I saw what it was doing to people who took it. I could not be a part of any organization that was murdering people like that. Now I am writing a book about it because nobody in any of my circles has any idea how bad healthcare is now.