Excellent analysis and points...this is what the lay people can't understand science and pharma regulatory process. Sadly, the press runs with whatever conclusion from a snippet in the claims of a study make, rather than critique the papers. Same happened for every fake 95% effectiveness claim. At this point, I have no confidence in the FDA or any other regulatory agency and sadly, many will be hurt.

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this is an absolutely brilliant article. The serious humor adds to its brilliance. Thank you James.

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I want to know what the hell is in it!! Does anyone know the ingredients?!?!?? A week’s pay says it’s a combination of Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and fenofibrate!!!

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I doubt ivermectin, otherwise it would be as good as Ivermectin, which it is not.

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The compounds are completely different. Which, now... Is a relief

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How do YOU know that? What’s in it or what’s your evidence ?

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See my comment and link above.

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You can observe examples of both compounds readily availble on the internet (I've included links below for you to see, I hope you find it useful). It is a relief because I had very serious doubts about the Molnipivir study from the begining. Particularily when you look at the exclusion list. IVM is safe for a large portion of those exclusion issues. I have not heard much about Fenofibrate, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll check it out. Below is a great source to see structures of certain drugs etc

you can see drug structure here : Molnupiravir


Ivernmectin or CID6321424 structure


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And why’s that a relief? Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Fenofibrate have all successfully treating even sever cases of Covid

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Hadn't heard of Frnofibrate before, just checked it out! Wow! This went under my radar! Thanks! This is exciting! another tool in the arsenal!

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I had a friend of mine text me this morning about this new "wonder drug". I sent him this quote from another MD:

"Assuming more studies confirm Molnupiravir's lesser effect at reducing mortality in mild to moderate disease, we are still left with uncomfortable questions about its safety. However, Ivermectin's excellent long term safety profile is solid, and this alone will lead many to choose Ivermectin OVER Molnupirivar, especially when factoring in the possibilities of mutagenesis and gene toxicity."

His response, Never mind and not interested in anything with gene toxicity.


Kudos to the doctor here for spotting what seems to be more misleading or possibly fraudulent studies to either further a narrative, make money, or maybe both.

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What an amazing doctor! I suspect that Merk had to rush the studies through due to their deal with governments and the fact that IVM is gaining momentum worldwide. Every week, good news about IVM prevails, but by the end of the week... accute, heavily funded smear campaigns persue. It's getting exhausting.

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A rare honest and sensible doctor? Quick, call the medical board and revoke their license!

I believe the Dr. is correct about mutagenesis and gene toxicity, it is recognized by the body as cytosine (the "C" in DNA/RNA strands) but it causes replication errors.

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Clearly, the best clinical trial for this drug would've been New Drug vs. Ivermectin/HCQ/Vitamins, rather than vs. Placebo. It's the only truly ethical way this should've been done.

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Didn't realize I already pasted above until right after I had hit post. oops.

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Great idea!

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According to https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=243781 it is an analog of cytosine that causes errors in RNA synthesis. When absorbed by an infected cell, it would cause virus replicas to fail.

The linked discussion points out that the molecule is not specific and can be taken up by any cells (not just those making virus) and could therefore cause problems anywhere your body is using cytosine, which is more or less every cell.

What kinds of short and long term problems are likely, is not established. I wouldn't assume that it's harmless.

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I'd also like to know what's in the placebo. They're not saline solutions these days. 14% is an astonishing number.

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I can’t get past that they let some people die on a placebo.

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Unethical. Like running a trial with ivermectin in the treatment arm.

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Me neither. It was the first thing that really stood out.

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Do we know what the vaccine status of the trial participants was?

From what I gather they want to use the vaccines and these antivirals together.

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That fits in with Fauci's statement.

Can we not trial these drugs on billionaires and their sycophants?

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That last exclusion criteria is amazing cherry picking.

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Covid 19 or the Chinese Flue variant BS shmozel have well and truly ERODED all confidence in a whole array of professionals,to state a few ;






Law professionals


The list is so long, that I fear the very fabric of society have been torn apart.

The only way out of this misery now is to start accepting that The Whole west minister system must be torn down and rebuilt with a new blood.

There is No way we can have our crooked politicos run this shit show

and expect a vibrant and advance society.

It is a do or die kind of dilemma.

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Spot-on. And add most educational institutions & even religious organizations to the list.

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'even' - they're at the forefront of this nonsense.

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Religious organizations for sure. I quit church(not God) because of the rank complicity and hypocrisy. I just felt creeped out and soiled after services. Satan was in the room.

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"Because that’s the standard of care for early COVID-19: go home, incubate, get sick, and die if you must. But don’t call us until you are seriously ill."

It's appalling. And true. I know, because my elderly, double-vaxxed parents got COVID this summer, and this is what they told (not the "die if you must" part). They languished at home for 10 days with no treatment, getting sicker and sicker. I was frantic, I offered to drive to them with my personal stash of Ivermectin, but they were convinced (by the FDA website) that it was poison. Fortunately, they did not die, but it was in spite of, not because of, the healthcare system.

Some day, America will look back on this period and be sickened by what is happening and how people are literally being murdered by the intentional lack of care for sick patients, all to support either the pharma industry or the political agenda. Not certain of which it is.

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These people are paid to manipilate studies. Cash cow bs pill. Probably poison to depopulate and program people like the vaxxx..

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The below sources are cited in chronological order.


Merck says no scientific basis to use Ivermectin in treatment of covid19 in Feb, 2021

Merck is the original patent holder for Ivermectin.


NIH provides scientific basis, including protease inhibition, 25 Mar, 2021


Pfizer, a competing company, announces protease inhibitor 28 Mar, 2021


Merck begins trial for new protease inhibitor, study published 25 June, 2021 (actual study start 11 Aug, 2021)

No retraction issued with regard to Ivermectin.

A disclaimer on Merck's website advises that statements are only supported on the date their issued and the company is not obligated to update or retract any statement.

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I caught that last year. Explained why Merck dissed ivermectin so vociferously. They got mucho billions in taxpayer moola for study and government pre-orders of doses. Criminals. All of them.

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I'd be looking at the adjuvant in the placebo group. That sounds to me like murder.

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What I find also annoying is that the FDA mocked people taking Ivermectin because it was horse medicine, but it's okay to charge 700 dollars for Molnupiravir, which is also horse medicine.

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yep the whole Pharmaceutical industry, which includes the FDA, is a criminal fraternity. The main point is to charge such outrageous prices but that also makes the industry unsustainable to the wider population. Which then takes the blame for that unsustainability and hence population reduction is suggested as a solution. Circular reasoning, the only thing we need rid of here is the criminals.

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While we are pointing out

MERCK’S many flaws, y’all look into the VIOXX debacle. MERCK lied abt data and between 15.000-60,000 were killed and thousands had to undergo open heart surgery! MERCK, “safely

& effectively leading people to their death”.

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The double standard is infuriating.

One that I think is interesting is how cynical the mainstream position is regarding causation. They'll lay out correlation doesn't equal causation and go through all the ways coincidences can be explained away with vaccine safety trends, aluminum in the brains of mammals in experiments and autopsied brains of those that suffered neurological issues, and the uptick of so many chronic conditions that matches uptake in vaccination schedules but jump to the conclusion of causation for patented medicine having an effect, and any virus causing any harm from Aids or Cervical Cancer. If I close this comment saying something like 'a virus of misinformation' caused me to type this...it could get published in a medical journal tomorrow. :) So I should tread lightly.

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