From the March 2020 version on Twitter - “No valid test, no believable Koch’s postulates, the injection of an Untested, toxic combination of mRNA and Graphene Oxide” - to the full magnitude of the PsyOp in July 2022 . That my friends is EVOLUTION.

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Can’t wait to see the rest!

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

Phemoninal! So graciously thankful you shared Dr Mc Cullough's powerful factual ppt and research rich data sets with cited resources. Will share with others. Again, and sincerely THANK YOU Dr Lyons-Weiler. PS I've already saved or printed many, many of the cited papers so this makes it super easy to just save to a folder. Thanks : )

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Fantastic slide set. I'm thinking about sending it to a few friends and family who insisted that they were "following the science" and shamed me as a "science denier".

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Waiting on the rest!


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@James, please fix the typo up front:

"share this Substack article with physicians and scientists who are beginning to scratch there heads."

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will do, thanks.

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.....THANKS for Sharing this with us, Jamie! Would like to share something with you, anyone else here interested in exploring it as well; am trying at present to determine if there's an EXISTING conversion chart from infrared / ultraviolet / microwave radiational values to electricity (volts) & magnetic (tesla) effects - believe it's going to be of especially-VITAL concern before long (if NOT already.....) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kseNcSQUAfk

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Thank you, Hamish625, I just learned something new and very interesting. Your link led me to Bio Impedance Analysis Explained and What Is Bis on YouTube. Now do you have any good news? Lol.

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MAYbe, Carole - WORKING on getting an answer / possible remedies and, as SOON as it becomes evident, will DEFINITELY let Jamie know as much as anyone else :)

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This needs to get to Tucker Carlson & Jesse Watters on FOXNEWS, particularly if Tucker gets Dr McCullough for an hour on FOXNATION.

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I already had a broken heart, now psychologically I’m devastated sure need to do the deeper study to pick the pieces up and moving forward with my life. I do hope my whole family beter instantly if not years following will accept the damage being done. Lives after this one will also do, but understanding and wakening up is a certainty

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Thank you for this post JLW, muchly.

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Awesome video!

Would love to do Environmental Toxicology : Ecosystems & Human Health. Are there any Prerequisite's?

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"I thank Dr. McCullough for sharing his slides with all of us. You can download the slidedeck here"

Can you clarify if there's meant to be a hyperlink here? It would be great if I could get these slides in PDF or pptx

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James and Peter thank you so much!!! I’ve got some of Peters slides but this is current and your added articles James are excellent! As a physician I sent a letter with the World Council for Healths report and other articles to the my children hospital leadership two weeks ago. No reply! My next step is to send this slide set to the entire medical staff. I’ll wait your completion of the slides.

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This is all Peter's work. 86 more slides coming. I will publish as an update soon. You can now download all of this slides at the article online.

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James -- Like seeing my chart at the top of your post...THX!!!...That was the one chart where I brazenly predicted the clotshot would be recalled in 2022...Dreams come true...right? Everyone say it with me! RECALL THE JABS...RECALL THE JABS...RECALL THE JABS...LOL

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Fabulous and useful. Thank you, Dr. Jack, for this access of Dr. McCullough’s deep and connected research. What a gift. And I will share.

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x - x American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.

bailiwicknews.substack. com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program

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