The First image has no pdf , link leads to a domain site unfortunately 😬

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For me, the people that put forward the case that there never was a new virus and that all of virology is just wrong, make the most convincing case.

If the governments/medics hadn't kicked the elderly out of hospital and denied the basic care they needed to stay alive, had not killed thousands with inappropriate ventilation, had not slaugtered thousands with end of life killer drugs like midazolam, had not killed thousands with proven toxins like Remdesivir there would never have been a spike in deaths at the start of this colossal fraud.

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I've worked with viruses. The metastatic insipid prattling about no-viruses serves only to absolve the creators of sars-cov-2 and other gain-of-function viral weapons -- particularly Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli -- from prosecution for their crimes against humanity.

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'I've worked with viruses.'

Well that settles it, now I believe, quick get me some vaccine before I die.

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Excellent conclusions and call to actions.

BRAVO, very well done.


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Amazing comprehensive list of all the things that should have been done and all the things done wrong. It’s great when the folks who knew the truth right from the start get proven correct!

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Peter has been nothing short of heroic. It's sometimes hard to believe he isn't two twins working together.

I mean...there's just one of him, right? Right?

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Have you read Dissolving Illusions by by Roman Bystrianyk and Dr Suzanne Humphries?

The book is a tour de force proving that modern medicine (vaccines and anti-biotics) had next to nothing to do with improving human health over the last century.

Have you read Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht (author), Claus Koehnlein (author), Samantha Bailey (author) ?

The book documents and proves how the pharma industry creates false pandemics in order to profit largely based on the virology fraud.

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What a fabulous presentation! Everyone show watch it!

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