Ah, the great separation(s). When we forgot how to save seeds and plant. And it ends when we remember how to save seeds and plant, to tie our cycles to something actual, like the sun and moon.

This schism you speak of is tied to many things; here are 3 I see..

-Shoes, for instance.....take off your (rubber bottomed) shoes and get your feet on some soil or grass or moss, as close to on the earth as you can. Your electrical charge will be grounded, viewable on a meter. This 'always shoes' thing is part of the great separation, and a leading cause of disease according to some. You can put your shoes back on afterwords. Poof goes the separation. You can even buy special grounding shoes or make your own.

-The initial de-education of the child, because the parents are gone to work both, and the school is the babysitter. Being made to sit in rows and raise our hand to speak does not make for humans that can continue to evolve, as far as I have experienced. It does seem to train us to sit and watch tv, though. Or just to sit and watch. I know there are better schools now, but I am what is left from someone educated publicly from 1970-1992.

-That you can buy health. You cannot buy health, or we would be the healthiest nation in the world.

So many separations, only one reality, one actuality, in total? What's your alls ideas re how and why our belief systems get separated from reality, how do you fix that?

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The end goal of cultural Marxism is precisely destruction and so it is hardly a critique to point that out. The institutions of Western European culture were felt to be inimical to the concentration of power in the hands of progressives, so a movement was created to destroy them. The tools are diverse: post-modern discourse to deconstruct the Enlightenment rationalism, gender theory to attack the family, critical theory and its progeny to impugn existing laws, collective racial guilt to stultify opposition and decry success in the free market, and finally the many, many attacks on free speech such as speech codes, claimed victimization by speech, safe spaces, mansplaining, etc.

A carefully realized dream for how progressive power will be realized is not necessary. In fact, defining one is a hindrance as it's description would be subject to the selfsame advanced forms of criticism invented for postmodern deconstruction. Suffice it to say that once power is concentrated in the hands of the self-anointed correct people, the already accomplished dissolution of civil liberties will prevent any criticism of whatever they choose to impose.

We are very nearly at that point now. Cultural Marxism has been merely a stalking horse for whatever posterity will call the emerging system. A sort of post-human global surveillance fascism.

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but to the ?, give up? we r f"d and what should we do now?

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I hesitate to give you my view since I am not an optimist by any stretch. There's still some recourse to the ballot box for now and I hope that will deliver a sufficient rebuke.

If not, then how would we chart a return to individual liberty as the preeminent principle of political philosophy? The mere idea of dissolving even a few of the innumerable encroachments of the Leviathan bureaucratic state is at this point revolutionary.

Under what circumstances do revolutions occur? Has there ever been a wealthy, prosperous people that has thrown their collective fortune to the wind and rebelled against their rulers? Perhaps only in the American Revolution. That was a special case where a shared view of history led to the belief that people were ends in themselves and not mere subjects. Suffice it to say that the view of history they held has been studiously and carefully wiped out of the collective consciousness of the American people by the university system and it's training of primary school teachers.

The French Revolution was a triple crisis of finances, politics and urban famine. The Russian Revolution occurred during the mass suffering of WWI with demonstrators ordered to be fired upon by the Tsar.

Even with extensive poverty and suffering, coercive states can continue to exist indefinitely provided the security apparatus is sufficiently intimidating. The contributions of technology to surveillance of dissenters is an unimaginably powerful tool for the oppressor.

In short, we lack a shared public consciousness, the majority of people are living comfortable lives they are unwilling to disrupt, and the security state is more powerful and pervasive than at any time in history. Some or all of that needs to change before there can be any reprieve from what we are headed towards.

I believe things will only change with a calamity, and, with as much central planning as we have now, a crisis is inevitable. How we react to it will determine our fate, but is the general populace not profoundly ill prepared for a crisis? I am afraid people will embrace less freedom as the solution to any problem that arises as they are doing now.

I don't think any effective small-scale resistance is possible. Individual active resistance, even organizing peaceful protests, is doomed to fail. They media won't allow the protests to awaken the conscience of the as-yet unaware. The surveillance state will find active dissenters and they are already sharpening their torture techniques in DC prison. Aside from opting out as an individual, the only other means of effective resistance has to take the form of an alternative nation. I hope that, in time, some U.S. state will have the leadership to simply secede and invent itself as a place of freedom.

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Thanks, real talk no matter how real is a comfort....and we are quite comfy, I agree, and who wants to leave a warm bed.? maybe all the folks camping out will be the front line?

...here is a great talk on Totalanarianism, on youtube, believe it or not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM&t=4s

including that it will eventually (?) burn itself out and in fact cannot be successfully confronted directly.

I can only think to biomimicry, how would a mushroom solve this problem, (of the vaccine narrative) as if it were a cancerous growth or a toxin....it would work at the mycelial level, underneath, unseen, until it engulfs and destroys the pathogen.

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to add, a model for a nation within a nation, separate, could be the native american cultures; (what of them we did not manage to obliterate, they live on now changed but strong)....I have been looking at the Cree nation and laws as well as the Ojibway/Chippewa/Algonquin cultures for models, as I claim some small heritage therein. A great read is also anything by Martin Prechtel; re An Unlikely Peace at Chuchumaquic, his eloquence and heart point to cherishing the literal seeds we plant and living within biological time as a way home for us now, to re humanize ourselves.

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"To what degree is the bias in your search engine controlling the degree to which you are even capable of being informed."…this would make a great bumper sticker.

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my edit of yours would be....



a few more....





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This is so, so good. Hit the nail right on the head throughly and exhaustively. Big thanks!!

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Thanks for introducing me to "Epistemic".

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