very good article. It could have mentioned changing food treatment regimes, like spraying apples with arsenic and DDT applications, but it is very good. Of course any article mentioning Dissolving Illusion (get the 10th anniversary issue) is excellent.
If I want to get the goat of my Doctor friends I remind them that Civil Engineers with clean water and sanitation systems saved many more people than Doctors.
That makes the tragedy of Africa, where the West (Bill Gates/WHO) throw dangerous and expensive vaccines at people when clean water would do a great deal more to improve public health, all the more tragic. A pittance of what the West wastes on the Global Warming Scam would give almost every child in Africa clean water. For a few cents a hut, using a perfume bottle to spray a minuscule (parts per billion) amount of DDT as a bug repellant, could almost eliminate malaria which kills hundreds of thousands of babies every year. But there's no money in for Big Pharma, so it won't get done.
John Coleman, talking about The Club of 300, says they deliberately keep Africa a 3rd world country so that they can continue to exploit them for their resources. When you really think about it, Africa is rich in oil, gold, minerals, copper, etc. yet the majority do not benefit.
never forget they use the people of Africa as lab rates. Speak up against it, like during Covid, and you get the Economic Hitman Retirement Package (i.e. death by plane crash).
Recently saw a strange video of Mr Beast, of all people, traipsing around Africa with a well digging crew; providing wells / clean water for several small villages. The most interesting part was where the villagers had been getting their water from. No money in that for Gates, unless he can meter the water.
In his recent article, Dr. Plotkin added that they needed more funds for post marketing surveillance. He suggested using the stagnant funds of the VICP bcz there is overflow. They make it seem that the overflow is due to the low level of injuries not due to the difficult process of approval.
Nice write up. I've done a bit of my own digging on that subject and my findings were similar. I was able to find damning charts published in JAMA, and even for disease within the modern era, Public Health bodies here in Canada also have published some data which clearly contradicts their own narratives with respect to any measurable improvement in disease following rollout of vaccines. Of course they don't SAY that, but it's there to see.
Good article, but, if anything, I think it understates the benefits of what we call “public health”; think about the many truly great things done by the PH people re cholera, malaria, etc.
I think the main problem with the PH folks is the failure to stay in their mundane lane, so to speak; compounded by a penchant for advocating for certain things, without considering or understanding the bigger picture.
So much of what they do is “behind the scene” - I think the lure of politics and fame gets the best of some of them. PH should not become a political tool.
I cringe whenever I think of Fauci saying that if it were up to him people wouldn’t shake hands.
Along these lines, consider the book ( and others ) by Forrest Maready “ The Moth in the Iron Lung “. It chronicles metal poisoning because of quack doctors prescribing Mercury, Lead , Arsenic , Aluminum etc as medications. Not to mention these same metals used in the production of early pesticides. And the quack doctors of yesteryear are the equivalent of your experts doctors today prescribing nonstop pharma poison.
James, thank you. Your article is a dispassionate, objective, scientific and a specific rebuttal to the article's common notions that vaccines are effective, save lives and are safe.
Thank you isn't enough for what you're doing, but a heartfelt thank you. I hope this can help: it's an organized summary of reports and research, always being updated. More than 200 reports at the time of this writing.
very good article. It could have mentioned changing food treatment regimes, like spraying apples with arsenic and DDT applications, but it is very good. Of course any article mentioning Dissolving Illusion (get the 10th anniversary issue) is excellent.
If I want to get the goat of my Doctor friends I remind them that Civil Engineers with clean water and sanitation systems saved many more people than Doctors.
That makes the tragedy of Africa, where the West (Bill Gates/WHO) throw dangerous and expensive vaccines at people when clean water would do a great deal more to improve public health, all the more tragic. A pittance of what the West wastes on the Global Warming Scam would give almost every child in Africa clean water. For a few cents a hut, using a perfume bottle to spray a minuscule (parts per billion) amount of DDT as a bug repellant, could almost eliminate malaria which kills hundreds of thousands of babies every year. But there's no money in for Big Pharma, so it won't get done.
John Coleman, talking about The Club of 300, says they deliberately keep Africa a 3rd world country so that they can continue to exploit them for their resources. When you really think about it, Africa is rich in oil, gold, minerals, copper, etc. yet the majority do not benefit.
never forget they use the people of Africa as lab rates. Speak up against it, like during Covid, and you get the Economic Hitman Retirement Package (i.e. death by plane crash).
Yes, at least 4 in Africa, plus Haiti!
Arsenic spraying is so 1898 to 1947! Though not banned until 1988.
Poliomyelitis (not mimicking conditions) appears to be an infection quite mild, like a cold, in very young children, but paralytic when older.
Recently saw a strange video of Mr Beast, of all people, traipsing around Africa with a well digging crew; providing wells / clean water for several small villages. The most interesting part was where the villagers had been getting their water from. No money in that for Gates, unless he can meter the water.
sadly, I still know many people who worship the almighty mRNA "safe and effective"
even when I show them a landmark study indicating at least 17 MILLION DEAD from the jabs...
May they consider that worship in sheol!
In his recent article, Dr. Plotkin added that they needed more funds for post marketing surveillance. He suggested using the stagnant funds of the VICP bcz there is overflow. They make it seem that the overflow is due to the low level of injuries not due to the difficult process of approval.
I would not trust the data in VICP. They have had control of it far too long and they have probably cooked it to death already.
Nor should we trust plotkin !
Nice write up. I've done a bit of my own digging on that subject and my findings were similar. I was able to find damning charts published in JAMA, and even for disease within the modern era, Public Health bodies here in Canada also have published some data which clearly contradicts their own narratives with respect to any measurable improvement in disease following rollout of vaccines. Of course they don't SAY that, but it's there to see.
Good article, but, if anything, I think it understates the benefits of what we call “public health”; think about the many truly great things done by the PH people re cholera, malaria, etc.
I think the main problem with the PH folks is the failure to stay in their mundane lane, so to speak; compounded by a penchant for advocating for certain things, without considering or understanding the bigger picture.
So much of what they do is “behind the scene” - I think the lure of politics and fame gets the best of some of them. PH should not become a political tool.
I cringe whenever I think of Fauci saying that if it were up to him people wouldn’t shake hands.
You need to include the work of Dr. Chris Exley. 30 years of research on aluminum
Along these lines, consider the book ( and others ) by Forrest Maready “ The Moth in the Iron Lung “. It chronicles metal poisoning because of quack doctors prescribing Mercury, Lead , Arsenic , Aluminum etc as medications. Not to mention these same metals used in the production of early pesticides. And the quack doctors of yesteryear are the equivalent of your experts doctors today prescribing nonstop pharma poison.
James, thank you. Your article is a dispassionate, objective, scientific and a specific rebuttal to the article's common notions that vaccines are effective, save lives and are safe.
Thank you isn't enough for what you're doing, but a heartfelt thank you. I hope this can help: it's an organized summary of reports and research, always being updated. More than 200 reports at the time of this writing.