That says so much , Another worldview. Automatic exemption for Congress and their staff members? Please explain why this is possible.
When I first heard this I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Scam written all over this latest invisible boogeyman in a continuing saga of totalitarian narratives and plans. couldn't write a joke that awful, could you? What's funny is that those given "Placebo" are still considered "vaccinated" right now... If they care about appearances - they could simply ensure that Congress, and their various staffs, could be part of the "control group", if they wanted to be - without anyone being a bit the wiser... But at this point - they don't even pretend to care about the statutory optics... I believe that some Judges may be exempt as well 🤔.
In any event, I think that they've already established precedent - with "Healthcare is Free, for Me - but not for thee".
That says so much , Another worldview. Automatic exemption for Congress and their staff members? Please explain why this is possible.
When I first heard this I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Scam written all over this latest invisible boogeyman in a continuing saga of totalitarian narratives and plans. couldn't write a joke that awful, could you? What's funny is that those given "Placebo" are still considered "vaccinated" right now... If they care about appearances - they could simply ensure that Congress, and their various staffs, could be part of the "control group", if they wanted to be - without anyone being a bit the wiser... But at this point - they don't even pretend to care about the statutory optics... I believe that some Judges may be exempt as well 🤔.
In any event, I think that they've already established precedent - with "Healthcare is Free, for Me - but not for thee".
Yes, absolutely. I hadn't really given that precedent much thought . Well said and I'm very glad to hear someone say it.