Once you really look at it all of medicine, with the exception of true emergency medicine, should be shut down. Medicine for years has been the leading killer of all Americans beyond any one disease. Stick that in the pipe and smoke it. Modern medicine (allopathy) is run by a bunch of criminals that profit from illness that conveniently…
Once you really look at it all of medicine, with the exception of true emergency medicine, should be shut down. Medicine for years has been the leading killer of all Americans beyond any one disease. Stick that in the pipe and smoke it. Modern medicine (allopathy) is run by a bunch of criminals that profit from illness that conveniently can’t find the cause or cure of anything and say that minimizing symptoms is the best they can do. But continue giving them money to find the cure. They should be in jail for that BS.
Much or western medicine is backwards. If people eat clean food with healthy fats and get toxins, heavy metals and traumas out of themselves, it is amazing what happens to disease. More chemicals are rarely answer, but killing parasites often facilitates clearing toxins ... so makes sense certain substances are helpful.
Once you really look at it all of medicine, with the exception of true emergency medicine, should be shut down. Medicine for years has been the leading killer of all Americans beyond any one disease. Stick that in the pipe and smoke it. Modern medicine (allopathy) is run by a bunch of criminals that profit from illness that conveniently can’t find the cause or cure of anything and say that minimizing symptoms is the best they can do. But continue giving them money to find the cure. They should be in jail for that BS.
Much or western medicine is backwards. If people eat clean food with healthy fats and get toxins, heavy metals and traumas out of themselves, it is amazing what happens to disease. More chemicals are rarely answer, but killing parasites often facilitates clearing toxins ... so makes sense certain substances are helpful.