Why do pediatricians refuse to believe this? Is it really only because they profit so well from giving vaccines?

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Answer! See/ Google the Solomon Asch Conformity Line Experiment Study!

It well may answer your question!

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Zero benefits and increased risks is the plan

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Wrong! The "benefit" is for our 5 billion in fruad fines and leader in causes of death, Big Pharma, they profit from treating the sickness’s, that they cause, I.E. a new version of Hippocrates, "First do no harm” to now, “First do harm, & treat for life.” It all depends on what your definition of benefit is, is! [As old B.J. Bill would say!]

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Yeah typical Harma product makes you “feel better” while increasing your risk of a dozen other serious issues. Win-win

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Reinstall your spell and grammar checker. You consistently spell "fruad". 5 billion fruads are fine?

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Vaccines are ineffective and barbaric.

They create most disease and cancer.

Infection by injection.

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In fact, according to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, pharma "medicine" in the last 50 years has killed over 12,500,000! Dr. Null's more accurate book Death by Medicine, has it at 40,000,000! I.E. more "Wages of sin" death than ALL the wars USA has ever been in! And that's not counting their, 50 million baby kills, OR there patented/ gain of function multimillion kills! [IF] that can't teach us about Romans 6:23, nothing can!

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Is this the JH study you refer to?


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I Still Wish Covid Was My Idea.

It Is The Only Way

That I Could Be Getting

More Satisfaction

In This World Of Morons

Than I Already Am.


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These guys aren't so much interested in increasing health as they are in increasing repeat revenue

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Investors love a recurring revenue model. Simple valuations.

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"Pharma Stocks Are Bleeding." So says Barron's!

Coved fruad killed/ wounded that golden goose! (People are wizening up!)

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Recurring revenue at the the cost of losing their soul an a literal eternity in Hell (are you listening Henry Kissinger, Davi Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzinski, et al?

No, didn't think so. Too late. Seems to me one Guy whom no one listens to any more said what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul... but no one listens to Him anymore...

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Do you perhaps mean "hellfire"? That's another term for Abaddon. "Hell" refers to sheol, which is a cavern of contemplation and reflection.

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Yes. I have two years of Koine Greek, but just using the term that is in the common lexicon. I guess I could use Ἀβαδδών, but to be honest, this is lost on 99% of people who don't even have the basics

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Abaddon (אֲבַדּוֹן) is Hebrew, while Apollyon is Greek. I would expect more than 1% of the population to have red Rev. 9:11. You could have used the Textus Receptus Greek, geena pyr (γέενναν τοῦ πυρός). Probably even more have red Mat. 5:22.

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I was simply using the Greek spelling, not Hebrew

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No! It's deeper than that, as award winning educator John Gatto's book, Dumbing us Down tell us! i.e. " Thirty years in New York City’s public schools led John Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory schooling does little but teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine. (It's the same in med school!)

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Agreed. But I will take any little bit I can, as in a death of a thousand cuts (for freedom).

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Hi James, I'm with Children's Health Defense. Can you please email me?

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My question is, if they did not add aluminum, and simply gave the antigen, would a vaccine then be akin to getting a mild version of the illness? Why is it that measles shots do not offer lifelong protection whereas the actual illness does? When Jenner decided to scratch the skin with cowpox, and later smallpox pus into the skin, it worked as an inoculation. And, in a time of smallpox, that seems like a brilliant idea inspired by observing that milkmaids were protected by cowpox. The vaccine then was also only for one illness. Kids today take cocktails of shots, and several dozen more, and the shots have more than just the antigens. Judy Mikovitz (sp?) says there are animal viruses and other pathogens in the shots today that are harmful. Is it possible to create safe vaccines for serious diseases such as Ebola? I think it is a mistake to prevent kids from getting the measles, as it has benefits to the immune system. Just wondering about all this?

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Please look into why studies on vaccines like this one consistently start off with a sentence or paragraph praising vaccination; “Vaccination is one of the major triumphs of modern medicine.”

Note that studies like this seem to be written in a way that supports vaccination, by playing down the seriousness of the AE’s. Their conclusion: “Based on evidence at very low certainty, we were unable to identify benefits of aluminium adjuvants, which may be associated with adverse events considered non-serious.”

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Because they won't be published if they don't repeat the lie.

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