Thank you Thank you for these references. I was reading your book, "Cures before Profits," last night to see if you provided references about waning immunity to Measles. In the book, you criticize the main stream media for blaming an outbreak of measles at Disneyland on unvaccinated children. Instead, you stated, it probably came from a person from the Philippines. Do you still think this is likely or was likely? It's common to amp up fear of infection--and then blame every death that occurs on the unvaccinated. The vaccinated are the worthy victims. If they die, it's all our (unvaccinated) fault and we deserve to die, too, for our sins. I think NOBODY deserves to die.

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If anyone can topple this evil house of vaccine cards, It's RFK and Dr. Jack.

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There is one thing that I don't understand. What is the science basis for recommendation of when to give MMR on the CDC schedule? i.e. babies under one year of age are 'not eligible' which is problematic when moms who were vaccinated for measles have no actual immunity to passively confer to fetus. Why can't measles shot be given to young babies but must be given as soon as they turn, what - 12 months? 15 months? 18 months? A boatload of other [useless, harmful, ineffective] shots are given in the first year - is there any science behind the timing? Didn't the WHO agencies give measles-only vaccines to very young African babies at one time, or still do? Don't some countries delay MMR even longer than 15-18 months? Doesn't Japan have a different measles vaccine with no mumps component? I mean... WTF?

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On Dr. Lyons-Weiler's July 26 "Measles Eradication via Vaccination" article, I posted a comment about a brilliant presentation that Dr. Andrew Wakefield gave about measles and measles vaccination some years ago...which has been "disappeared" from youtube. Good news: I've found a video of a different, also excellent presentation that Dr. Wakefield did on the same topic, and here's a link. Highly recommended if you want to understand the dangerous population-wide consequences of ineffective (or "waning") vaccines.

"Man, Measles, and Make-Believe" - Presentation by Dr. Andrew Wakefield at AutismOne in 2019.


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