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Great article, as usual. But Bloody Hell, man, I honestly could care less about the lab-conspiracy, which is probably true. What I mean is, it doesn’t really matter precisely “where” all of these viruses come from, at least not first and foremost.

What’s most important is, “what” it is. We first MUST study and discern whether or not these viruses are “naturally-occurring and evolving within nature,” or are all of these killer viruses manmade? Then, we must turn our attention to figure out “where and how it spreads” and whether or not all of humanity is doomed as a result.

Are these viruses being manufactured by our governments and individuals like Bill Gates with “gain-functionality” to kill many, then transform the survivors into something less-than human? I say, YES, with the help of bought politicians, their security advisors, security agency directors, their media and organizations like the WEF and WHO—to psychologically-drive us to accept it.

Look, I’m trying to let the air out of the “OMG, whatever should we do,” nonsense. For over one million years humanity has evolved along side with naturally-occurring virus and bacteria, and ignorance & suppressed immune systems due to malnutrition has played a major part for most of the deaths, not the viruses or bacteria itself. Consider these realities when logically thinking about what happens to those forced into poverty, war or imprisoned in work camps. Same results.

Think👉🏽🧠. If Mother Nature intended for a superior, master-race-virus to “gain-function” and wipe out humanity, it would have happened long ago, not suddenly in the 21st century due to overpopulation. Just like all the manmade-created dictators of the world were “devolved” over time, in secret boardroom meetings by war-banker profiteers. Same with these bloody lab-created Scamdemics and for-profit mRNA Vaxx protocols, and all of it by the same money-junky Eugenicists controlling government, media and our minds, again.

One more time: I’ve been told my entire life that all the problems of the world are due to overpopulation, which is B.S., and I can prove it beyond any reasonable doubt, same with the nonsense of scarcity, particularly the fraud of “energy for profit scarcity,” and these economic disasters—like stagflation. It’s all horse poopy. The population on earth has NEVER been the cause of these wars and pandemic events, and we, the majority people, are NOT to be blamed, let alone made terrified into fighting wars and forced into receiving for-profit mRNA gene-altering bioweapons to save us, meanwhile, all at the same time media and government keep telling us, “there’s too many of you, sheep, so get vaxed and kill each other…because it will save you.

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