Oh, stop already. Yesterday while working on a gate the power company had altered, I got two stings in my leg. I didn't see any wasp or hornet, let alone "isolate" it. Does that mean no wasp or hornet exist? Was this psychosomatic or a result of cell towers?
I also suffer shedding effects when around bioweapons takers. I don't know for a fact it's "spike protein" they shed, but something.
Oh, stop already. Yesterday while working on a gate the power company had altered, I got two stings in my leg. I didn't see any wasp or hornet, let alone "isolate" it. Does that mean no wasp or hornet exist? Was this psychosomatic or a result of cell towers?
I also suffer shedding effects when around bioweapons takers. I don't know for a fact it's "spike protein" they shed, but something.
Oh, stop already. Yesterday while working on a gate the power company had altered, I got two stings in my leg. I didn't see any wasp or hornet, let alone "isolate" it. Does that mean no wasp or hornet exist? Was this psychosomatic or a result of cell towers?
I also suffer shedding effects when around bioweapons takers. I don't know for a fact it's "spike protein" they shed, but something.
No public or private health organization has isolated the virus. Globally. Nor have they done so for HIV.
What are these pictures of?
AMD also posted some.