Please include the weaponization of storms in Vietnam, beginning as early as 1968, creating floods even during Vietnam's dry season and washing out the Ho Chi Minh trail, along which North Vietnamese soldiers came south.


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While I appreciate the effort and depth on the subjects you chose to cover - you're missing two major vectors of weather modification and control... HAARP and NEXRAD. HAARP was allegedly an experimental program, that's theoretically been concluded. NEXRAD may be the Operational implementation of what was learned. By heating the Ionosphere - one can create or change weather patterns at the surface.

I'd imagine that much of this is still classified... However there are a wide array of opensource researchers who've written extensively on these subjects... Nick Begich, Clifford Carnicom, Alana Freeland, and various others are possible sources for you to review, in order to round out your review, and make it more complete.


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If you look up the term "geo-engineering" in a legit dictionary it refers to climate, not weather. Climate and weather should not be confused. Climate engineering is an untestable hypothesis because you can't possibly determine if a change you made this year makes a difference 10 or 100 years from now. The system is too complex. Your article should take great care defining terms as that is the root of much confusion. Oh and by the way, cloud seeding to increase rain is also an untestable hypothesis. If you check the root science on that you will see the problem.

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Thank you for the synopsis however you use the term, “climate change” as if that were an actual “thing” instead of yet another globalist power-grab Narrative.

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You neglected the two-decades of extensive research done by Dane Wigington. Congressional hearings were held re:HAARP. The result was forcing the Navy to shut it down because of damage to ionosphere. It was “sold” to the Univ. of Alaska & remains operative. Search the screaming rant of Lyndon Johnson stating that controlling the weather will control the world. The document “Weather As A Force Multiplier: Controlling the Weather by 2025 was not a hoax: climate “change” is not. What’s also not a hoax is the real loss of earth’s magnetic field & real pole shifting. See the work of Ethical Skeptic & Suspicious Observers.

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Gov't doesn't know how to doctor people much less the planet.

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Really an interesting article. With years of weather manipulation happening one still has to wonder if the manipulation can have unexpected negative results or even purposeful manipulation to cause negative results such as 2 massive tornadoes within a two week period. Thanks for this information.

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The biggest concern about albedo modification as it is currently practiced should be with the contamination of soils and waters by the particulate residue that falls to the earth hours or days after being sprayed into our atmosphere. There's nothing quite like a leetle blast of aluminum in our diets to increase our longevity and improve our health.

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"Please remember that climate change is the cover up for devastating military weather warfare operations. We do not have natural climate. We only have weaponized weather. The goal ultimately is to kill 7 Billion people" https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/the-shocking-doomsday-maps-of-the

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Google Degrees in Geoengineering ... Just Saying

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Oh, I think we all know the risks. At THIS point.

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What is described as occurring in the United States seems to be the result of executive branch spending and decision-making. Other than some hearings, it seems that Congress has not been involved directly. As with many other issues, far too much is being left to the executive.

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You really hold the middle of the road on this topic. I’ve read far more info on this topic esp from DANE IN HIS DOCUMENTARY the Dimming. I’m sure the people who love and support the big government and want them to save us. Wink wink. They believe all this technology is safe and effective. When they read your article here they will only see the positives and be cheering for more spraying. I think some good hard facts about the metals we are now finding in our soils and waters should be mentioned! This article felt way too safe. You are throwing around terms like global warming and climate change like those are a done deal and we must fix them and that is what the government wants. Are you for geoengineering???

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I am not against weather manipulation if it safely brings rain to people who need it or reduces the severity of hurricanes and other storms. The most important word in my reply is "IF".

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I was an airline pilot for 33 years and have probably drawn about 1.3 million miles of white stripes in the sky. Please read my take on geoengineering. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/look-up-in-the-sky

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I just do not trust any government to be modifying weather and trusting it is done altruistically. We know our govt cannot be trusted. Among other issues with SAIs, the premise of it all is predicated on whether global warming is indeed a problem, which I do not think it is, so to mitigate 'warming' on a planet that is just coming out of the last ice age.....what are the consequences if successful? Too many questions, not enough answers, and the fact aluminum is used should be a big HELL NO. The whole idea is insane IMO with scientists and officials AGAIN playing god, while we are all left to wonder. Our tax dollars AGAIN going to projects out of the scope of what our govt should be doing.

I'm done with humans playing god. (control issues much?)

I'm done with global warming as an issue.

I'm done with the lies from our govt about the clear reality SAIs are already happening. I personally do not believe these aerosols are to increase the albedo of the earth. I think they are used along with vibrations/frequencies from radar to manipulate the weather, whether that means for the better or worse, I cannot say. IF hurricane Helene was manipulated and 'steered', we should clearly know that this is happening. I am all for transparency. But giving the government the benefit of the doubt, the earth and her cycles are complicated and I'm betting there will be unintended consequences, just like with every other GD experiment.

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