We've been kept in the dark because the CDC covered up a 1999 study where they compared fully unvaccinated with their vaccinated counterparts. What did they find? That the vaccinated group was far more sick in every metric and that SIDS was 70 percent more likely in said group:

Report on findings Part 1: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/government-corruption/fully-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated/

Report on findings Part 2: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/government-corruption/fully-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-part-2/

Archived report on findings part 1:


Archived report on findings part 2: https://archive.is/evUwY

The CDC claims this study never existed. It did. This is among the biggest crimes of the century.

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And years ago - didn't some congressman want William Thompson from the CDC to be subpoenaed? Yeah, that never happened either!

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CDC blocked that. They claimed it wasn't in the best interest of the CDC for William Thompson to testify

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Maybe they will try again and finally get some air breathed into these long dead true stories. We can continue to hope.

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Thank you for drawing my attention to these articles again.

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I will guarantee that all the Voters will show heavy investment in the Covid Scheme . Get rid of the Cult . 🙏🔥🇺🇸

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Senator Maggie Hassan is an idiot. We need valid double blind studies with TRUE placebos by researchers that are not paid off and preferably long term because for this Mom here, I don't buy that aluminum and mercury are NOT NEUROtoxins that causes brain damage.

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They're not; they're neurotoxicants.

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Again: "settled science".

If it is settled is not the science, it's dogma.

If it is science - it cannot be settled by definition.

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I don’t profess to know it all, but as you say, toxins are a major cause for metabolic issues and autoimmune diseases. Many of our health issues can be helped, sometimes healed, with a poor diet. I eat carnivore - beef, butter, salt and I drink water. Grassfed, grass-finished beef, raw grassfed butter. Pure salt, not iodized junk. I have rid myself in a year of Crohn’s, arthritis, brain fog, chronic migraines, depression, and several other issues. I am controlling my blood sugar level perfectly and have excellent numbers on all my blood tests. All in a year. Better health, at a minimum, can be obtained through food.

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Quit blaming just the toxins natural organisms secrete.

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Um, mercury and aluminum aren't "toxins"; they're toxicants! (Dimethyl mercury barely qualifies as a toxin.)

I've posted this numerous places for at least a quarter century. How does this disinformation persist? Is it C.S. Lewis' fault? (Was Ramandu of "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" a kilonova?) All exploding, massive stars produce aluminum.

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Not everyone has taken a chemistry course. Give them a break. You should point out that these "toxicants" are also known mutagens. People should read the MSDS of the very products themselves. The chemical maker for Thimerosal was Sigma Aldrich. Yes, I sued them too.

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Well no, I didn't get informed on that until I took a toxicology course as a graduate chemistry student at UIUC. (Don't totally disparage them because of their political science and economics departments, nor their Freemasonic, Deep State administration. Natural sciences there are rather good.) Toxins aren't all mutagens, and many other toxicants are as well. Sad to say, the tree-huggers masquerading as "environmentalists" had once deluded me. Then, in an undergraduate, instrumental methods course, I discovered those shits had exaggerated the amount of mercury in tuna fish 1000-fold. And in radiobiology, found they had grossly lied, claiming plutonium (ingested - inhaled and injected are worse) be the most toxic known substance. Its toxicity is comparable to aspirin.

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When the cause of the Minamata disease was finally identified as mercury poisoning, was mercury acting as a toxin or toxicant ?

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As I already posted, methyl mercury barely qualifies as a toxin. Microbes methylate mercury. I don't think they ethylate mercury, so ethyl mercury (thimerosal) remains in the realm of synthetic toxicants.

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When I read the entire history of Thimerosal use, I simply did not believe the documented crimes even of the era of use in teething powder and eye salve.

This was not "reported" until after our lawsuit, but we had obtained the document. If anyone thinks that Phrma "voluntarily" removed Thimerosal from their product ( not completely btw), they believe in Santa Claus.


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To this man on the street, toxins and toxicants are synonyms. Rather than sneeringly point to commenters that don't know the difference, how about explaining yourself to the civilians out there that don't know what you know? Be a teacher and share your knowledge...

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Ok sure, it’s genetic. Yet at 57, I know zero autistic people in my age range or above, or even far below. Our species deserves what we get at this point.

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Who ever heard of a "genetic" epidemic that happens in forty years?

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Which definition of "autistic"? Plenty of people with Asperger's Syndrome have been prevalent throughout history. Catatonics, too.

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As Kanner ID'd and the DSM stated at the outset. Before those who wanted to muddy the water ( Phrma and their shills) set out to "wordsmith." If you align with them, say so.

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Exhausting, isn't it? Shouting until you are hoarse seems to be the play of the day. I guess Copernicus had it worse but that's only a guess.

Anyway, restacked with this:

"With or without Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as HHS secretary, we need this to happen from these people:

Senators, don’t blame the messenger. Give science a chance to save medicine. This may be its best and last chance.

Doctors, first, respect your patient. Second, do not harm. That means taking action to minimize any preventable harm, including personal risk screening for adverse events.

Scientists, be objective and remain that way at all costs."

Thanks for not throwing up your hands and giving up, Dr. Lyons-Weiler.

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Not a chance, Reggie!

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The full Senate vote on RFK's nomination will be soon.

Keep up the calls, which are critical now. Call & email your two senators, as well as the following, enthusiastically urging them to side with the health of our children, not the profits of pharma. Tell them NOT to defend a multi-trillion-dollar medical bureaucracy that has utterly failed to protect Americans’ health. RFK is uniquely and supremely qualified to reverse chronic illness that is disabling and bankrupting our country, and clean up the corruption that is creating the most toxic food supply in the world. Succinctly telling your own story is helpful, if you wish.


Your 2 senators, find here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

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(If their DC number voice mail is full, call their number at their state office.)

NOTE that it doesn't matter if you're their constituents, they are accountable to all Americans. They need to hear us loud and clear to get on the right side of history by confirming RFK before it's too late for our ailing, disabled and dying country. The country and world are watching.

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Susan Collins (ME-R) @SenatorCollins

DC Number: (202) 224-2523

Email: https://www.collins.senate.gov/contact

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Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) @LisaMurkowski

DC Number: (202) 224-6665

Email: https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/contact

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Mitch McConnell (KY-R) @LeaderMcConnell

DC Number: (202) 224-2541

KY Number (has voicemail): (502) 582-6304

Email: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactForm

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Cory Booker (NJ-D) @SenBooker

DC Number: (202) 224-3224

Email: https://www.booker.senate.gov/contact/write-to-cory

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Andrew Kim (NJ-D) @AndyKimNJ

DC Number: (202) 224-4744

Email: https://www.kim.senate.gov/contact/

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Sheldon Whitehouse (RI-D) @SenWhitehouse

DC number: (202) 224-2921


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John Hickenlooper (CO-D) @SenatorHick

DC number: (202) 224-5941


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John Fetterman (D-PA) @SenFettermanPA

DC Number (202) 224-4254


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Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) @SenGillibrand

DC Number: (202) 224-4451


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Maria Cantwell (D-WA) @SenatorCantwell

DC Number (202) 224-3441


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Does anyone have email addresses for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren?

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Collins announced she is a yes on RFK.

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Rationalism, yes, but we’ll soon see how popular it is. I’m hoping for the best outcome, but with our current government, it’ll be an uphill battle for sure. Health and fiscal solvency are the goal. Poor health and bankruptcy seems to be the current path trajectory.

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"We - the public - have been intentionally kept in the dark about autism, autoimmunity, and pediatric cancers."

I will thank Dr. James on behalf of everyone who continues to look for justice for their child's injury. I had no 'Dr. James" when I waded into 10,000 page of science in the 1990's. It led me to sue Phrma in 2002. Of course, we were not met with any "science" in that quest. We were just railroaded by the Congress.

You cannot find what you are not looking for. Americans have been OK with this posture for a very long time. That era is coming to an end. Mr. Kennedy asked for and may be a day away from being given : 'A sword and a piece of ground to stand on."

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I can not comment on vaccines, but only on the efforts to prevent the use of promising anti-covid medications, for fear, that they MAY turn out so effective, that they may eliminate the need for vaccines. Here we do not need more studies; we need to examine the existing studies to identify those that were faulty or fraudulent. Ask me for examples.

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The study that she was referencing, the senator was that the one with Dr. Wakefield and he was totally exonerated but nothing in the news about it

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Science is RARELY settled. What an ass.

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Correction: Science is NEVER settled. Ask Copernicus. :-)

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"Settled science" is what people always seem to resort to when faced with evidence they do not like. I was banned from posting on the reddit subgroup on covid when I questioned the effectiveness of the covid vaccine. Within five minutes, some moderator (likely a 24 year old with a BA in English) informed me (an MD with forty years clinical experience) that I was spreading disinformation because the effectiveness of the vaccine was "settled science". So pardon me if I don't accept Hassan's emotional and histrionic outburst. If she wants to trust the CDC, good for her, but she is a fool if she does. Hopefully Dr. Weldon is able to turn that agency around so that it is once again independent (not an arm of the DNC), follows the science, and respected.

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How true.

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