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Thank you for posting. I wonder where could I find a transcript of this.

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Transcription is a Youtube feature. It should be in the description.

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Transparency won't be enough. Confession of their sins and punishment for those that promoted, funded, researched and developed the COVID-19 vaccines (bioweapon) and their therapeutic "treatment" for those hospitalized with the (bioweapon) virus.

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Accountablity!!! How novel an idea!!!!!!!! Yes , we need to see that the choices people make have consequences and that justice is followed thru. 4 years were stolen from us. Many lost loved ones. Now for accountability. imo.

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C'mon!!! For anyone whose followed Bobby Kennedy Jr, religiously we've heard this exact same speech verbatim (statistics, figures, family lore's and stories) for years. And sadly but even more unfortunately we all fell for his schtick. As the entire world witnessed at the confirmation hearings when he then reneged on everything.

Puh-leeze, spare me all the worn out excuses about having to say all of this in order to get confirmed. If that theory held even minutely true then why are all politicians taken to task and lambasted for the same?

Most of us actually jumped ship prior to the hearings when he also said, he opposed a cease fire in Gaza, the Palestinians had no right to defend themselves and “The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world.”

In addition to also stating:

"Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment demonstration of leadership by President Trump." after spending how many years denouncing it? He also said he would never accept a position in the Trump administration unless Trump renounced his support for the Covid vaccines.

He said he now supports the childhood vaccine schedule after also besmirching it for years.

He said he's now in favor of the bird flu vaccine after stating the disease doesn't even exist.

C'mon the guys a bona fide pathological liar that would do and say anything for power and control.

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If he stays with his promise to depend upon data, transparency, and rigorous research to make decisions, your concerns all become moot. Pray that he keeps that overarching promise. If not, you win (and the American people lose which makes MAHA nothing more than a pipe dream).

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Never happen as he has proven time and time again that he is completely craven. You saw it repeatedly during interviews how he was always manhandled. No one was a greater supporter of his than I was and I don't even vote which speaks volumes. But little by little those of us who were also staunch supporters saw all of this unravel.

If I were not wrong he would not have already lost millions in donations to the Children Health Defense in addition to followers. The parents of children who were damaged by vaccine injuries are rightfully livid after putting so much credence in him.

But even worse is how many parents will now abide by his recent stance on childhood vaccines and have their children inoculated. All the parents and families that gallantly fought about this and in many cases even torn apart have all now been devastated.

How could he ever possibly, possibly support Operation Warp Speed now after the dozens of interviews he gave saying just the opposite? He even wrote a book about it! The fact the Internet is now cleansing and removing so much of his past comments should deeply concern everyone.

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I am a parent of a vaccine injured child. I’ve seen Bobby speak in person at health conferences and read his books. I appreciate what he is doing here and hope all of us can give him a chance, with hope and goodwill.

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So you’re okay with him now reversing his stance and fully supporting the childhood vaccine schedule? If so as a parent of an injured child (my heart truly bleeds for you) than you’re certainly an anomaly.

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that's NOT what was said. he said over and over, for nearly 2 decades that he supports a 'fully tested' vaccine schedule, which it never has been and will NOT pass muster when/if it is. he KNOWS this! he speaks carefully, like an experienced lawyer. he has reversed NOTHING that I can see or hear. he said what he had to, in an extremely hostile 'job interview'.

I AM the parent of an injured child and have been listening to him for over 15 yrs. I KNOW where he stands and that has NOT changed. he knows he has to work WITHIN the system in order to get in there and improve it.

like Christy above, I too have read all he's written, listened to all he's said, even met and spoken with him during the tour of the documentary Trace Amounts (about mercury in DPT vax). I understand and trust his motives.

so bloviate all you want, BJ. doesn't change a thing. the odds are massively stacked against him but I'm sure people like you will blame him if he doesn't have a magic wand to solve everything in a couple years. those of us in this fight for decades have realistic expectations. imho, he's already won just by shining light on it all!

p.s. we (parents of injured kids) don't need anybody's 'heart to bleed for us'. we NEEDED others to stop marginalizing and gas lighting us, but gee, nobody gave a shit! RFK jr has been on OUR side for over 15 yrs. HE was and is there for US. and has suffered greatly for it. Where were YOU, I wonder... joining in the gas lighting? or genuinely wondering what was happening to our kids? if the latter, I (sort of) apologize for being a bitch.

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God Bless ya Warrior. I guess you can also excuse him of being a serial adulterer? Accusing his wife of "forcing him" to have 37 affairs during their marriage? Or the diary he kept of all his sexual conquests and the codes he attached to each and every one of them? What type of person keeps a record? Or the recent affair he carried on while running for POTUS with the NY Magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi that he once again boasted about?

C'mon lets be serious. Would you really honestly tolerate this behavior from your own husband or anyone else you know? Would also completely ignore it and trust them?

And yes of course it goes to integrity, morals, values and judgement that he somehow thinks he's entitled. There's more than ample reason Caroline referred to him as a predator and I give him less than a year before he's found guilty yet again of another sexual proclivity. He fits right in with all the other sexual deviants in Washington. The guys a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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I'm hoping and praying that the US will no longer be one of the two remaining nations (the other being New Zealand) that allow Big Phrma to market prescription products directly to the public.

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Agreed. Betty and I despise those pharma commercials depicting Fred-sized-fattys claiming they lowered their A1C.

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Best 21:55 video I've watched in decades.

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"American life expectancy before Covid was 7.8 years"? RFK never needed an interpreter when he spoke extemporaneously. Now he reads from a prepared text and I am not sure what exactly he is saying. This is an unwelcome change in his demeanor if not his health / science policy overall.

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I think he said '78'. it was a CC error. speech must have been written in haste because yes, he rarely speaks from notes at all.

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Not CC. He positively said "seven point eight" on the video I watched. Can't understand what he meant or the change in his sharp focus to become a script reader.

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well then it was a fumble on his part. definitely rushed himself. yes out of character for him.

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My concern is that he only has 3 plus years which is not enough time to reinvent the wheel. HHS needs to use existing databases and completed studies to make decisions on the vaccine schedule and the link to chronic diseases. Otherwise they will drown RFK in new data and studies for 3 years. Ending the pharma advertising would be huge; so what if it collapses media advertising revenue. It’s just propping up a lot of junk content anyway.

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Agreed. Inspiring speech. I wonder what the HHS staff thought of it.

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BAM! mike drop, Bobby!

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I hope he will also look into the use of flawed "studies" to discredit HCQ and ivermectin. In the spring of 2020, the VA hospitals had demonstrated the efficacy of the HCQ+AZI combination. The immediate widespread use of this combination, possibly combined with zinc, would have been prudent, but was not initiated because of these flawed studies.

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Expose that half of the studies in journals are probably manipulated in some way or unreliable, as a former editor of one of those journals has admitted.

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Understandably, because the value of the publication to the authors depends on whether or not it enhances the prospect of future research grants.

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A great speech and vision, indeed. We certainly need more public servants who put the good of every and all of us above all ease, and are eager to take us where the truth leads us.

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He's sublimely intelligent. This is a full circle time for a man with tremendous experience and insight.

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