Fauci, Daszak, Ghibreuseus, and all their accomplices deserve the most severe punishments. This is worse than the Commies and the Nazis all put together.
Countless American losing their jobs was part of a bigger plan; the destruction of a society, economically, is a step toward government being the primary caretaker of all its citizens. Add in all the other components and, without anyone waking up and stopping them, the government slowly takes everything away from its citizens and tells them how to think and be. We’re slowly beginning our march towards the trains.
Fauci, Daszak, Ghibreyseus, and all their accomplices deserve the most severe punishments. This is worse than the Commies and the Nazis all put together.
There must have been meetings earlier than this one. This one is October 2021. They had already decided before this and were saying that vaccination was better than natural immunity in media constantly. They had already recommended it for kids.
I wish I could un-know all the filth and corruption. I am so flooded with rage, despair, sorrow for the lives lost and ruined - one of which is my elderly mother, suffering and dying in a non-profit Long Term Care facility that denied me access for three years because I refused to be extorted to take the shots, with no actual legal authority to do so. I can't forgive. Not yet.
Same - said goodbye to my dad on the phone. Not allowed to visit him in hospital. He died on his own (he had cancer but acquired Covid in there so he was marked down as a Covid death. Lost my mother a month later. Did not get a chance to say goodbye to her at all. Not allowed to visit. She died on her own in an old people's home in November 2020. In a way they are the lucky ones when you think about it. Survived WW2 and got to enjoy the best decades that humanity will ever experience.
To both Aliss and Julia K - I am grateful every day that my mother died in a nursing home in 2011 and that I could sit by her bed during her last few days. It breaks my heart to hear about the inhumanity of not allowing adult children to be with their dying parents, and that those parents died alone.
The January 19, 2022 report from the CDC itself, here, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm This January 2022 CDC report on natural immunity, notes natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection provides stronger protection against the virus than the COVID vaccines. See also Independent Journal Review here https://ijr.com/cdc-study-natural-immunity-significantly-protection-covid/ The data came from California and New York, with the study going from May to November 2021. Results? The vaccinated had lower rates of first-time infection by a factor of 6.2 in California and 4.5 in New York than the unvaccinated who had never before had COVID, the unvaccinated with natural immunity had infection rates 29 times lower in California and 4.7 times lower in New York. In California, the naturally-immune were less likely to be hospitalized (0.003%) than the vaccinated (0.007%). New York did not provide hospitalization data. Per the report: “These results demonstrate that vaccination protects against COVID-19 and related hospitalization, and that surviving a previous infection protects against a reinfection and related hospitalization… Importantly, infection-derived protection was higher after the Delta variant became predominant, a time when vaccine-induced immunity for many persons declined because of immune evasion and immunologic waning.” This data predates omicron and booster shots, of course.
He also calls it “the crime of the century” in this video on Youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW4P_l4EXYg&t=3s (though I assume it will be pulled, and you might have to go to his website here to see for yourself.
It’s an imposter. BOT, TROLL. Report it.
And losing their health and happiness. These people need to go to jail
Fauci, Daszak, Ghibreuseus, and all their accomplices deserve the most severe punishments. This is worse than the Commies and the Nazis all put together.
And losing their health and happiness. These people need to go to jail
Countless American losing their jobs was part of a bigger plan; the destruction of a society, economically, is a step toward government being the primary caretaker of all its citizens. Add in all the other components and, without anyone waking up and stopping them, the government slowly takes everything away from its citizens and tells them how to think and be. We’re slowly beginning our march towards the trains.
Fauci, Daszak, Ghibreyseus, and all their accomplices deserve the most severe punishments. This is worse than the Commies and the Nazis all put together.
There must have been meetings earlier than this one. This one is October 2021. They had already decided before this and were saying that vaccination was better than natural immunity in media constantly. They had already recommended it for kids.
Why Are They Doing It?
"Going Direct Reset" explained by Catherine Austin Fitts
https://t.me/robinmg/26192 ➡️🟢➡️🟢➡️
There should be a citizens’ lawsuit against them all. 🤬
Since you are writing on Substack, you should include hyperlinks to articles you discuss and not just Twitter handles of the authors. Found it:
I wish I could un-know all the filth and corruption. I am so flooded with rage, despair, sorrow for the lives lost and ruined - one of which is my elderly mother, suffering and dying in a non-profit Long Term Care facility that denied me access for three years because I refused to be extorted to take the shots, with no actual legal authority to do so. I can't forgive. Not yet.
Same - said goodbye to my dad on the phone. Not allowed to visit him in hospital. He died on his own (he had cancer but acquired Covid in there so he was marked down as a Covid death. Lost my mother a month later. Did not get a chance to say goodbye to her at all. Not allowed to visit. She died on her own in an old people's home in November 2020. In a way they are the lucky ones when you think about it. Survived WW2 and got to enjoy the best decades that humanity will ever experience.
The GREATEST generation for sure! So sorry for your loss and how it was handled. 😔
To both Aliss and Julia K - I am grateful every day that my mother died in a nursing home in 2011 and that I could sit by her bed during her last few days. It breaks my heart to hear about the inhumanity of not allowing adult children to be with their dying parents, and that those parents died alone.
The January 19, 2022 report from the CDC itself, here, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm This January 2022 CDC report on natural immunity, notes natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection provides stronger protection against the virus than the COVID vaccines. See also Independent Journal Review here https://ijr.com/cdc-study-natural-immunity-significantly-protection-covid/ The data came from California and New York, with the study going from May to November 2021. Results? The vaccinated had lower rates of first-time infection by a factor of 6.2 in California and 4.5 in New York than the unvaccinated who had never before had COVID, the unvaccinated with natural immunity had infection rates 29 times lower in California and 4.7 times lower in New York. In California, the naturally-immune were less likely to be hospitalized (0.003%) than the vaccinated (0.007%). New York did not provide hospitalization data. Per the report: “These results demonstrate that vaccination protects against COVID-19 and related hospitalization, and that surviving a previous infection protects against a reinfection and related hospitalization… Importantly, infection-derived protection was higher after the Delta variant became predominant, a time when vaccine-induced immunity for many persons declined because of immune evasion and immunologic waning.” This data predates omicron and booster shots, of course.
Dr. Chris Martenson also discusses this January 19 CDC report here https://www.peakprosperity.com/the-covid-recovered-are-better-protected-than-the-vaccinated/?utm_source=Peak+Prosperity+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ac88250fea-weekly-peak-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d77483a02b-ac88250fea-144447329 He states “The conclusions are profound and rock-solid: There is no medically valid reason for denying a vaccine exemption to those who have had a prior infection, (and) there is no public health benefit to mandating vaccines upon those who have had a prior Covid infection.”
He also calls it “the crime of the century” in this video on Youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW4P_l4EXYg&t=3s (though I assume it will be pulled, and you might have to go to his website here to see for yourself.
And Fauci himself, in a video perhaps Hercule Poirot might have unearthed, said in 2004: “If she got the flu for 14 days, she’s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is getting infected yourself. If she really has the flu, she definitely doesn’t need a flu vaccine … the most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself.” Here is the link: https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1509852615751962627?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1509852615751962627%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lifesitenews.com%2Fblogs%2Ffauci-admits-natural-immunity-is-best-vaccine-lifesitenews-it-turns-out-that-dr-anthony-fauci-hasnt-been-completely-forthright-and-honest-with-the-public-about%2F
Quick watch it before the anti-science types at Twitter ban it, too, along with banning Isaac Newton and Copernicus
Jail. Now.
All of us would already be able to travel, work, live freely had natural immunity been recognized as permanent, durable, and robust.