Astonishing how determined "progressives" are everywhere to censor free expression. New Yorkers are very fortunate that they have the protection of the US constitution to provide some kind of bulwark and legal leverage against it. Here in Canada and in the UK we have no such protections. There are a couple of online censorship bills working their way through Parliament here in Canada with really nothing to stop them but the whim of MPs and Senators.

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Thank you for sharing. ReclaimTheNet.com is the best way of staying informed on proposed legislation, new policies imposed by tech companies, privacy practices, and anything else affecting an online user's experience. They also provide lists of various types of social platforms and web browsers which respect a user's privacy.

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It is quite amazing how over the past 6 years or so MSM has morphed into being openly pro censorship and opposed to free speech under the auspices of protecting us from mis/dis information. That there are many who were once pro free speech who are now pro censorship is a testament to the power of the real purveyors of mis/disinformation which is MSM. These morons believe everything they read/hear from MSM and assume that those who view alternative media also believe everything the read/hear and need to be protected by what I call Big Motherism. It also shows the power of being party trained. The party marchs from free speech to censorship and the party trained march along one step at a time. That is how 'liberalism' is morphing into fascism. Party loyalty is a social disease.

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Welcome to the “New Normal” USA seems no longer following any portion of the Constitution as it may now be a part of the WHO,WEF we are chattel…

Voices screaming in the darkness…

no legs any more…

Learn to function / communicate w/ in the Matrix..

It’s official folks…

Satan is in full frontal… swinging it in our faces!

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Social media needs to evolve so that it has localized versions for each jurisdiction with firewalls between jurisdictions to control the flow of information.

Dumbing down social media so that it conforms to the most restrictive jurisdictions will not work.

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The left has visually been taking over by Communists who are not really commies, they are those that believe in the WEF vision of a Totalitarian State where Big Gov and Big Corps own those that comply and kill the rest.

As Biden said, "The Great Reset is truly transformative.." No shit sir.

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