This is the question I’ve been asking since 2021 and met with eye rolls and blank stares. It seems to fit .

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think..check out the james roguski substack for the details

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VIDEO COMPILATION summary [8videos] 2025 will be The Great Purge of Misinformation, Disinformation, Free Thinking and Rational Conversation


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I have always maintained that the early pfizer (purple topped vials), which first required dilution were more likely to cause adverse events than later vials for two reasons.

1. the PBS buffer resulted in an unstable formulations with agglomeration and aggregation leading to what is known as CARPA

2. they formed large particles which in and of themselves may cause toxicity

CARPA is complement activation. These researchers show this how the Comirnaty can cause this.


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Question: what is democratized data?

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You can not fully indemnify a product and expect anything other than poor and arbitrary quality. Even the reporting of poor quality clot shots and other injections is for all practical purposes voluntary so it is a miracle we even hear about problems. There is neither incentive or punishment for making a mess of things.

The only driving force when manufacturing an indemnified product is your boss yelling at you to SHIP IT because cash flow and and quarterly reports and bonuses etc are hanging in the balance. Not much down side if you manufacturing crap but lots of upside if you meet deadlines and quantity goals.

If you want to destroy the manufacturing quality of ANYTHING, not just clot shots, give it complete indemnity protection. It is as no brainer as it gets. Same way it takes absolutely no brains to anticipate what the act of 1986 would do. Any realist with almost no brains realizes you can not depend on ethics and morals to get society in the aggregate to do the right thing because often those driving the bus have no ethics or morals. In a community like the Amish for example perhaps all you need is public shaming but in the secular world where most manufacturing happens you need CONSEQUENCES for poor quality. If you tell the manufacturer "no matter what you do all is forgiven" you can count on being abused. All of the events since 1986 have confirmed that sad truth. As the incidence curves for the number of autistic kids in helmets rockets skyward we've waited DECADES for "public health" to become alarmed and outraged enough to look into and do something about it. Because the paradigm is "no matter what you do all is forgiven, just go home and enjoy the profit". There is no punishment or incentive to fix it so it does not get fixed

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I wonder if the difference in toxicity had anything to do with the management of the cold chain for storage of the vials. From what I can remember (in Aus) it was said, initially, that the ‘vaccines’ had to be transported and stored at minus something. A bit later it was ok to store them in the Drs practice or pharmacy fridges. ( Can’t imagine the state of them at the pop up ‘shops’!! ) I wonder if this helped to reduce toxicity and thetefore save people.

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This person proposes that poorer temperature control can lead to more mRNA degradation, which may lead to a less fatal vaccine lot. They suggest that distance from manufacturing site might be a proxy for amount of degradation that has occurred. It is a good idea. Someone should investigate if distance from manufacturing site is correlated that batch 1-year mortality rate.

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This doesn't seem to account for age-dependent rollout, does it?

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