He wants to be part of the new DEI med student/ resident brigade . https://www.emra.org/emresident/article/spotlight-durrani/

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I highly doubt that's a full story

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Just as I imagined

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The current fabric$$$ of health care needs to be ripped out by the roots, pruned and replanted in a soil that’s not self-$erving and greedy AT THE TOP.


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Mr. Kennedy could be a real threat to their source of profit .

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I find it difficult to equate RFK Jr with worsening public health. America's public health has not improved in years, in spite of all the drugs that the CDC and FDA encourage doctors to throw at us. The alllopathic model foisted upon us by Rockefeller back in the day does not even know why some illnesses occur. That the CDC encourages pharmaceutical drugs as remedies that all too often cause more illness than they help has not changed their perspective. I see the CDC and FDA presiding over public health to be an oxymoron. How could Kennedy make it worse?

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Well said!

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Roger McFillin has a great substack, he is a psychologist I think, and he is very enlightening on the downside of antidepressants and psyche meds in general.

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I agree. I just recently found his work, and I am glad he has had the courage to speak out against the status quo.

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Oh great, he is so grounded, and is doing a public service by speaking out, and he has the credentials to back his observations up.

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me thinks they doth protest too much

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Come on, Med Page Today? It's just another pharma ad throw-away rag dressed up to look like industry news. The editors and writers will publish whatever they're paid to put out. Sadly, erstwhile colleagues believe the lies more than the authors of the drivel.

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those articles are everywhere right now; it's their final push to discredit a Trump administration. i guess the nazi/fascist stuff didn't work as planned.

just watch how the interviewer on this totally pharma controlled network comes totally unhinged when the guest takes her down a forbidden path:


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Clearly, her children we're affected and she doesn't care to look at the few that are reported. Both of my boys had severe reactions. My daughter, nothing that I could tell.

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Bable bot changing words again. "Her children were NOT affected, clearly"

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Did your boys recover? I hope

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A reform in healthcare means far less gravy from the gravy train.

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That's it!

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I’ve been a trial and appellate attorney focusing on government law and civil rights for more than 20 years. Your well-reasoned response to the miscreants who continue to attack RFK Jr’s tireless efforts and work defending the rights of children and protecting others from the poisons pushed on them by Big Pharma, Big Ag and the MIC was much too rational and polite.

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The Medical Profession As A Whole

Is In The Toilet.

Which Is Funny.

Because If You Wanted To Actually

Understand Human Biology

That’s Exactly Where They’d Start.


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He also said that RFK’s wanting to get fluoride out of the water supply would destroy children’s teeth! Actually fluoride destroys children’s teeth and brains. He is clueless!

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and bones!

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i wanted to leave a comment to the article but only medical professionals were able to comment. Dr Lyons-Weiler, i hope you will post your article as a (long) comment. there were 21 comments and most of them were in favor of RFKjr.

i'm always amused when they blame "misinformation" for the lack of trust in public health. no, PUBLIC HEALTH SUCKS! in the 40 years of anthony fauci's reign of terror, has the health of americans improved? NO!

my doctor cousin blames andrew wakefield for single handedly starting the "anti-vax" movement. the CCDH blames 12 accounts (RFKjr, Dr Mercola, the Highwire, etc) for the current iteration of anti-vaxxers. the virologists on TWIV credited massive Russian funding.

they just refuse to see the truth. most anti-vaxxers were at one time pro-vaxxers until their children were damaged and their doctors dismissed them.

i'm 71. i've had 3 vaccines that they gave to children born in 1953 and avoid all unnecessary contact with the medical system. i've never had a mammogram or a colonoscopy. i don't go for annual "check-ups." my insurance calls every year offering to send a nurse over and i always refuse. what's she going to say? that i'm behind on all my shots and "preventative" screenings? believe me, i know and i'm not going to do anything about it. i only go to doctors who don't take insurance. medicare is a back-up if i get hit by a bus.

in 1976, my cousin's wife took that swine flu vaccine and spent the following year in a wheelchair. you can blame my anti-vaxxer position on her. no amount of data or assurances can ever make me unsee that. my lived experiences with the medical establishment are what made me skeptical of medicine. the covid pandemic merely reinforced what i have intuitively known since childhood. no amount of advertising, censorship or coercion could make me trust them.

maybe if i had seen the health of americans improve over the course of my life, maybe if at 71 i wasn't healthier and more vigorous than your average 20 year old, maybe if they actually had cured cancer (or anything), maybe if they were just humble, i'd take a kinder view of them.

i hope Trump wins and RFKjr gets his chance at last to disrupt the entire system. things can't get much worse.

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My legs suddenly stopped working a few years ago. No dr would even try to help- not even my long time internal med dr. The only things that were different is I got the government job vexx schedule and I got bit by something that gave me a similar to bulls eye rash. Also avoided that- said it was political. Wouldn't even test for Lyme. This was after some serious affects that both of my boys had.

Then, work in the children's wing of a rehab hospital- all of them that suddenly cancan't walk or even sit up.

The last 10 years have been the worst "care" I have ever received, while I needed care the most. They have lost my trust.

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This part! I am so much right there with you on this!


i'm always amused when they blame "misinformation" for the lack of trust in public health. no, PUBLIC HEALTH SUCKS!


Then they use our tax dollars to develop campaigns to try to "regain our trust".

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or to censor us as if that makes our questions and doubts go away! then there's peter hotez who wants NATO soldiers to arrest those who refuse vaccines

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A threat to the dirty models, maybe. I believe he will do good things for us.

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Very well written. Thank you!

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The danger, as I see it, is that if RFK Jr does indeed get the position to shake up the health agencies, is that any perceived negative outcomes in the short term, will be weaponised against him by his enemies, which is basically the current mainstream scientific establishment, the medical system, corporations/media, academia & all attached minions. If more & more people refuse to vaccinate their kids, it is almost certain morbidity for illnesses like measles, pertussis & chickenpox will explode. Any mortality resulting from this will be used to crucify him.

Don't get me wrong, I am against all vaccines as currently manufactured, I am just pointing out as good as it is to see someone like RFK Jr make an impact, there is much danger to be aware of & in front of us.

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Even with the vaccines, people still contract the illnesses mentioned. What’s not mentioned much are the treatments available to treat such diseases. What’s also not mentioned in the vaccine statues of the millions who have poured into this country over the past few years. What’s also not discussed much in the mainstream are the negative health consequences related to vaccines, including autism and various other chronic diseases, such as asthma, MS and cancer. Trust depends upon transparency and truth.

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