Regulatory capture has been in slow evolution since at least the 1920s in North America. If RFK Jr.'s book is even half correct, a lot of this can be squarely put on Fauci who brought it to even more corrupted heights. All crony politics and no science. The guy is a homicidal, megalomaniacal grifter. He uses U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund dangerous and useless drugs that often hurt and kill more than they help and pockets the proceeds in the form of royalties How this guy wasn't tossed on his ass after the AIDS disaster is a mystery and reflects poorly not on just American politics and science, but morality as well. You can't have such a low-character person who has no problem pathologically lying to the public like this. And he's still out there babbling like a ranting lunatic. Somehow he needs to be reigned in. And Collins is no better. His resignation was interesting. Wonder why he did.

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Suggested Counter Narrative Words that point out the hypocrisy.

$cience: Science with a primary motive of $$$$

Phact Checkers: Those who deny facts in the service of MSM narratives.

Phaxine: Vaccines that aren't actually vaccines as per the original definition of vaccine.

Phooster Shot: Booster shot of a phaxine.

Drone: A medical professional who accepts the official protocols for the "treatment" of covid.

Covard: One who knows that the official narrative is false but does not speak up due to fear.

A.T. : Abbreviation for Anti- Totalitarian.

Falsi: A supposed medical expert who propagates falsehoods and outright lies.

Lone Ranger: Someone who wears a face mask outside even when other people aren't close by.

Hooked: A person who takes booster shot after booster shot.

Libocrite: A person who identifies as being liberal while supporting totalitarian measures.

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Well done. You should publish that, outside of comments.

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These facts are gaining traction in the minds of the people. The corruption of our world is vast, and there is such a knot of intertwined entities that the thought of actually undoing it all can feel completely overwhelming. It’s like a hydra with many heads. We must go after them and eliminate them all. The behemoth of the illegitimate regulatory agencies that have no constitutional power is an excellent place to start. Thank you for your work. Keep it up!

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Nice to see some quotes from the Federalist 10.

Your suggestions for change leave out an important point. The Federal government has grossly exceeded their powers. The commerce clause in the Constitition has been used to create an all powerful federal government.

Distributed power in the states would lead to more and therefore better ideas in all the areas you discussed. Eventually the best and nost successful ideas would be adopted by most states.

Look at how Florida and Texas have responded to Covid vs. Californian and the Federal response.

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Great point. Decentralization would be genius.

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Which brings us to cities of 10, 12 or 30 million people.

What's the ideal size? How do you bring it about? How do you stop cities developing on the back of scarce resources like the Colorado River?

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Great article.

Merry Xmas, here is your box of rules and edicts, don't even try to return them, you can't!!

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YES!!! To repeat a comment I made at a Steve Kirsch post:

After reading RFK’s book, I realized the ONE action we could take to make the biggest difference in curbing corruption would be to OUTLAW regulatory capture. The fact that the CDC is permitted to own vaccine patents while making national policy decisions about these very products boggles the mind. How can we propose legislation to make such unbelievably egregious conflicts of interest illegal?

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excellent point

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What is happening is atheistic communism.. blatant now but unless the west returns to Christianity it is inevitable... ignore the author of life and all you make a covenant with death.., choose life..

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Excellent, brilliant, important. Thank you.

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To describe the current direction of the nation as brought about by regulatory capture is a misnomer and an understatement. The totalitarian and revolutionary direction of the nation has come about not because of regulatory capture per se, but because politicians do not want to touch the Third Rail of entitlement programs for fear of their political death.

What we are experiencing today with a faux pandemic and race riots are highly choreographed media spectacles by paid actors as a cover up for trying to shake down the working class, as there is soon going to be no more money for welfare, social security and medicare programs due to the over-promising of benefits by politicians in both parties for the last 50 years.

The vaccine mandate is the new entry ticket or entitlement for continuing benefits; conversely the unvaxed are being denied benefits if they reject the vax. Illinois wants to pass a law confiscating some of private health insurance benefits for the vaxed. Nevada is enacting a law to tax the unvaxed supposedly for the illogical extra costs of virus testing for the vaxed. Where is the legal nexus?

This vax mandate policy is being enforced by unelected bureaucratic public health agencies. Congress is ducking out and is nothing more than a debating society while democracy is eclipsed.

The vax mandate in the military is a cover up of the same policy, authorized by Critical Race Theory and the Vax Mandate together, to provide make-shift jobs and health coverage mainly for Black citizens who are going to be losing welfare benefits. To do this unvaxed, presumably White, soldiers must be severed from the military. And the courts are also ducking on this one.

Sadly, there could have been a fiscal fix for social security and medicare instead of spending a trillion dollars on the Afghan War for nothing. That is why Biden just walked away from that war. As this drama unfolds we are seeing an end to the federal tier of government entitlement programs and the return of regionalism (but not localism yet) in several mostly southern states.

Apparently both parties pre-negotiated the 2020 engineered election, to roll out the pandemic and riots as diversions from what is really happening. I don't see one politician or religious leader on the horizon yet who is responding to the underlying debt crisis in a responsible manner beyond class warfare and an uncivil soft civil war. My only hope is this will not trigger revolution, because the outcome of revolutions are uncertain and often co-opted by totalitarians.

Catholic theologian E. Michael Jones has remarked that history shows revolutions start when a superwealthy Oligarch (Jewish) banker allies with a (Jewish) revolutionary, as occurred in the Russian Revolution and other tumults (no ethnic aspersions intended or promoted) -- see his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. The Jewish religion often sees this as an attempt to "repair the world". But the repair can destroy the house we live in. The only reason I bring up Jones' (controversial) quote is that perhaps Jewish and Christian leaders can emerge to bring about a more responsible direction for the nation other than letting amoral bureaucratic and totalitarian public health agencies, bought off media and psychopathic Oligarchs rule the roost.

The only possible exception to the drift toward totalitarianism and or revolution is the voice of David Martin, who Is trying to engage religious communities and leaders to point to a different more responsible direction for the nation than merely joining either side of the class war.

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Part II to Prior Comment Below (or above)

As this drama unfolds we are seeing an end to the federal tier of government entitlement programs and the return of regionalism (but not localism yet) in several mostly southern states.

Apparently both parties pre-negotiated the 2020 engineered election, to roll out the pandemic and riots as diversions from what is really happening. I don't see one politician or religious leader on the horizon yet who is responding to the underlying debt crisis in a responsible manner beyond class warfare and an uncivil soft civil war. My only hope is this will not trigger revolution, because the outcome of revolutions are uncertain and often co-opted by totalitarians.

Catholic theologian E. Michael Jones has remarked that history shows revolutions start when a superwealthy Oligarch (Jewish) banker allies with a (Jewish) revolutionary, as occurred in the Russian Revolution and other tumults (no ethnic aspersions intended or promoted) -- see his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. The Jewish religion often sees this as an attempt to "repair the world". But the repair can destroy the house we live in. The only reason I bring up Jones' (controversial) quote is that perhaps Jewish and Christian leaders can emerge to bring about a more responsible direction for the nation other than letting amoral bureaucratic and totalitarian public health agencies, bought off media and psychopathic Oligarchs rule the roost.

The only possible voice of changing the direction of the country away from undemocratic drift, totalitarianism and revolution has been David Martin, who is calling on religious communities to point to a more responsible direction for the nation than each merely taking a side in the ongoing class war.

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James - this is a lot of words to delude yourself that these events are emergent and organic, when they are actually coordinated and intentional.

The coordination of governments, media and corporations across the world, to pursue exactly those strategies which make no sense from a public health perspective, is not coincidental.

Neither is it coincidental that these strategies make a lot more sense from the perspective of peak oil and a controlled civilizational decline.

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No one should be getting any of these injections. Myocarditis is just one of the hundreds of adverse events which amount to a million reported and that is unfortunately under reported greatly. To point to one problem when there are hundreds of thousands dead and injured and now injecting children and soon to be infants with this dangerous experimental product it becomes criminal. That and the fact that these pharma owned regulatory agencies are trying their best to hide the immense damage caused by these shots points to the undeniable greed and little respect for human life. Fauci, pharma and the alphabet agencies need to be indicted for crimes against humanity and given the most severe punishment for this genecide they are committing.

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No one should be getting any of these injections. Myocarditis is just one of the hundreds of adverse events which amount to a million reported and that is unfortunately under reported greatly. To point to one problem when there are hundreds of thousands dead and injured and now injecting children and soon to be infants with this dangerous experimental product it becomes criminal. That and the fact that these pharma owned regulatory agencies are trying their best to hide the immense damage caused by these shots points to the undeniable greed and little respect for human life. Fauci, pharma and the alphabet agencies need to be indicted for crimes against humanity and given the most severe punishment for this genecide they are committing.

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Great article, thank you. 👍🏼

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Thanks, Nova. More to come.

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Government never solves a problem. It makes problems profitable. Usually for whoever is best connected to the government.

Pick any government program you like. Do the research honestly, and you'll find overall it is making things worse. To pick my own ox to gore - as much as I may love space and astronomy and think they did some cool stuff, I have to admit NASA did far more to retard development than help it.

Penn and Tellar used to have a series called "Bullshit!". I highly recommend the whole thing, but the episode on the Endangered Species Act is on point.

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One correction. The NTSB has no regulatory authority, that's the FAA.

The NTSB investigates and makes recommendation to the FAA and industry and many times is critical of the FAA's lack of action.

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