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Strange! Have you been banned elsewhere? Are platforms sharing information?

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Yeah they’re going after stuff I posted over a year ago. That’s how you spell desperation. Idiots.

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Since you asked for opinions: Definitely do not delete. It might take months for Musk's new policies to trickle down to the employees who were OK with being agents of the Ministry of Truth. But they have everything to lose by admitting their mistake. This needs to happen.

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Musk will not have any control over Twitter for at least 6 months or a year. And that is if he does not pull his bid, which he should, particularly given the recent stock drop over Twitter’s overstatement of accounts. The most you can expect is that you will have alerted him to a problem — one I expect he is well aware of already. At this point in time, your only expectation of Twitter should be that it will continue to censor any speech that does not align with the Biden administration. My advice would be to let it go — find an alternative (GETTR, GAB, even Truth Social or Parler). Return to Twitter only when the censorship ends. In my opinion, for what that’s worth…

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Yep the best outcome would be if Twitter were to die.

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We musk not put all our posts in one nest.

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Don’t delete. Don’t give them that. Better to stick to the truth and let the censors show their colors. The real truth will be revealed. But something like Gil Scott Heron’s line goes: The revolution will not be Twitterized. Or something like that.

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Off topic somewhat but I found it quite a word-salad and wouldn't want to share that which I don't have at least a reasonable grasp of. I *think* it's saying the vaccines created antibodies which in turn helped the disease evolve into Delta etc and made things worse? But I'm not sure enough to share.

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Agreed: Do NOT delete your tweet.

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Do not sign. However, the source of the 'deletion' needs to found and eliminated. Each time something like what happens needs to be exposed on Twitter itself, so that people (including Musk of course) see the underhand corruption and 'white-out' mentality of the previous Twitter morons - continue to expose the continued bias taking place before the transfer to Musk is finally completed. Aren't we all sick of this snooper-vision and white-outing of anything that challenges the 'common narrative' - preventing the truth having a free voice!! Do not sign.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

As Jo Scraba pointed out, Musk does not own Twitter yet. There seems to be substantial increases in followers for "conservatives" and substantial decreases for "liberals", so something is happening at Twitter regarding bots or algorithms ~ despite reports that the software has been "locked down". Nonetheless, I would not delete the "offending" tweet, unless the whole point of the exercise is simply to see how long it would take before you are banned again...

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Stay the course, don't give an inch.

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My opinion: Don't delete. But also consider that getting banned isn't the worst thing. I really believe it's time for all the decent people in the world to quit Twitter and let it go the way of Myspace. I've seen what even the best of discussions on Twitter devolve into. And I hold no illusions that Musk is the savior of free speech. He's a narcissistic billionaire oligarch who is heavily into AI tech and transhumanism, in addition to having ties to the WEF. I don't mean to be a pessimist. I may be wrong - and I will be glad if I am - but something about Musk's Twitter acquisition doesn't sit well with me.

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May 1, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Don’t delete and please do not get distracted from the important battle taking place in Switzerland on a May 22-28 involving international health regulations and our constitutional rights. See jamesroguski.substack.com and DontYouDare.INFO.

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Wish I could tweet about this.

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I’m praying for a lot more than a tweet! It’s insane given what is at stake that we are reduced to avian sound bites.

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"but I will say that someone at Twitter did not get the memo that Elon Musk intends for Twitter to be a public forum."

Musk doesn't own twitter yet and most likely will not until the end of the year. Multiple articles have reported that there will no be an major changes in twitter policies for the foreseeable future.

This is a decent article:

Social Media

Elon Musk’s ‘Free Speech’ Idea Could Nuke Twitter’s Vital Ads Business


I think people should temper expectations.

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From the Forbes article: "A thriving ads business and unrestricted free speech? They simply cannot go together if a company want[s] to keep the lights on."

To me, this is a subtle threat to woke companies to stay away from Twitter if the sale goes through. However, as Disney is discovering, you may not be able to "keep the lights on" by vilifying and alienating half of your consumers.

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"woke companies"

Please name the woke companies.

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There are so many! It is easier for me to attempt a definition: A "woke company" actively promotes a left of center ideology regarding, for example, political or social issues. Given that definition, and since I prefer companies to remain neutral, I will outright boycott certain brands like Coca-Cola/Pepsi. Or I will buy an ebook from Barnes & Noble instead of Amazon. I use the website 2ndVote to help me make those sorts of decisions: https://www.2ndvote.com

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Capitalism: an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society. The essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit.

It's all about the Benjamins & the Franklins. Companies will do or go, do what they have to do for the sake of profit. The only ideology they follow is MONEY. The path they follow is influenced by that more than political ideology.

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Your penultimate sentence is no longer true, and has not been for some time.

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Say who? You?

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I agree with Castigator. Your view of capitalism is what it is supposed to be, but it no longer exists. Although I would question that it ever was intended "to serve the best interests of society".

The majority shareholders in most of our large corporations include BlackRock and Vanguard, with privately owned Vanguard even owning part of BlackRock. BlackRock, like (or in conjunction with) the World Economic Forum, is strongly pushing the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework on corporations. ESG abandons Shareholder Capitalism for Stakeholder Capitalism, which substantially alters the "profit motive" equation and elevates ideological issues.

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Good for you, you agree with him. So what? Do you or anyone really knows what is happening behind the scenes? If you do please post what you know and how it can be verified. Until you do that-it's up in the air just like no one knows what the US shadow government is doing behind the scenes.

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May 1, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Wish I could see that. Still unable to access the public forum. Thank you for sharing. https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/yep-twitter-still-censoring

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Do not delete it. "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." -Friedrich Nietzsche

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I deleted my Twit account so that gives you my position. Don't be a Twit.

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A Twitter update from Jeff Childer's Coffee & Covid substack:

"Twitter’s algorithm continues “evolving” in the wake of Elon Musk’s now-accepted offer to buy the platform. The floodgates have been tightened back down to a trickle for conservative influencers, it seems, if my account is any indication. But suddenly this week Twitter started ejecting large conservative influencer accounts faster than Fauci can chuck beagle puppies into a plastic shredder."


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