
Great doctor!

He was punished for truth telling which happens to many of us.

I have a number of his books in my library.

There are lots of natural methods to heal mental issues.

Here are a few:

Magnesium, B vitamins (all of them - B complex), liquid minerals mixed in water or juices, Vitamin C crystals (stronger), etc.

Both Vitamins Bs and Cs are water soluble which means that they leave the body on a daily basis and must be replenished all day long.

Magnesium has about 300 or so functions in the body.

Magnesium is great for anxiety issues as it is a "calming" mineral.

Magnesium chloride is highly suggested for this problem.

Schizophrenia is caused by the lack of enough Vitamin B 3 - Niacin - read Dr. Abram Hoffer's books on this and more - see list on www.doctoryourself.com, etc.

This is a serious brain disorder, and those with this issue are "dependent" on Vitamin B 3 - Niacin.

Each person is different and requires different dosages on a daily basis.

I highly suggest reading Ann Wigmore's books on nutrients.

I have plenty of her books in my library.

The body need nutrients not drugs in order to maintain itself or heal itself.

The body is the "temple" as the Bible tells us.

We are designed by the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.

God love you all.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thank you, Lise, for this comment.

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There's a saying in China: among cancer patients, one-third die of fear, one-third die from overtreatment, and only one-third actually die from the cancer itself.

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This I believe is reasonably accurate.

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Aug 15Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Thank you JLW for bringing this disturbing information to our attention. Lise--everyone who speaks the truth is punished.

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I say put them to work doing ethical science under the direction of people who care about helping people obtain optimal health!!!

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Interesting saying!

People die needlessly from the lack of knowledge = particular knowledge.

Visit this website www.templetonwellness.com (James Templeton's website).

Lots of videos on how some people healed naturally.

Listen particularly to Joe Tippens way of his healing from cancer - type in his name in the search box = 3 videos.

Very insightful!

I have his book in my library "I Used to Have Cancer.


Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Now add to these deaths, the fact that over 48% of vaccine-exposed American adults have some form of heart disease, a 50% lifetime risk of cancer, 11% have diabetes, 18% have arthritis, etc..

The rates for these deadly diseases in entirely unvaccinated adults is so close to zero that we couldn't find any unvaccinated adults with any of them in a 48 state study. Based upon our sample size (a 0.2% random sample of this particular population, which represents .042% of the entire U.S. population, the total the risk for any of these serious diseases in the unvaccinated adult controls would have to be well below 1%.

Pharma has deployed many ways to unnaturally shorten the ride to our graves, and to assure that the trip will be agonizing.

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Aug 13Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

What should one expect from a for-profit 50 billion in fraud fines, evil pharma medicine that has killed *12.5 to **40 million people in just the last 50 years? (If you can believe the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study! ** Or Dr. Null's facts & book, Death by Medicine!) Demonstrating that "DEATH is the wages of sin but the gift of God is eternal LIFE through Jesus Christ our lord! [Romans 6:23] Godless evil Godless nations deserve & get nothing more than mass death!

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A lot of emotional illnesses are the result of abuse and/or neglect in childhood. Tell a doctor you are depressed and the go to is a prescription for a drug, that won't work. Doctors minimize adverse effects, by saying 'rare' or not mentioning them at all which is more likely. They see you for a few minutes and collect a hefty fee from the insurance company regardless of outcome. The system is sick, sick, sick, how can one find healing in a sick system?

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Aug 13Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

License or no license, pharmacists and the doctors pushing their drugs are drug dealers.

Pharmacist = Legal Drug Dealer. 250,000 drugs on the market. 30% of all drugs approved by the FDA were later disapproved, pulled from the market. 5 (five) of those 250k drugs actually work with little or no side effects. Fentanyl has been allowed to flow freely into The USA as tens of millions of foreign national illegal aliens parade in getting funded in the process as The American standard of living has crashed for the rest of US due to traitor joe's inflation caused by energy DEPENDENCE. #Remove388TraitorConsFromUSgivernment #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #FreedomIsNotFree

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