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Jun 9, 2022
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Absolutely not. My message is actually quite simple: People who are in the arena of vaccine risk awareness and who are fighting for their individual rights should not be distracted by false witness messages designed to divide us - and that are designed to separate us from those not involved and as aware.

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What about anti-BS?

I am VERY anti-BS!

Perhaps that’s what people who are under hypnosis should focus on...

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Good idea to defuse the Kafkatraps before they detonate.

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Thank you for that term, I had forgotten about it~

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Noun. Kafkatrap (plural Kafkatraps) A sophistical rhetorical device in which any denial by an accused person serves as evidence of guilt.

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This is a handy resource:


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I went along to a climate change focused meeting about 4 years ago. Everyone except me was in their late teens or early 20s. They were gaslighting me about gender from the get go. So I put the shoe on the other foot and said that their words were harming me. Worked like a charm.

Also the young guy I was sitting next to was obviously gay. They were basically gaslighting him too. Telling him that he was trans.

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Canada is sadly well on it's way down this path with our PM pushing for ridiculous regulations that will only increase censorship.

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I've been reading about that. I hope there's enough resistance to ward some of it off.

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I think anyone who has been paying attention over the last several years already knows this. It is our rulers preferred strategy to counter criticisms of their insane ideology and its iatrogenic outcomes.

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COVID-19 woke up millions - they have not had several years to notice. But I suspect their proxy attacks will be relentless.

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Relentless — no doubt.

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With all due and utmost respect, it is an anti God agenda. Communism. The ultimate target is to rid religion, so to only worship the government. The U.S. Constitution is being dismantled. Once the 1&2 amendments are gone it's over. Sedition and treason abound. U N. And W.H.O. WW3 under way without a single bomb being dropped. We are living on the wrong side of history. About big bio Pharma, look up Plantopia.

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To the extent that religion serves the purpose of allowing people to compare notes, and that works against the Global Communist Agenda, I agree. But even that is an abuse of false dichotomies. The profiteers don't care as long you consume what they want to force upon you. They just find totalitarianism easier to work with.

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Far more than just " comparing notes" my friend.

The LORD has made everything for his own purposes,

even the wicked for a day of disaster.

I regret missing last day of class in bio of immunology. Thank you for enriching my knowledge. Trying to get one of my Girls to enroll in upcoming classes. Your expertise in your field is immensely respected and it's been my honor and privilege to partake in. 🙏🏻

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Hi, Wanda, I'm honored. Anyone under 18 can view the material for the course if their parents enroll. We don't offer courses to younger students... yet :)

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The definition of religion is following a dogma, a set of rules, or worse, worshipping a human person such as Koresh. Following the Bible without following the Truth, the Logos, the real person of Jesus in a true relationship, is anathema to Jesus. It is everything wrong listed in 1Cor 13 “a clanging gong” that makes noise only and does not produce harmony or peace. He does call us to follow but in a relationship of Lover with His beloved (Song of Solomon and John 3:16). He does not subjugate you unwillingly as a follower but ALWAYS waits for the beloved to submit him or herself willingly. One day soon however He will put all under his feet for those unwilling. He has given mankind centuries of wooing and love. He has promised in His word that stops at some point only known to him when mankind reaches a fullness of wickedness. I do not believe God every means you to come to Him due to this “threat” although warning it is He still always desires a willing heart. But the day will come. He went to the cross to demonstrate this depth of love.

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They certainly prefer Doctrine to Empiricism. And they prefer Doctrine over Constitutional Law. It's simpler for them.

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Coram Deo

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Weren't churches forced to close, and pastors arrested, with liquor stores and strip clubs allowed to remain open?

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"Dialectic" is a term kind of like "Data Adjustment" when I see it.

I know it is usually going to be bad, except most of the time, when it is very bad.

"Enlightenment has put aside the classic requirement of thinking about thought."

"Dialectic of Enlightenment" -- Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno

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Now you are seeing it. It's impossible to remain out of politics and avoid the rampant subversion. Once you see it, you can never unsee. Look at some of the greatest men in history who were absolutely ruined for speaking the verboten truth.

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get FIRE on board for all those 1st amendment lawsuits

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There are those of us who were awake right from the start, when the talking heads first began spewing 'science' that did not hold up to scrutiny. Knowing that we were not 'crazy' we sought out others who were also able to see what was going on. Over time the number of us 'conspiracy theorists' (aka. critical thinkers) has grown with more people awakening each day to the propaganda and true reality that faces us. A problem they will face with resorting to smear tactics is that those who are 'awake' don't believe anything they say anymore, we haven't for some time. After all they have demonstrated time and again that they are liars who will stop at nothing. Those of us who are part of the 'substack' community in most cases may not have ever physically met, or perhaps only on zoom, but through our honest communication and discourse we have gotten to know each other, at least well enough to know that if they are accusing then it is highly likely they are full of it - as usual!

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Interesting. YouTube gave me a hate speech warning the other day for a playlist of all things. It was not for something I uploaded, I saved a playlist. Absurd. They are warning me that I watched content that was available on their platform, they won't say what content and what was the problem with it (I have no idea what are they referring to, other than it was on a playlist).

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Keep speaking and advocating! Rationalism is sorely needed in our world. All of the labels you mention (and more) are too often politicized to motivate distrust, division, fear, and hatred—all to keep people from reading, considering, and thinking for themselves. Eyes on the prize, which is the liberation of everyone. Keep up the good work.

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What about "sexist", and "bigoted"?

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Prior to 2020, I had not heard of yourself, nor doctors Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Richard Urso, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Tess Lawrie, Stephanie Senoff, Vladimir Zelenko, Mary Talley Bowden, Michael Yeadon, Paul Merik, Geert Vanden Bosch and many others. The last two years these amazing humans have been our lifeline to the truth. They have shown time and time again to be solely concerned with doing what's best for humanity. They have demonstrated humility and complete honesty over and over again. There are millions like myself, and millions more that have woken up just recently, as they watched what regulatory capture looks like in real time. We will not be giving even one second of our time to acknowledging any attacks on these fine doctors. You all are Rock Stars, society owes you a great debt, and we sincerely thank you!

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The good news is at this point basically all thinking persons are on to their scams.

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Well said!! I tried to make sense of this back in the early days of my Substack


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