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Apr 13, 2023
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The transhumanists.

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WEF/NIH/UN/CDC/DOD and many more ASSUMED power they never earned it or even were elected like Biden wasn't. 111% Biden Wisconsin, that doesn't happen.

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The communist covidiots think they will stab us without pushback. It aint over till its over.

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“is presented in a short video:”

I wonder if the infantile cartoon figures enhance the video’s credibility.

Maybe it’s just me, but I see cartoon figures as a flashing neon sign saying “this video is pitched at idiots”. It’s how Mattel sells toys to pre-pubescent children.

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They know who they are dealing with... think long and hard about who walked willingly into a needle?

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Good point (ahem).

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British Columbia was once a haven for freedom-loving hippies. What the hell happened?

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Think about your brothers and sisters, man. It ain't cool man to like not vaccinate, man.

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That is definitely the vibe

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Well take the vax, have a window of 7 years if it isn't a placebo. Death isn't cool, my wife just died.

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Rob, so sorry for your loss. I was not agreeing in any way with this destroyer-of-lives-jab, I was just offering a possible explanation to Jaye as to why people known for promoting freedom have accepted the narrative and gone for this horrible jab. They would have to tie me down to give it to me, followed by me finding all involved and severely showing them how I felt about that. Peace.

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I didn't think you were advocating it. The thing is pure evil. They go farther than just accepting it. They still argue with whoever doesn't with their word salads which mean nothing. And left asnd right their friends are dropping like flies. WW1WGA

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I believe your question answers itself.

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I can't wait til WE, THE PEOPLE start to reverse the Democide in an eye-for-an-eye fashion.

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So let's start.

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I am appalled that this is happening in Canada. It would appear that the left leaning BC Gov has gone completely off the rails on full on authoritarian. So much for the True North Strong and Freed.

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This news alert is brought to you by Pfizer.

Didn't all actors in California want to move there if Trump won?

Iconic that all the Chinese that moved there to escape China are now finding themselves stuck in Chinese again.

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Red alerts indeed. It is a Red Dawn. Follow the perpetrators back to their affiliations, secret societies, funding, blackmail and so on. All roads lead to Rome.

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Ironic, I wrote a long article in one of my substacks on how I think Rome is America.

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The doctors are now pin cushions. LMAO. That "Instant Karma" thing was way quicker than I thought.

I don't feel sorry for them. They let their patients suffer and die for 2+ years withholding early treatments and now they won't speak out to stop the vaccination of children. They have, and will continue to, let kids & adults suffer and die needlessly just to collect a paycheck. Their immoral, unethical, spineless obedience is being rewarded with an unending series of injections. Bummer for them. They should have stood up when they had the chance.

I oppose bill C-36 on principal (because I still have those, unlike the vast majority of doctors) but I'd be a liar if I said I cared about doctors. I know it won't end with them. Once they get this precedent in place they will extend it out to other groups.

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Bill 36 is not about doctors. It covers the whole range of anybody who might be described as a member of a "health profession." It also has some interesting features to include "former licensees", who may also be deemed liable or guilty. The naturopaths, for instance, are not amused.

It has not been extended to teachers, whose union, BCTF, is a proud supporter of the NDP.

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Canada has a charter of human rights, America has a constitution. What the two countries have in common are money-grubbing, power-hungry politicians constantly crafting legislation designed to subvert their foundational structures that protect citizen's rights and freedoms.

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It's hard to believe that this "religious tirade" for the shot is still going on with fervor after it's been proven to be ineffective and unsafe. Even if you don't know the bodily damage and carnage a normal person wouldn't comply. So much for normalcy. This is an authoritative push with religious veracity

to bring the world into compliance with a feeble excuse.

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Here is a response from a friend of mine who lives in BC which I find informative.

As to the note… Medical care has been a Provincial Government responsibility for many years now. The vast majority of people here want nothing to do with private healthcare or insurance companies. There is a strong lobby here mostly backed by American insurance companies who want to paint a negative picture of our system, but despite some issues it works well and costs virtually nothing to us compared to the alternative. Very soon we will also have free dental and pharmaceuticals for those who need it. I guess too we have a different concept of government, the motto in the States is Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness whereas ours is Peace, good order, and good government… no one here has to mortgage a home for medical care. I know the press likes to find those cases which are on the fringe and publicize the heck out of them, but most of us are satisfied.

Don Hutchins DC DACS

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