I believe that as much as I believe Joe Biden has all of his mental faculties!

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Yeah, the timing is just as the CDC suggests a tenth dose.

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Lock up everyone who works for the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA!! Nothing but a bunch of criminals!!

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Thank luck some people seem to be able to tolerate this toxin. Makes me a little less worried about my friends that got 3 doses. HIM should be compensated for his medical research and studied intensively. Somehow, I think he'll take any monetary offers for this service.

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Its a Bullshit story; the math says 8 boosters/month for 29 months!! Not even the lunatic health care providers in the United States recommend this many boosters spaced this close apart from each other!! If that is the case they make Fauci look like Florence Nightingale!

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March 1, 2024: “CDC released today updated recommendations for how people can protect themselves and their communities from respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. The new guidance brings a unified approach to addressing risks from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, flu, and RSV, which can cause significant health impacts and strain on hospitals and health care workers.”

March 4, 2024: The Lancet publishes their study, “Adaptive immune responses are larger and functionally preserved in a hypervaccinated individual.”

Did ya catch that? ….a unified approach.

Riiiiiight. No significant timing coincidence of these announcements. 🙄

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Has anyone checked the batch nos.? Some batches have more harmful effects than others due to poor quality control, experiment manipulation etc.

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What’s REALLY in the shots they gave him??? in order for HIM to not have any adverse effects?

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Where was the control group of UNVACCINATED volunteers? Using an anecdotal case to demonstrate that many jabs are only slightly more damaging than several jabs proves very little. Three people I'm close to, including a teenage boy, have had their lives devastated by these vaccines. Responses are determined by individual susceptibility. TERRAIN. Studies need to reflect a wide variety to be meaningful. Of course, vaxxed groups including people with health issues, the elderly,

pregnant women and babies are not going to happen...except in real life.

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So one man supposedly survives 217 vaccines and he gets an article on him. How many have not survived even one or two jabs and...crickets. How do we know what was in those vaccines - it could have been saline. No tests have been done to show a comparison between vaccinated children and unvaccinated children. They could be done now as many children are unvaccinated. I'll say this, that you don't have to be a genius to see that vaccines are a ruse to make people debilitated and make corporations very wealthy. If anyone can't see through that then good luck navigating the quicksand.

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HIM is just another dazed and confused soldier drafted to fight and die in a war set in motion by the invisible hand of a ruling elite. The only way to win is to not play. Stop all transfections now.

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This reminds me of a common refrain during the 50s and 60s when tobacco executives would be questioned about the connection between smoking and lung cancer. "I have an uncle who smoked three packs a day for 65 years and he didn't get lung cancer." Of course implying that smoking therefore cannot cause lung cancer in anybody. This type of argument works on a lot of people. Just like MANY people will view this man's experience as proof that the vaccine is harmless for everyone.

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The conversion of spike specific IgG1/3 to IgG4 only happens systematically and not in the upper respiratory tract (URT) if we believe the Cleveland clinic data, because, there was an increased risk of infection reported with with each subsequent dose. THERE is no broad conversion of all IgG1/3 to IgG4 [Yoshimura M et al, Int J Inf Diseases, Feb 2024]. Therefore a broad "tolerance induction" does not exist. Rather when the spike protein returns (SC2 infection or another shot) the IgG4 then results in the inhibition of macrophage activation (via triggering FCGR2b) which results in loss of immunosurveillance against infections and cancers. While intuitively one might suspect this is likely to lead to more severe COVID-19, the severity of COVID-19 depends upon macrophage activation and SC2 infection by ADE. So those with high levels of spike specific IgG4 may be resistant to more severe COVID-19 although are certainly spreading new variants selected in the URT and prolonging the pandemic. This resistance may fall apart when new variants like Omicron subtypes emerge and the induction of spike specific IgG1 and 3 starts all over again.

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"Therefore a broad "tolerance induction" does not exist. Rather when the spike protein returns (SC2 infection or another shot) the IgG4 then results in the inhibition of macrophage activation (via triggering FCGR2b) which results in loss of immunosurveillance against infections and cancers. " Is this a plausible explanation as to the rise of cancer and repeated infections in the vaccinated? I have several family members who have been recently diagnosed with "aggressive" forms of cancer and others who can't stay well (always catching something...sick every other month).

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Yes, but also recall that shedding from the vaccinated is another source of spike protein which could then inhibit macrophage activation. In terms of the mRNA vaccines being bio-weapons please see my recent substack post at https://hervk102.substack.com/p/the-marvels-of-the-herv-k102-virus. I have called for the banning of all mRNA gene therapy vaccines yesterday March 5, 2024 (including the establishment of clinical trial moratoriums). If indeed, integration occurs in the protector macrophages and high levels of spike protein are produced, then it is possible that immunosenescence of macrophages causes chronic diseases (CVD, cancers and increased risks of infections). Don't forget spike is very toxic and causes clotting issues and vasculitis. Check blood pressures on your family members and then try using Nattokinase (AOR on Amazon) and Artemisinin Pro (Provita on Amazon) (or Ivermectin if you can get it) for 7 days and see if the blood pressure drops to normal on the 6th or 7th day. Those with aggressive disease maybe should double the dose. Also be sure to top up Vit D3 levels and take zinc daily. Take a walk at noon. Take multi-vitamins. Take whey but not plant protein supplements (plant amino acid profiles are immunosuppressive!). Shy away from anything known to be anti-inflammatory except ivermectin/artemisinin and other alpha-fetoprotein antagonists like zinc, DHEA (better is 7 keto DHEA) and genistein or isoflavones.

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Thank you for this information! I will share it with my family. Many do not listen to me despite my concerns and warnings, but out of love I will try and help until I can't. In any research you have read, are the vaccinated constant spike producers (no off switch)? If taking whey protein...does it matter if it's isolate or concentrate form? I have two beautiful children...what do we do for them? This is all so crazy.

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Let's see who is still alive and doing risk adjusted and relatively well in one, two, three, four, five, ten, years time. I for one am very curious (and patient) to see this data.

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Didn't a team of researchers in Europe collect and test a large number of spikeshot vials and find that 30% contained no mRNA - in other words, were placebo shots? How do we know how many real shots this man got? And of any real shots he got, how many - if any - were from hot lots?

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KW - "30% contained no mRNA" any links would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm sorry, I don't have a link for this. I collected so much information and so many links re COVID for so long...my file of print-outs is enormous...I finally gave up and this particular issue is something that I didn't collect a link for, as far as I remember. I think the researchers were Eastern European, and I know the matter was referred to the European Parliament (I think by at least one national government which was concerned that its citizens had been "cheated" out of vaccine "protection"), and as far as I know, the European Parliament did nothing. More recently, there was a Danish study of AEFIs re: spikeshots and it appeared to me to confirm the 30% "harmless." I think the Danish study would be easier for you to track down since I saw the report on it earlier this year. (Of course do your searching with a less-censoring web browser.)

The most comprehensive reporting I've seen on spikeshot lots is on howbad.info and it's possible I saw the information on the European "blank lots" there, or that you could find information there even if that's not where I saw it.

BTW, I also heard early in the spikeshot roll-out that 30 to 50% of spikeshots given at some U.S. vaccination sites were placebos, but I never saw any confirmation of this. It's possible the data at howbad.info would support this...I haven't checked.

Jessica Rose PhD has been working with VAERS data, but I know she's in touch with researchers in Europe, so she might be a source of information or be able to suggest someone in Europe for you to contact if you want to track this issue down.

It's also possible that EudraVigilance data would be helpful though perhaps like VAERS data, it's being manipulated to hide inconvenient truths. In the early months of the spikeshot roll-out, I found it very helpful for statistics on categories and severity of spikeshot AEFIs, but I scoured the website for over an hour looking for numbers of *deaths* reported as spikeshot AEFIs and could never find that info, so some cover-up was already in place even then.

If you do find any relevant information, I'd be interested to hear it. Perhaps you could reply to this comment if you find something?

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JLW - Jab this, the same guy who got "busted" in April 22 when he had only 87 shots. Cover story: made a barrel of money selling vax certs, and never got Covid. Funny thing, he never got prosecuted because he was "mentally unfit" (fits most uncoerced jabbers), and just continued on his merry way getting more jabs, while LEO turned it over to researchers? Everyday 2 a day and nobody noticed the track marks? The entire story, medical records and study are = fake PCR puffed shock & awe numbers = complete BULLSHIT. He's a transient deficient that was paid to show up at the vax centers to encourage uptake, and became a running joke, then a pity poster boy. But of course the nipplehead cultists are going to say, see it's safe & effective. Shame on the German fascists, those researchers and The Lancet for this pharma whore promo.

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217 shots in 29 months? That's roughly 7.5 doses per month. He would have been getting 2 injections per week -- and according to the CDC, ONE additional dose is recommended, AT LEAST 2 MONTHS from the last dose. [1]

We are not told how he accomplished this, either . Who agreed to give him those vaccines, and why? Or did he steal these doses?

How would he know if he was having adverse reactions if he was constantly in a state of recovery from immune provocation?

Per the CBS News report [2] : "They checked the levels of a variety of types of cells involved in immune system responses, and while some were boosted as his vaccinations increased, many levels were in line with the control group." This means that some levels were NOT in line with the control group. Which ones? Were they too high or too low? The Lancet paper that was published on this man [3] indicates that antibody tests and "routine" blood work was done. However, it does not appear that autoimmune markers, which generally require specialized bloodwork, were looked for.

Is the man mentally ill? Could the initial 2 shots and/or booster have triggered OCD? A quick search of VAERS reveals 85 reports of obssessive-compulsive disorder/symptoms and 69 reports of generalized anxiety disorder following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. [4] [5]

Finally, it is curious that the Lancet paper specifies "From November 2019, to October 2023, 62 routine clinical chemistry parameters showed no abnormalities attributable to hypervaccination ." [3]

There were no SARS-CoV-2 vaccines available in November 2019, nor in November 2020.

[1] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html


[3] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(24)00134-8/fulltext#sec1


[5] Link To This Search Result:


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BRILLIANT ALLIE."But there were no SARS-CoV-2 shots available in November 2019. Nor in November 2020." THANK YOU!!!

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Beware confirmation bias. Before dismissing this paper, note that this was investigated by German prosecutors and many of the injections were confirmed by clinical records at injection sites. As for the Nov. 2019 date, the supplementary methods information ("study cohort") specifically says, "Table S2 shows a summary of routine clinical chemistry parameters measured from November 2019 to October 2023." This was routine clinical bloodwork. Any man that is apparently such a hypochondriac that he got this many jabs to avoid COVID-19 no doubt sees his doctor often for check-ups.

My own reaction? We shouldn't dismiss case reports that don't agree with our point of view, just as we don't like it when the other side does the same. I thought your "critical review" offered a balanced commentary. Case reports have limitations. They can inform, and large numbers of them (as in VAERS) carry more power than isolated examples like this one. But ultimately they don't have the power that large epidemiological studies have. Excess deaths, myocarditis, etc., are supported by stronger evidence than individual case studies.

So, if you are Joey Chestnut, gulp down on 76 hotdogs and become a world champion. If you are not, you might die in the process.

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I agree, we should not dismiss case reports that don't agree with our point of view. However, it's very strange that the Lancet paper states "From November 2019, to October 2023, 62 routine clinical chemistry parameters showed no abnormalities attributable to hypervaccination ." Why were they looking for anything attributable to

hypervaccination between November 2019 and December 2020?

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Yes. Further, they nearly never find anything of clinical significance they admit is or even could be attributable to vaccination. They set their own relevance standards which is not delineated in the article nor ever shared for signal finding in VAERS either. For one example, if Calcium were high they attribute it to him eating a TUMS last night, or Potassium was peanut butter, yet these are quite common now since boosters. Potassium is in Pfizer jabs. I’ve taken more ppl off their ACE and ARB in the last two yrs than previous 5 combined. And those ppl took the rx without a high K for decades, until a booster. Personal opinion only, I would guess he got lots of saline. Brilliant comment on the OCD!

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Great catch on dates. I find many ppl can’t get years straight since the nonsense started. Also doubt they would consider anything as ‘attributable’. Here is just one not attributing vaccination to high calcium or thyroid issues because it isn’t always ‘incidental’ findings:


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Here is another reporting ACE elevations (which then lead to K elevations) among myriad other hazards— https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/61/20/61_0104-22/_article/-char/ja/

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Alison, they WEREN'T "looking for anything attributable to hypervaccination" between November 2019 and December 2020! They did routine blood work then, and only LATER, when doing this study, did they go back and look at the earlier blood work. I agree that the wording is awkward, but the meaning is clear if you read the details of the methodology in the Supplement.

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I understand that -- but it's much more than awkward wording.

First of all, it's incorrect wording, if they mean for the 11/2019 -12/202 bloodwork to be comparators to later bloodwork during a hyper vaccination period.

Then, if they are assuming that bloodwork from November 2019 and 2020 is "normal" ("normal" for that patient, anyway) during a time period where they patient was NOT hyper-vaccinating,then they MUST actually establish that he wasn't hyper-vaccinating for something else (flu shots? ) at that time, and also that he was not part of any clinical trials involving vaccines. Or, for that matter, preventive medication.

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Look at those critical thinking skills! FANTASTIC!

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we should have a jab 3 times a day before meals indefinatly or lose weight with jab meal replacement...

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IDK, smells fishy to me.

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