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Jan 29, 2024Edited
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"Clear and compelling evidence" that vaccines are effective? How can that be? They have never been proven safe and effective.

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Biden lawyers up. Maybe he should have listened to the moms and dads in the first place. Justice is coming, the people will be redeemed...no Attorney can save the guilty from this mess.

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Getting rid of informed consent is another dodge of potential responsibility if they can say you went willingly to the slaughter. https://open.substack.com/pub/nakedemperor/p/fda-quietly-removes-the-need-for?r=jhq3f&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Though it does specify minimal risk of harm, so serious adverse effects should get past that condition.

That said. We all know that logic, reason and common sense all die as quickly as Bidens brain cells, upon first contact with government agencies.

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And lest we forget: Trump signed legislation to fund the Cov.id.psy0p.

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But what else could he have done at that time?

To have ignored the very vocal "experts" at that time, would have resulted in public lynching by the media, the democrats and even his own party.

Being attacked for doing something vs being attacked for not doing something.

The democrats attacked him for daring to suggest suspending flights and then attacked him for taking too long to do so.

Trump aint perfect.

The rest are so much worse.

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Trump could have fulfilled his Constitutionally mandated duty as president under Article II Section 3, which he swore an Oath to do:

"He shall...take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..."

US Const. Article VI, Clause 2

"This Constitution, and laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof...shall be the supreme Law of the Land."

Anyone serving as president knows, or should have known, that any laws NOT "in pursuance thereof" are NOT the "Law of the Land", and are, in fact VOID.

SC of the US - Marbury v Madison

"A law repugnant to the Constitution is void."

SCUS (aka USSC) - Norton v Shelby Co.

"An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed."

Unconstitutional 'acts' include:

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 - The Patriot Act - The PREP - among others.

Each of these clearly violates - is repugnant to - the Constitution. Each of these constitutes 'Conspiracy against rights' under 18 USC Sec. 241 and / or Conspiracy to deprive persons of civil rights' under 42 USC - both federal crimes. (It's worth looking up these laws as passed by Congress; the 'code' is the rewritten version.)

Each of those unConstitutional 'acts' of Congress deprives We the People of rights specifically protected by the Constitution.

- The Nat'l Childhood Vaccine Injury Act - amended to include all vaccines given to anyone IF they appear on the CDC's 'Recommended childhood vaccine schedule', which includes hepatitis B, flu, etc- even when administered to adults, which created the 'vaccine court' (not a court) program VICP; and

- The PREP Act - which created the CICP

These Acts conflict with US Const. Amend. VII

"In suits at common law (now replaced with 'civil law', claimed to be the same thing...), where the value at controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved..."

The opposite-named 'Patriot Act' deprives We the People of all our natural, God / Creator given and Constitutionally protected Rights - if the government simply labels us 'enemy combatants' or 'domestic terrorists' or whatever other word games the feds are playing against we the people As I understand it, the gov uses these labels to deprive people of even the protections of international treaties given to soldiers in a war.

These are all clearly "repugnant to the Constitution".

Trump could have stood firm regarding HCQ and ivermection. He could have fired Fauci, of the flip-flop pronouncements. Instead, he gave Fauci, and others, an award - a Presidential Commendation - for their work on Operation Warp Speed.


More cut-and-dried, Trump could have supported the Constitution.

Instead, he chose to assume powers beyond those granted to the Executive Branch, the illegal "emergency powers". For those cheated out of a decent 1-12 grade education, the federal government and the officials have NO AUTHORITY beyond those delegated / granted by We the People in the Constitution.

Why didn't Trump read the Constitution, and 'stand in the way' of those 'after us'?

Trump bragged, even recently, about the COVID-19 shots (fraudulently labeled and marketed as "vaccines") - and said he 'never got credit for how well' he handled "the pandemic".

He also signed 'red flag' laws depriving veterans of their 2nd Amend. rights. Why did he initiate lockdowns and/or fail to prevent or stop Governors from depriving the people of their basic rights & liberties (that's also covered in the Constitution for the USA) - failed to pardon Assange and Snowden of charges they never should have had filed against them - or pardon any non-violent Jan 6th protestors before he left office on Jan 20th?

Maybe there are good reasons Trump further infringed the rights protected by the 2nd Amend. And has failed, so far as I can find, to acknowledge those injured or killed by the 'warp speed' shots. Not one.

If anyone has info on why our 'savior' Trump did, or failed to do, these things, please let me know. Biden makes Trump look great! But... wouldn't Biden make a pet rock look like a great president?

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Sadly yes. He did insist on a contract that specified a safe vaccine not a bioweapon.

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Agree, I have parroted that in many podcast episodes!

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Shared. TY.

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I don't think EUA products need informed consent.

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They DO need no other effective treatment in order to be approved which is the reason they suppressed and later banned the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. The law states that for emergency approval there there can be “no adequate, approved, and available alternative.”

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There is, of course, no lawful authority to ban the use of any FDA "fully licensed and approved" drug, even for off-label use - if the patient is fully informed of the potential risks and benefits, and the extent to which those risks and benefits are unknown.

This decision is between the physician and the patient.

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Theoretically. We all know that is not what happened, because the majority of pharma-groomed doctors went along with scam, conned into silence by the medophiles.

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Doctors had no idea what was in the jab and few cared.

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No idea what was in the jab because the package inserts only said Intentionally left blank.

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Please join us!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

This project should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Either we own ourselves - our lives and our bodies - or we are owned- slaves.

It's time to return to the fundamental principles of law.

The Declaration of Independence established the "free and independent States" "In the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these (former) Colonies."

We the People, acting through our agents, our "trustees and servants", created the compact, the agreement, between the States referred to in the Preamble as "the Constitution for the United States of America" which created the US of A a we know it.

Those who create anything always have authority over that which they create.

As the "posterity" of those who created the States, and the United States - in the literal sense of direct descendants, and/or in the general sense of successive generations, we the people, the lawful inhabitants, of the U.S. are, a many of our State Constitutions confirm "the source of all political power". Sovereigns.

The Supreme Court of the US acknowledged the right everyone has to refuse any medical treatment, for themselves or their children, in Cruzan v Dir. MO Dept. of Health.

If we have no say, no right to fully informed consent, consent given without any pressure, we do not own our bodies. If this is true, we are slaves.

In accordance with the document by which "in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People" the original united States were founded, I hold

"these Truths to be self-evident,

-that all men are created Equal,

-that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

-that among these are Life, Liberty, and Property (original version) / the pursuit of Happiness,

-that to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among Men..."


The words 'men' and 'man' refer not only to adult male humans, but to all people. This was common knowledge through ~the 1960s. Those words come from the Latin 'manus' for 'hand' - not an other body part.

Congress has no authority to deprive anyone of any of their rights- including ownership control over their bodies and their lives.

This included fully informed consent, free from pressure, to take part in any medical or behavioral experiment. Under the National Research Act and The Belmont Report, this includes not only formal clinical trials, but also the use of ANY experimental medical (or behavioral) product or procedure.

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And remember Trump signed legislation to fund the bribes that drove the WHO.UN.ov.id.coup and enthsiastically announed it

Friday 13th, March 2020, turning USA over to WHO.FEMA.

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A U.S. President doesn’t have authority to do that to Americans. Frankly, not even really for U.S. citizens, or citizens of the United States. I hope the general public learns what their own jurisdiction is, so they don’t fall for the incorporated “government” mayhem.

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I wonder. I've thought for a long time now that the only thing that will stop the madness is when we start publicly executing those responsible. Suing the government definitely needs to be done, and the injured definitely need to be compensated (although there no compensation whatsoever that will be enough for those who have lost parents, children, spouses, dear friends), but I don't see the lawsuits stopping the madness. It's a step in the right direction though, so I can only hope that there will be more steps in the future.

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I agree, they’ll just print more money, they need to be obliterated🙏

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About time this disaster was exposed for all to see.

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" Adverse side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine are rare, " They are still promoting the official story.

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Jan 29, 2024Edited
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See Biden admin is hiring more attornies for the escalation in vaxx lawsuits

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So unfortunately, it is we the taxpayers, left to pay the bill, not the perpetrators of the damage!

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So sorry about your mother. My father went into a rapid decline and died six months after a booster.

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Please feel free to go ahead and file a claim! (Technically, it's not a lawsuit, sadly. It's a claim in a compensation program, even though they call it "Vaccine Court," it is not a court of law." If you win your case, then your mother's tragic death will be on the record as associated with the vaccine (which is important), and you can donate any compensation to the injured. Do be aware that you have a 1-year time frame (since the date of her vaccination) in which to file. After that, you cannot.

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Jan 29, 2024
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Substack Therapy! I love it!

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My heart goes out to you. Am in the same space. Lost my mom to the vaccine. My family is now awake to what happened.

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I agree that you SHOULD file your claim. If you win and get money, you can donate it to IPAK-EDU to help fight against vaccine mandates--or to another worthy cause. Don't think living persons will automatically get the money that you did not claim. Government is going to fight like hell not to give anybody anything. And, if they lose, they will fight like hell (delay delay delay) not to pay out the claim. Their hope is that plaintiff will die (of COVID not vaccine injury) before the lawsuit can be settled. REMEMBER! Pfizer lost their claim that they couldn't respond to FOIA for 75 years. BUT STILL they refused to release FOIA information as rapidly as the court ordered.

There's a book on vaccine injuries titled "Turtles all the way down." You can read the first chapter free. It's a great book. Now we need a book about refusal to treat vaccine injury. Let's call it, "Weasels all the way down."

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There needs to be a "love" icon for Diana's comment -- best comment I've read all year!

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Aw Shucks!

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"Weasels all the way down"

I love it.

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My therapist refused to discuss my fears of vaccine injury after early 2021 when he became convinced vaccines were safe and effective. To his credit, he supported my decision not to get vaccinated. But he's terrified of dying (he's 75) and thinks mRNA is the key to eternal life. He told me we can exchange views--but we can't discuss my feelings. Just that I have to realize that he doesn't share my views and I'm not going to influence him. He told me I was paranoid. Ah the happiness of the vaccinated! Secure in their feelings of invulnerability and acceptance by the rest of the world. He is fully boosted and belongs to the church of perpetual boosters. He's not so scared of Covid any more, though, because he's had it twice and recovered quickly (probably due to being vaccinated--right?)

Why don't I quit? Because he's really helping me reduce my anxiety. Because he was the therapist of my late husband whom we both loved. Because I've known him for 30 years and feel comfortable with his approach. I'm finally feeling less triggered and less rejected.

(I was raised by at least 12 or 13 different caretakers until age 14) My therapist and I vowed not to reject each other.

I'll share what I recently learned. If mistreated, best not to weep, wail, feel helpless/hopeless/victimized. Fight back to preserve rights. Don't rely on authorities repenting and restoring justice. Don't cave in. (Ha ha I want approval from everybody so I usually cave. Not going to get vaccinated, though.)

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"belongs to the church of perpetual boosters"

Ahhh, what a fine phrase!

Sounds like so far, your therapist has gotten the placebo shots. Let's hope this continues, or else he decides to stop while he's ahead.

[Have you heard of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)? You might find it helpful as another option for reducing anxiety. Lots of info including a trained practitioners list and DIY instructions at eftuniverse.com]

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I thought that, too. That he got placebo shots. Or I could pray for him so that shots are expired, or unrefrigerated, or saline. A few times I was so angry! Hope you have a tinnitis (never would convince him), or a mild heart attack--just a wake up call. WHAT AM I THINKING! I'm wanting him to be damaged so he will repent and avoid further damage? That's CRAZY! Shape up, me!

RE: EFT Until recently I regarded every meditation, every EFT, every "gimmick"is only to make sure I can hide my suffering so my misery won't bother my therapists or friends. That's how I experienced RET with Albert Ellis. But it helped me get through work and also to avoid alienating people.

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EFT has been life changing for me. I also have a girlfriend who lived through terrible trauma in her elementary school years. She has healed in a way I was not even sure was possible with EFT.

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An excellent resource based on truth from the only Truth. https://npmin.org

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Finding and living the truth is the goal humanity needs.. Some are reaching out for and finding the truth. Where is the truth found? Many are still deceived, hopefully they will recognize the lie(s) and turn away from them before long. Those who are totally deceived by their own choice are living the lies and perpetrating them on the rest of humanity- they will face God's judgment soon enough. .

Exo_34:6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

Jer_7:28 And you shall say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips.

Jer_9:3 They bend their tongue like a bow; falsehood and not truth has grown strong in the land; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me, declares the LORD.

Joh_8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Joh_14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Joh_14:17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him

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We need to stop calling these injections “vaccines”. Investigate their self-replicating metallic (graphene) and other nano technological associations and your perspective will change forever. Search for evidence through microscopy and from patents.

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Transfection is the proper term.

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You may want to visit DiagnosisDiet.com for articles by psychiatrist Dr. G. Ede on how what we eat affects our brain - and how our brain function affects our moods, anxiety, etc.

Would anyone here be shocked to learn that the foods the fed gov has been promoting as "a healthy diet" do not supply the nutrients essential for optimal brain development and function?

It's not about health... it's about money.

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Still in denial.

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"Adverse side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine are rare, but we need many more lawyers, stat!!"

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Yeah they still cling to that line OF BS

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Sea change.

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As president dumbass is going after docs who issued fake passports. They should be rewarded

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Main stream media STILL trying to trivialise the issue. Claiming the incidents are few is BALDERDASH! Incidents are in the tens of millions. Hopefully this is the first sign of a tsunami of claims against the evil cretins who perpetrated this massive assault on we the people.

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Our government is massively corrupt....even more so than when Clinton was President!

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I shudder to imagine the type of soulless antihuman bastard that would read that job description and say to itself, “Yea Baby! Just the job I’ve been waiting for!”

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That was my thought as well. What sort of cretin would even want that job?

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you'd be surprised. I met the most fabulous, intelligent woman who graduated from law school soon after our meeting (in the early '80s). I just assumed she'd sign with a firm doing the kind of work handled by the Institute for Justice or Steven Donziger (etc.)...but she immediately went to work defending haliburton against asbestos claims. and I was the only one in the group who was shocked and dismayed. everyone else heard her salary and thought what she planned to do was awesome.

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I once went through yoga teacher training with a lawyer who worked for Monsanto . I remember thinking - woah, you actually tell people you work for them?! She was a lovely person. I think there was some really interesting Karma at work there.

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I wonder if a person such as you describe, at some point examines the balance of good vs evil they are actively engaged in in the world. I know I have to check in with my work as an emergency nurse and evaluate the sum of my contributions to humanity.

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I think emergency nurses are exactly the sort we need! I don’t see a doc (other than my chiropractor), but if I have a terrible accident, ER docs and nurses are just the sort of care I want. Thank you! I can’t imagine trying to help people while navigating that system.

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Thank you Nicki

Some days I get home feeling like I’m physically and emotionally covered in a thick grime. Bathing is good for the physical part. But the emotional cleansing can be difficult

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Still adheres to the government narrative--injuries are "rare", whatever that means.

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Adverse effects were noted in the infamous 60 Day report from Pfizer and there were hundreds of different types of medical issues / injuries caused. Here is the actual report link, take note of pages 30 to 38 which is Appendix A , an alphabetical listing of the types of medical conditions caused by the Pfizer vaccine ⬇️


Here is a link to a full breakdown of the Pfizer 60 Day Report which summarizes and details what the report has actually stated.



The types of injuries caused by the shots are extensive up to and including extremely rare conditions like Stiff Person Syndrome , the one that brought down Celine Dione’s career.

The Newsweek article makes out these Adverse Events as rare. The pharmaceutical industry’s own digital app for recording Adverse Events as of the late fall of 2022 had recorded over 1.8 Million events in the USA with a minimum criteria of a physician’s visit with prescription being the lowest level. The highest level of events categorized are hospitalizations, loss of employment, and of course Death.

I hope this helps those affected by these shots get the legal attention they need.

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The App / Recording System called V-Safe, which is the one that recorded the 1.8 million adverse events mentioned above, is produced by the CDC and physicians should be recommending this system for anyone that gets inoculated with any vaccine so that individuals can report any effects. Here is the link to V-Safe ..⬇️


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Plus, as the ICAN V-Safe lawsuit showed, over 7% of the 1st 10 million participants had an adverse event serious enough to seek medical attention. Hardly "rare".

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there is data which shows the rate of injury from these 'vaccines' is 1 in 800.

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Wow. So they’re actually admitting the truth? Or at least a part of it?

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No Read Alison F comment below....

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I just meant admitting that there are injuries. Alison is exactly right

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One VERY troubling detail with the Newsweek article: they are calling the filed claims "LAWSUITS." That is terribly misleading; Newsweek readers will likely think that anyone can sue vaccine manufacturers for design defect, adverse reactions, or failure to provide the promised immunity.

We cannot.

The filed claims are not lawsuits.

Despite the moniker "Vaccine Court," it is ONLY a compensation program, where government attorneys defend a government vaccination program using government "science," while rejecting all dissenting science and facts supportive of the plaintiff. There is no judge, jury, discovery, or precedent. Cases drag on and on for years, and sometimes the claimant dies before their case can be heard. In the rare case that the government-appointed "Special Master" decides that the claimant is worthy of financial compensation, no official admission of causality is made, and the case is sealed.

Deaths are awarded a maximum of $250,000.

Newsweek's misinformation here needs to be called out.

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very important point, they are playing slight of hand again- how surprising.

I thought I smelt a rat, but you have shone a light on him and pointed him out- well done!!

A lawsuit should have compensation commensurate to the crime, this is tokenism, and no doubt will cost a lot more in legal fees than will be awarded in so called compensation.

Again the lawyers win again, but they will be judged, like the rest of them, same as in Christ's time...

And He said, Woe to you also, lawyers! For you load men with burdens grievous to be carried, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers. .....

Woe to you, lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and you have hindered those who were entering in.

(Luke 11:46-52)

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Alison F, you hit a bullseye with this comment! "Lawsuits" is a powerful lie - a deadly kernel of poison hidden in a sweet cookie.

(You have a typo I hope you'll correct. Maximum compensation for death is $250,000 not $25,000.)

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Good catch, Kayla, thank you! I just corrected it.

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Hay whats a Zero between lawyers, they will just eat it up too!!

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Well my goodness.

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I guess the jabs haven't killed enough people if there are still so many left to file all these law suits.

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[Bitter snort in response to your comment . . .Too true, too true . . .]

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Curious that it took this long for this information to show up here! Here is another article........... COVID vaccine injury lawsuit surge: DOJ's hiring lawyers, but what about Big Pharma? | BenefitsPRO


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