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There is a reason the etymology (origin of words) of the word “pharmacy” has some disturbing connections..........because the darkside likes to stay in the dark and never to be exposed to the light of truth!!!

If you go to etymology online and look up the word “pharmacy” you will NOT find the word “witchcraft” anymore. They simply took it out. That’s the wonderful thing about digital data....if people start to get wise, just delete it and it never existed. Poof. Gone.

Fortunately for me I took a screen shot of the word pharmacy before they changed it. I know how the darkside operates. Thank you Jesus!!!I wish I could post the screen shot here so you could see it.

Here is what it shows now:

late 14c., farmacie, "a medicine that rids the body of an excess of humors (except blood);" also "treatment with medicine; theory of treatment with medicine," from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing," from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment.

There are some SERIOUSLY dark forces behind many things in this world and the pharmaceutical industry is one of them.

Never curing anybody just masking the symptoms. Never look into the cause of the symptoms. Genius. And they get paid BIG BUCKS for their charade if lies and deceit.

They even use fake pharmaceuticals to fool people into believing they do something for you (those are probably the best ones). So they will give you a sugar pill and you take it once a day and whala you are healed. THAT is the power of the mind!!!! It’s called a placebo.

Now they DONT like to mention the opposite of the placebo and that is Nocebo. You probably never heard of it....I wonder why??? Hmmmm

The Bible says:

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

That’s why witches use words on people!!! It’s called enchantment!!!

That’s why the media repeats lies constantly until people believe they are true!!!

(try this for 2 weeks: turn OFF your “tell a vision programming” and stop being programmed!!! I guarantee you will FEEL better after doing this.

Just like Hitler wrote in his book “Mein Kampf”

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

There is a reason there is a broken pentagram that was built into the streets of Washington DC folks.

Per 33rd degree Freemason Manly P Hall a broken pentagram has more power than a closed pentagram!!!!

Above all? Seek Jesus Christ with your whole heart and get “Born Again!!!!” NOW!!!

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Play Gregorian Chant music everywhere, it can be so soft it is nor really heard, especially while sleeping..,thought it is beautiful. Satan despises it and will not come near.

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