Someone thought it would be a good idea to move to a secondary endpoint mid-review. That told us a lot about how bad Pfizer's data must be for their vaccine in children and why they pulled their EUA.
Scientists: It is Imperative That Worldwide Administration Of The mRNA Vaccinations Be Stopped Immediately Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations
THE FIRST RED FLAG IS EAU! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD "bELLY UP to the bar of experiment of russian roulette! From Mick-All the cops are criminals and the sinners are saints. The regulatory bodies are lobbyist for the global bankers-they all need to be charged for genocide.
"Now we have evidence that COVID-19 vaccine can lead to immune suppression via lymphocytic reduction (see Dr. Mobeen’s lecture on this, below) - meaning those who got COVID-19 after the first dose may well have been temporarily immunocompromised."
I've been posting about this for a few months on Kirsch's site. The mechanism is vitamin D deficiency due to vaccination during the acute phase while the immune system is gearing up. Then an infection hits, dropping D levels further. It could be covid, flu, RSV--doesn't matter. And it's especially likely when vaccination occurs during winter and when people haven't been supplementing adequately with vitamin D--when vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is more severe.
I've read quite a lot of journal articles about vitamin D's relationship with the immune system and cardiovascular disease, if you can't tell. Being non-medical is actually an advantage on the topic of vitamin D.
Personal anecdote, I reluctantly got the vax last year for my spouse who is immune compromised. I spaced the jabs out almost two months because I wasn’t going to get the second. The second one made me feel “off” for a week, but even more concerning is about two weeks post jab I developed an abscess. My spouse gets these all the time and they are a very antibiotic resistant strain of MRSA and usually require immediate bactrim at initial presentation or hospitalization. As infectious as they are, in 10 years I had never had an issue, but post jab I did. I asked for the bactrim but my Dr wouldn’t prescribe because it wasn’t their SOP, despite me saying here is our history. So, eventually had to get it surgically removed, and when they ran the test on the sample it was exactly the same as my spouse. I had two more infections over the next two weeks, and then that was it.
Also, another weird thing, I can run 5 miles at a 8-815 pace and be fine, but I am winded carrying a laundry basket up a flight of steps.
"We must have them 'promise' to never interfere with the FDA again." Wow. These people murdered American Citizens. It wasn't the WH, it was the WEF behind the WH. If you think the solution is to have these murders "promise" never to do it again, your understanding of what's going on is so small as to be useless.
The blind spot here is people can't conceive of the thought of doctors being corrupt or even criminal. Doctors leverage their good standing very well so they have a very long leash where public tolerance for their corruption is concerned. People don't want to believe doctors can do harm. Comic books, though, knew better. They usually cast scientists and doctors as villains. No offence James et al. It's tongue in cheek but an observation where pop culture is concerned.
Not just murderers. Psychopaths and Sociopaths. Neither of which can be trusted to keep their word on anything not in their own interests. These people are pure evil - from Big Pharma, MSM, Big Tech, other black hats, and select government agency heads. Without the mutually supporting efforts of these groups, this genocide wouldn't have gotten off the ground.
Instead of appealing to their better Angels, we need to make it impossible for interference in regulatory matters. Stronger enforcement of anti-corruption measures. Elimination of lobbying as legalised corruption. 100% Government funding of such bodies & trials so they don't become beholden to any company. Patent regulation updates, to eliminate the conflict of interest for government employees. Winding back of the 4 decades of layered Fauci corruption. The list goes on. Each of those tasks would be a huge body of work.
i'm shocked that in his point by point analysis of Malone's Joe Rogan podcast, he says there's no evidence of menstrual disruption. i thought that was pretty much common knowledge at this point. as of a few months ago, there were over 30,000 yellow card reports in the UK and the NIH has devoted some (small) funding to studying the problem. Prasad must have been under a rock for him not to know that.
i asked my doctor a year ago for her take on the vaccines. she said her practice was not recommending them. they had 2 patients with weird miscarriages and one 69 year old patient who suddenly got her period. she said to me "these shots are messing with womens' hormones."
Prasad is a UCSF guy through and through who is leaping on the bandwagon of keeping masks off of kids because the science is super clear its of no use- therefore its a safe hill to die on. I've had a REALLY hard time trusting anyone who continues to push the narrative that Covid vaccines are okay at this point when there is so much evidence to the contrary. He wants to grow his audience and be a TV doc, so he's standing a bit on the red pill side, but super supportive of the blue pill side. Plus I've got a really deep connection to UCSF through my MS stricken dad- he lives a stones throw from them and they have been caring for him for 20 years. They can do no wrong in his eyes. And to be fair, they've done a great job on his MS. He's invited to lectures all the time via zoom and the false narrative on COVID they push is all encompassing. He actually told me last October that UCSF was so proud of the fact that, and I'm quoting here, "they now have access to life saving monoclonal antibodies. They stated that not many doctors know about these yet, and they'll be available for select patients for Covid." He was so proud of UCSF for being cutting edge on Covid Treatments. He didn't like it when I sent him articles showing DeSantis in FL was opening up monoclonal clinics all over FL, and they had been around for a while and many docs outside of the Bay Area (apparently) know about them and use them. I love Mobeen's lectures. If people want another lecturer who is calm, thoughtful, with a bit of bite (British that is), Dr. John Campbell is awesome. Dr. Suneel Dhand also seems pretty decent, but I've only seen a few of his lectures. Merogenomics (Dr Raszek) is also wonderful, and he takes you on a lovely walk while he lectures :-)
If Prasad wasn't born yesterday, he has a long way to go in terms of removing his blinders. He is more worried about the FDA's reputation than the fact that an obviously corrupt approval process, politicized from the get-go, might have harmed people around the world ~ SMH.
As info, I searched to see what I could find on Gruber and Krause. It seems that the latest regards a FOIA request about their communications from Judicial Watch, which is likely to be slow walked and then redacted to make the results as useless as possible:
I hope that Dr. Prasad, as well as the many other doctors who have seen the undeniable problems with these vaccines and the authorization/approval system, will be honest enough, and discerning enough, to recognize that this is not new. It's been going on for decades, and they are just now aware of it. I hope they will be humble enough to consider that possibility.
I'm one of those rare people who spends a lot of money on books researching. Been doing it for 35 years. I did a deep dive into vaccines. And what I discovered was incredible. What we're seeing now, has happened repeatedly for decades since the late 19th century. Vaccines are big business. Pure and simple.
Prasad is a total whore. He’s bright and claims friendship or at least sympathy with John Ioannidis. Intellects in this class know EXACTLY what is happening. Prasad’s arguments concern the theology of the left and career advancement but have no grounding in reality. You might as well listen to CNN.
I agree with this concern that Dr. Prasad expressed:
"So we're going to do it again in two months and some people online say well you know it's better to do it right than to rush it and this is the right call but they're missing the forest for the trees this is like somebody who created the problem and then (the same person is) defusing their own problem."
Here' s what I think:
Maybe this is one of those fake "See? We really care about making sure this is safe and effective" moments, like the pause of the J&J last April. During the pause, they received 50 more reports of deaths from thromboembolic events, half of which were from the J&J even though it only accounted for less than 10% of shots given. They very narrowly defined the condition that caused the death that set the whole investigation off - cerebral venous sinus thrombosis - by adding a qualifier that it had to exhibit the markers of TTS - thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome. None of the other events they looked at fell within those parameters, or they couldn't verify that they did, or they outright lied. Then they said, "See? We care so much about safety, and our surveillance system is so great that we caught this very rare complication. But this was the only one." And then they started the shots back up again, ignoring all the other related deaths as if they had never happened.
i lost a friend to the J&J. she was pretty much home bound so her odds of getting covid were fairly nil but if she got it, her odds of a bad outcome were pretty high. they sent someone to her house to give her the shot and they used the J&J because it was "one and done."
a month later, she didn't answer my texts. turns out she felt so bad that she called an ambulance and the hospital put her on a ventilator for 4 days. when they took her off, the told her she had damage to the right upper chamber of her heart and they wanted her to sign a DNR. she was pretty shocked and wouldn't sign. she was dead a few days later.
no one, aside from me, even considered vaccine damage as a possible cause so i know it was never reported.
That's so sad. The "one and done" mentality is the reason the J&J is still on the market. In Dec. the FDA considered whether they should stop using it or just recommend that people get the mRNA shots if they could instead of the J&J. They specifically discussed that they knew it would put people at higher risk of adverse events, but that people like your friend or any other people who may not have access to a two-shot series should still be able to get it because they claim that having this shot is better than having no shot.
Prasad, as intelligent as he is he is biased when it comes to actual vaccine science and I'm stunned that he is incredibly NAIVE when it come to the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and the regulatory agencies in the US. Specifically the FDA.
-The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA's Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem?
i like Dr Prassad. i don't agree with him 100% but at least he takes a reasonable position unlike the virologists on TWIV who just seem to be mouthpieces for the narrative.
he's naive if he thinks the FDA's reputation has been just now ruined by their association with politics. what about their cozy relationship with Big Pharma which has been with us at least since the Bush administration?
the FDA is a joke. i would hope the next administration would scrap all those bloated alphabet bureaucracies- FDA, CDC, NIH- and start over.
personally, if something is FDA approved i assume that there is money to be made, bribes were paid, influence was traded and it probably doesn't work, has massive side effects and will be taken off the market in a few years after enough people have died and the drug company has made back it's money.
i've had much better results with herbs, vitamins, peptides and other "fringe" modalities.
i hope Dr Prassad made an error when he said "I don't want Paul Offit to disagree with mandates." i rejoice if Paul Offit disagrees with mandates (and trust me i am not a Paul Offit fan!). every sensible living person should disagree with mandates. once you lose control of your body, you have nothing
Exactly. Anyone who supports mandates - which are just coercive and not rooted in science - two years later are still trap in a fog of fear allowing them to support unethical measures. It's not just the FDA that will lose trust - it's the entire medical establishment.
i lost trust in the medical establishment when i was in grade school. they've done nothing since to regain my trust. i go to functional doctors who don't take insurance and use nutrition. i've never had a flu shot or a mammogram. i've only gone to regular doctors when i've broken a bone or been hit by a car
Yeh, it's been a long time coming for me. The last 15 years I saw things I didn't like. Now I will avoid them like the plague. What they've done here is bad. Very bad.
i'm 68 so i've had very few vaccines- polio, smallpox, TB. i had actual measles, mumps and chicken pox and my parents didn't seem unduly alarmed. when i was 9, i had a lingering flu and overheard my mother on the phone, giving our family doctor what for when he accused me of malingering. that might have been my first clue.
in 1976 my cousin's wife took the infamous swine flu vaccine, got GBS and spent a year in a wheelchair. i figured i'd take my chances with the flu. no one ever checked my flu shot status or made it a condition of employment. i have just been shit canned from the Spoleto Arts Festival where i have worked as Costume Director since 1980 because i won't get two covid shots plus booster. i never realized that my skill and talent were dependent on a vaccine that didn't even exist before 2020
Wow. Unrickenreal what's going on. When it comes to vaccines, love the victim blaming. 'Were you wearing an anklet when you got raped?' Doctors - especially paediatricians - are infatuated with vaccines. I knew someone (from my hockey pool days) who is a paediatrician. In 2020 when he flipped his mind panicking over the virus, the guy showed he was a real lunatic about vaccines. I mean nasty aggression. There were NO questions no matter how valid that were acceptable. Vaccines or die and that's that. He absolutely hated being challenged by me. But I got the better of him on a number of occasions. Wasn't very hard when someone argues in bad faith. The hockey pool guys loved me for it.
it's interesting to me that people who are pretty squarely on the other side- Peter Attia, Marty Makary, Vinay Prassad, ZDogg- are becoming more open seeing the nonsense going on. i once heard Attia say on a podcast that if you weren't pro-vaccine you couldn't be his patient. of course, he's friends with the unvaccinated Joe Rogan which must have made him think. he's also said that feeling all this pressure to get vaccinated on the basis of such crappy data has made him more open to the doubts expressed by people who don't want to be vaccinated.
i take that as a win. he doesn't have to come all the way to my side; he just has to make an overture.
profit and control. i'll have to listen to your rebuttal. i like malone and mcCullough. i've heard them many times on many podcasts. i don't understand why joe rogan had to take all the heat
The poison needs to be halted.
Scientists: It is Imperative That Worldwide Administration Of The mRNA Vaccinations Be Stopped Immediately Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations
Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk
Mass Murder by a Medical System that has Lost Its Direction and Soul
THE FIRST RED FLAG IS EAU! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD "bELLY UP to the bar of experiment of russian roulette! From Mick-All the cops are criminals and the sinners are saints. The regulatory bodies are lobbyist for the global bankers-they all need to be charged for genocide.
When fear is in the streets, common sense hides.
"Now we have evidence that COVID-19 vaccine can lead to immune suppression via lymphocytic reduction (see Dr. Mobeen’s lecture on this, below) - meaning those who got COVID-19 after the first dose may well have been temporarily immunocompromised."
I've been posting about this for a few months on Kirsch's site. The mechanism is vitamin D deficiency due to vaccination during the acute phase while the immune system is gearing up. Then an infection hits, dropping D levels further. It could be covid, flu, RSV--doesn't matter. And it's especially likely when vaccination occurs during winter and when people haven't been supplementing adequately with vitamin D--when vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is more severe.
I've read quite a lot of journal articles about vitamin D's relationship with the immune system and cardiovascular disease, if you can't tell. Being non-medical is actually an advantage on the topic of vitamin D.
Personal anecdote, I reluctantly got the vax last year for my spouse who is immune compromised. I spaced the jabs out almost two months because I wasn’t going to get the second. The second one made me feel “off” for a week, but even more concerning is about two weeks post jab I developed an abscess. My spouse gets these all the time and they are a very antibiotic resistant strain of MRSA and usually require immediate bactrim at initial presentation or hospitalization. As infectious as they are, in 10 years I had never had an issue, but post jab I did. I asked for the bactrim but my Dr wouldn’t prescribe because it wasn’t their SOP, despite me saying here is our history. So, eventually had to get it surgically removed, and when they ran the test on the sample it was exactly the same as my spouse. I had two more infections over the next two weeks, and then that was it.
Also, another weird thing, I can run 5 miles at a 8-815 pace and be fine, but I am winded carrying a laundry basket up a flight of steps.
"We must have them 'promise' to never interfere with the FDA again." Wow. These people murdered American Citizens. It wasn't the WH, it was the WEF behind the WH. If you think the solution is to have these murders "promise" never to do it again, your understanding of what's going on is so small as to be useless.
Yeah. Prasad cannot see the forest for the trees.
He can't conceive that crimes may have been committed. I can. Human nature and history assures and confirms this.
The blind spot here is people can't conceive of the thought of doctors being corrupt or even criminal. Doctors leverage their good standing very well so they have a very long leash where public tolerance for their corruption is concerned. People don't want to believe doctors can do harm. Comic books, though, knew better. They usually cast scientists and doctors as villains. No offence James et al. It's tongue in cheek but an observation where pop culture is concerned.
Not just murderers. Psychopaths and Sociopaths. Neither of which can be trusted to keep their word on anything not in their own interests. These people are pure evil - from Big Pharma, MSM, Big Tech, other black hats, and select government agency heads. Without the mutually supporting efforts of these groups, this genocide wouldn't have gotten off the ground.
Instead of appealing to their better Angels, we need to make it impossible for interference in regulatory matters. Stronger enforcement of anti-corruption measures. Elimination of lobbying as legalised corruption. 100% Government funding of such bodies & trials so they don't become beholden to any company. Patent regulation updates, to eliminate the conflict of interest for government employees. Winding back of the 4 decades of layered Fauci corruption. The list goes on. Each of those tasks would be a huge body of work.
i'm shocked that in his point by point analysis of Malone's Joe Rogan podcast, he says there's no evidence of menstrual disruption. i thought that was pretty much common knowledge at this point. as of a few months ago, there were over 30,000 yellow card reports in the UK and the NIH has devoted some (small) funding to studying the problem. Prasad must have been under a rock for him not to know that.
i asked my doctor a year ago for her take on the vaccines. she said her practice was not recommending them. they had 2 patients with weird miscarriages and one 69 year old patient who suddenly got her period. she said to me "these shots are messing with womens' hormones."
a year ago.
Prasad is a UCSF guy through and through who is leaping on the bandwagon of keeping masks off of kids because the science is super clear its of no use- therefore its a safe hill to die on. I've had a REALLY hard time trusting anyone who continues to push the narrative that Covid vaccines are okay at this point when there is so much evidence to the contrary. He wants to grow his audience and be a TV doc, so he's standing a bit on the red pill side, but super supportive of the blue pill side. Plus I've got a really deep connection to UCSF through my MS stricken dad- he lives a stones throw from them and they have been caring for him for 20 years. They can do no wrong in his eyes. And to be fair, they've done a great job on his MS. He's invited to lectures all the time via zoom and the false narrative on COVID they push is all encompassing. He actually told me last October that UCSF was so proud of the fact that, and I'm quoting here, "they now have access to life saving monoclonal antibodies. They stated that not many doctors know about these yet, and they'll be available for select patients for Covid." He was so proud of UCSF for being cutting edge on Covid Treatments. He didn't like it when I sent him articles showing DeSantis in FL was opening up monoclonal clinics all over FL, and they had been around for a while and many docs outside of the Bay Area (apparently) know about them and use them. I love Mobeen's lectures. If people want another lecturer who is calm, thoughtful, with a bit of bite (British that is), Dr. John Campbell is awesome. Dr. Suneel Dhand also seems pretty decent, but I've only seen a few of his lectures. Merogenomics (Dr Raszek) is also wonderful, and he takes you on a lovely walk while he lectures :-)
Good news, con-vid is really not deadly at all
Your breakdown of the headlines is amazing, thank you!!
I saw Prasad's video explaining the shifting endpoints, as though that's an acceptable thing to do. I really hope he responds to your invite!
I also saw Dr Been's video last night! Thank you again for tying it all together!
Donald Trump delegitimize the FDA? <snort> The story goes back much further than bad orange man...
If Prasad wasn't born yesterday, he has a long way to go in terms of removing his blinders. He is more worried about the FDA's reputation than the fact that an obviously corrupt approval process, politicized from the get-go, might have harmed people around the world ~ SMH.
As info, I searched to see what I could find on Gruber and Krause. It seems that the latest regards a FOIA request about their communications from Judicial Watch, which is likely to be slow walked and then redacted to make the results as useless as possible:
Finally, as I've said before, your Plan B is on point; unfortunately, the same "disease" infects the majority of our governmental agencies.
Seriously. The FDA was captured long ago. It's so painfully obvious. But vaccines have a weird Lord of the Rings power over people. Precious.
I hope that Dr. Prasad, as well as the many other doctors who have seen the undeniable problems with these vaccines and the authorization/approval system, will be honest enough, and discerning enough, to recognize that this is not new. It's been going on for decades, and they are just now aware of it. I hope they will be humble enough to consider that possibility.
I'm one of those rare people who spends a lot of money on books researching. Been doing it for 35 years. I did a deep dive into vaccines. And what I discovered was incredible. What we're seeing now, has happened repeatedly for decades since the late 19th century. Vaccines are big business. Pure and simple.
Prasad is a total whore. He’s bright and claims friendship or at least sympathy with John Ioannidis. Intellects in this class know EXACTLY what is happening. Prasad’s arguments concern the theology of the left and career advancement but have no grounding in reality. You might as well listen to CNN.
I agree with this concern that Dr. Prasad expressed:
"So we're going to do it again in two months and some people online say well you know it's better to do it right than to rush it and this is the right call but they're missing the forest for the trees this is like somebody who created the problem and then (the same person is) defusing their own problem."
Here' s what I think:
Maybe this is one of those fake "See? We really care about making sure this is safe and effective" moments, like the pause of the J&J last April. During the pause, they received 50 more reports of deaths from thromboembolic events, half of which were from the J&J even though it only accounted for less than 10% of shots given. They very narrowly defined the condition that caused the death that set the whole investigation off - cerebral venous sinus thrombosis - by adding a qualifier that it had to exhibit the markers of TTS - thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome. None of the other events they looked at fell within those parameters, or they couldn't verify that they did, or they outright lied. Then they said, "See? We care so much about safety, and our surveillance system is so great that we caught this very rare complication. But this was the only one." And then they started the shots back up again, ignoring all the other related deaths as if they had never happened.
i lost a friend to the J&J. she was pretty much home bound so her odds of getting covid were fairly nil but if she got it, her odds of a bad outcome were pretty high. they sent someone to her house to give her the shot and they used the J&J because it was "one and done."
a month later, she didn't answer my texts. turns out she felt so bad that she called an ambulance and the hospital put her on a ventilator for 4 days. when they took her off, the told her she had damage to the right upper chamber of her heart and they wanted her to sign a DNR. she was pretty shocked and wouldn't sign. she was dead a few days later.
no one, aside from me, even considered vaccine damage as a possible cause so i know it was never reported.
That's so sad. The "one and done" mentality is the reason the J&J is still on the market. In Dec. the FDA considered whether they should stop using it or just recommend that people get the mRNA shots if they could instead of the J&J. They specifically discussed that they knew it would put people at higher risk of adverse events, but that people like your friend or any other people who may not have access to a two-shot series should still be able to get it because they claim that having this shot is better than having no shot.
There's a 700-page tome praising tbe FDA.
Prasad, as intelligent as he is he is biased when it comes to actual vaccine science and I'm stunned that he is incredibly NAIVE when it come to the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and the regulatory agencies in the US. Specifically the FDA.
-The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA's Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem?
i like Dr Prassad. i don't agree with him 100% but at least he takes a reasonable position unlike the virologists on TWIV who just seem to be mouthpieces for the narrative.
he's naive if he thinks the FDA's reputation has been just now ruined by their association with politics. what about their cozy relationship with Big Pharma which has been with us at least since the Bush administration?
the FDA is a joke. i would hope the next administration would scrap all those bloated alphabet bureaucracies- FDA, CDC, NIH- and start over.
personally, if something is FDA approved i assume that there is money to be made, bribes were paid, influence was traded and it probably doesn't work, has massive side effects and will be taken off the market in a few years after enough people have died and the drug company has made back it's money.
i've had much better results with herbs, vitamins, peptides and other "fringe" modalities.
i hope Dr Prassad made an error when he said "I don't want Paul Offit to disagree with mandates." i rejoice if Paul Offit disagrees with mandates (and trust me i am not a Paul Offit fan!). every sensible living person should disagree with mandates. once you lose control of your body, you have nothing
Exactly. Anyone who supports mandates - which are just coercive and not rooted in science - two years later are still trap in a fog of fear allowing them to support unethical measures. It's not just the FDA that will lose trust - it's the entire medical establishment.
i lost trust in the medical establishment when i was in grade school. they've done nothing since to regain my trust. i go to functional doctors who don't take insurance and use nutrition. i've never had a flu shot or a mammogram. i've only gone to regular doctors when i've broken a bone or been hit by a car
Yeh, it's been a long time coming for me. The last 15 years I saw things I didn't like. Now I will avoid them like the plague. What they've done here is bad. Very bad.
i'm 68 so i've had very few vaccines- polio, smallpox, TB. i had actual measles, mumps and chicken pox and my parents didn't seem unduly alarmed. when i was 9, i had a lingering flu and overheard my mother on the phone, giving our family doctor what for when he accused me of malingering. that might have been my first clue.
in 1976 my cousin's wife took the infamous swine flu vaccine, got GBS and spent a year in a wheelchair. i figured i'd take my chances with the flu. no one ever checked my flu shot status or made it a condition of employment. i have just been shit canned from the Spoleto Arts Festival where i have worked as Costume Director since 1980 because i won't get two covid shots plus booster. i never realized that my skill and talent were dependent on a vaccine that didn't even exist before 2020
Wow. Unrickenreal what's going on. When it comes to vaccines, love the victim blaming. 'Were you wearing an anklet when you got raped?' Doctors - especially paediatricians - are infatuated with vaccines. I knew someone (from my hockey pool days) who is a paediatrician. In 2020 when he flipped his mind panicking over the virus, the guy showed he was a real lunatic about vaccines. I mean nasty aggression. There were NO questions no matter how valid that were acceptable. Vaccines or die and that's that. He absolutely hated being challenged by me. But I got the better of him on a number of occasions. Wasn't very hard when someone argues in bad faith. The hockey pool guys loved me for it.
Prasad needs to understand that this was never about health but always about profit.
Rebuttal to Prof. Vinayak Prasad's rebuttal of Drs. Malone and McCullough on the Joe Rogan podcasts
it's interesting to me that people who are pretty squarely on the other side- Peter Attia, Marty Makary, Vinay Prassad, ZDogg- are becoming more open seeing the nonsense going on. i once heard Attia say on a podcast that if you weren't pro-vaccine you couldn't be his patient. of course, he's friends with the unvaccinated Joe Rogan which must have made him think. he's also said that feeling all this pressure to get vaccinated on the basis of such crappy data has made him more open to the doubts expressed by people who don't want to be vaccinated.
i take that as a win. he doesn't have to come all the way to my side; he just has to make an overture.
i thought Makary has always been reasonable and not like the insufferable ZDogg.
Makary supports the vaccines, won't admit all the damage they cause. At least not yet.
Ah. Ok. Thanks. I've seen he's been pretty good about the kids. He is at JHU after all.
profit and control. i'll have to listen to your rebuttal. i like malone and mcCullough. i've heard them many times on many podcasts. i don't understand why joe rogan had to take all the heat