And I bet they have been releasing new viruses/gene mutation on us, animals & food for over a decade.

But since our corrupt medical cabal seems to be above the law like our corrupt governments, who is going to hold them accountable???

It’s us or no one???

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It's a Milgram Experiment, and James is raising the voltage on you.

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Limited hangout tactic by Pfizer.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Excellent Orwellian doublespeak by Pfizer. Good catch!

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A limited number of cases is sill as many cases as they choose.

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The sad thing I’ve noticed is the pro vaxxers are saying well what’s wrong with that? They need to stay ahead of the virus to protect us. The Stockholm syndrome is irreversible apparently.

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It’s precisely the way Pfizer, or whomever, is going to be justifying ALL of their bull$#!+ lies and manipulations to the ignorant masses, allowing for them to get away with eVeRyThInG they’ve been guilty of over the last decade, at least! What are they distracting us from and what is it they’re NOT saying...

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Yes look at what billGatesOfHell said yesterday:” the vax aint effective..”

Translation: more shenanigans by he who thinks he’s God. Coming to a syringe or airplane near you.

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It is not possible to predict Nature. They only make the problem worse.

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They’re so brainwashed there’s nothing that is revealed that could help them. Wilfully ignorant I’m afraid.

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They are like an administrative assistant who works at my doctor's office wearing an N95 mask that is too big for her face and hangs open almost an inch on either side of her face. When I warned her of this lack of protections, she replied, "But at least my nose is protected"!

Evidently her brain is also protected from absorbing misinformation which is also filtered out by her mask.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

This was helpful.

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Some testing of new variants is legit. But why build on a mRNA jab that fails to prevent infection nor spread of the virus and appears to cause more harm than benefit? Then again, why trust anything Pfizer says.

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But didn't Rachel Walensky, Our Lady of Perpetual Boosters, assure us that risk/benefit ratio still make Pfizer and Moderna shots our best bet to gain entrance to heaven? (Literally, it seems)

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Don't remember the 'heaven' part, but not surprised. Amazing what they'll say when truth is whatever you want it to be.

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I was using "heaven" as a metaphor. Heaven is where you end up when you are morally superior (to those scummy unvaccinated), loved by God--as our NY governor, Kathy Hochul, claims to be when she says vaccines are from God and she is his apostle. In heaven it is like the garden of Eden. We all get access to our hearts' desire which has now (in this time of Covid) become avoiding SARS-COVID 2. War, starvation, nuclear bombs, climate change, recession, inflation are mere distractions from this important goal.

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In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells. In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus. It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.

Fact-based information rooted in sound science is vitally important to overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic and Pfizer remains committed to transparency and helping alleviate the devastating burden of this disease.[***and helping alleviate the devastating burden of these vaxxines] .

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You wrote - "Pfizer remains committed to transparency and helping alleviate the devastating burden of this disease".


The only burden currently is that which these evil bastards have manufactured, force injected and made us pay for.

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Well also the hospitals are overburdened with the sick and dying unvaccinated who are interfering by their selfishness with our herd immunity and with getting back to the new normal. You realize that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated?!

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And also helping to alleviate the devastating burden of over population. They truly have our best interests at heart!

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But to get some perspective on this we need to go back to Sasha Latypova’ Substack on Thursday which I just discovered


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Essential quote:

Another line straight from BARDA/DARPA - is about “predicting mutations” and “proactively developing vaccines”. Total nonsense. Pushed by psychopaths with PhD degrees onto terminally gullible public and politicians who nod and authorize trillions in funding for “pandemic preparedness”. Herein lies the main point. This is not just silly and scientifically incompetent babble. It is in fact very well thought through militarized propaganda narrative to drive the most important thing for the perpetrators of this global crime:

The perpetrators desperately, at all cost, need you to to believe that “mutating viruses in a lab” achieves some scary result, that then can be “leaked”. That anyone can do it, even a PhD student in their garage. That our enemies are doing it and will “release” a super scary bug any time now, unless the Government is “prepared” by making a stockpile of “predictive vaccines” that can be deployed in DAYS after a new scary virus is detected in China. Or Timbuktu.

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Virus’.... or are they Exosomes??? And, really, a toxin...

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Phew. I feel better.

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Oh, OK, it was just a LIMITED number of cases. Kinda like Jeffrey Dahmer telling us he killed 20 people, but only ate the arms and legs, not the torso.

Yet, the slumbering wokesters will slurp this up and move on with barely a pause.

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You know, Hitler started World War II in just a limited number of cases, too - with the western front and the eastern front.

So, see? That made that one ok, too.

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Note to the fasco-Marxists at Pfizer: It takes only ONE black plague-like disease to ruin your whole day.

The whole day for the WORLD, that is.

What a VILE group of people at Pfoozer. And that jackass Walker dude - "I only lied like everyone does cuz I was on a date." Hint, Einstein: I realize you are into your sodomy thing, but I have NEVER lied on a date when I was single. Why? Hint to non-Einstein Walker: Because it is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Who wants a relationship built on a lie?

Oh right. Sorry. I forgot we were dealing with the gay mafia, where, e.g., Dr Maria Xiridou found that in Holland the average "monogamous" relationship have FOUR outside relationships per year.

Yeah, try THAT with YOUR wife "Gee, honey, it was only FOUR affairs I had this year, not 20 like Fred next door."

Figures that this doofus would work at corrupt Pfizer

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