Hasn't he said he doesn't think his son should get a booster? That would make him "anti-vax" in the eyes of many. I'd love to see him hoist by his own petard.

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That was Paul Offit. Peter Hotez is the one who wrote a book about the "fact" that his daughter's autism was NOT caused by vaccines.

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Ah, thanks! I get these clowns mixed up.

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Me too. Isn't Paul Offit a virologist member of FDA who was one of only 2 members voting to oppose automatic EUAs for mRNA vaccines on June 28 2022?

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Exactly. In fact, Hotez's book went way further than just insisting that his daughter's autism was not caused by her vaccines -- which, as her parent, he does have the right to state what he saw with his own eyes, right? But what he did was to insist that, because his daughter's autism/brain damage/brain function compromise/call-it-whatever-you-want was not caused by vaccines, neither was any other child's.

In other words, he made one of the most unscientific statements ever.

It's like saying, "my foot was already broken before that person stomped on it, therefore, stomping on someone's foot cannot cause it to break."

In fact, that is so anti-science, seems like it might be reason to revoke his medical license?

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that was Paul Offit, a new member of the anti-vaxx crowd

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I think CDC and WHO redefined anti vax. Anti vax used to mean "opposed to ALL vaccines." Now, if you are opposed only to boosters--you still are anti-vax. BOO

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They expanded to include anyone who is against vaccine mandates which is a whole lotta people! You can be fully vaccinated and just be opposed to forcing them on people and that makes you anti vaxx.

Paul Offit, mr vaccine himself, voted against the bi-valent booster. Poof! He’s an anti-vaxxer

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More people are speaking out in the medical profession so they are scared. It will end up backfiring and further erode peoples trust. Thanks Peter!

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Better to be "far right" than far WRONG.

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Aaah, I already clicked to close the tab when I saw this and then had to re-open it just to tell you how exquisite that is.

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Many Americans died because they didn’t get early effective treatments that were demonized. Others died because they were given the toxic Remdesivir and put on ventilators.

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Dr. Peter Hotez said that 'anti-vaccine activism' is 'anti-science aggression' and links people who refused the COVID injections to the 'far right.'

Fact is, Herr Hotez is from the fasco-Marxist left. Fascism is, ipso facto, the merger of the socialist state with co-opted crony big biz (can you say Google? Amazon? Facebook?) Not socialist? Well, golly gee whiz, then why are the Nazis (NSDAP) full name the National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party?

Yeah, that's right. Fascism.... exactly as defined in Mussolini's definitive eponymous 1932 work, The Doctrine of Fascism, https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf . Hey, Hotez, how about showing some intellectual honesty and read the dozen pages in this? No? Didn't think so. Talk about intellectually dishonesty.

And here is vile Schwab with bust of Lenin in his office 3 second mark, 1:17 mark to 1:30 and 2 min mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeXjEQW03uY

Fact is, communism and Nazism are cousins. Differences are internationalism vs nationalism/racism, and the communists have the state DIRECTLY own the means of production, Nazis use co-opted, Big Biz to do their dirty work.

Then why did the National SOCIALIST Workers Party invade the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics? Tell me, why did COMMUNIST China TWICE attack late 1970s after Ho Chi Minh won COMMUNIST Vietnam?? Why was there the late 1960s Ussuri River war between Mao and the USSR, which almost went nuclear, but even so, killed hundreds? What, no answer, Hotez? What, you didn't even KNOW about these wars? Quod erat demonstrandum.

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.....there is no MAJOR distinction between 'Marxism', Communism', 'CAPITALISM' & 'Fascism' (all, INDUSTRIALIST systems for MAXIMIZING resource control) - NONE, as SHOULD be ENTIRELY evident, after ALL we've BEEN through for almost THREE years now (and LONG before.....)

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“ Fact is, communism and Nazism are cousins. Differences are internationalism vs nationalism/racism, …”

Not even that much difference. USSR started by Russian Socialist Democratic (do you hear this AOC & Bernie? 😁) Worker’s Party, in short - RSDRP.

Both aimed for their nationalisms’ world domination.

“ Fascism is, ipso facto, the merger of the socialist state with co-opted crony big biz (can you say Google? Amazon? Facebook?)”

In the modern day Democrat parlor: public-private partnership 🤷‍♂️

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Yep - TWO sides of the SAME totalitarian coin.....

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Hotez is a useless tool. Just around the launch of the jabs, he testified, warning the public of the potential dangers of the experimental gene therapy. Three (or so) months later—after his infectious disease department received a 75 million dollar grant from Fauci's NIAID—he was singing their praises.

The Highwire kept the receipts.

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.....SOMEbody - I'd DO it, if there was ANY chance he and TOO many others would actually be MOVED - needs to DESTROY his SCIENCISM, publicly; just an EMPTY-headed IDIOT with ZERO emotional intelligence.....

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It seems Baylor has made its choice with the firing and subsequent lawsuit against Peter McCollough, while supporting this creep. That federal funding is everything.

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All the narrative propagandists are doing exactly this. It is what you say when you aren't accusing people of being a Putin Puppet.

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That's RICH!!! Peter Hotez is DR MENGELE - promoting NUREMBERG CRIMES. We need a Nuremberg Tribunal 2.0, complete with gallows.

For the record - there ARE SOME rightwingers and extremists involved in the movement. And there's also many folks to Joe Biden's LEFT, like myself and Cindy Sheehan and RFK Jr. . Dr. Hotez provided no evidence for any of his claims - because he's A LIAR.

He sounds just like the WEF's Justin Trudeau - when he slandered and grossly mischaracterized the Canadian Truckers. That guy called THEM Nazis - while he armed REAL NAZIS, in Ukraine, and his Banderite #2 Chrystia Freeland was collaborating with wealthy Corporatist Oligarchs, to freeze the bank accounts of labor activists. These are accusations into a mirror.

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fuck you.

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How's hell? Hot enough for you?

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That's what your mom said.

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Well... she's still alive... So no.

When you say "Fuck Antivaxxers" on your Sock puppet account page... Did you mean to say "Fuck Health Freedom advocates", or "Fuck the Vaccine Injury-aware?"... Because those are the non- focus group-tested, CIA Neuro-Linguistic Programming perjorative, thought-terminating cliché- ways to say "Antivaxxers". I'm just curious.

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Thin vocabulary points to a trollbot. No need to bother.

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Just look at the man's dead eyes when he's talking, something is seriously off. I think it's very possible his own family's situation plays into his utter devotion to positive vaccine outcomes.

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ooh, dead eyes. Is that a medical term dumfuck?

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Hotez is a coward.

And a loud mouth'd shnook.

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FAF coming from some anon here to call Hotez a coward, you chickenshhit.

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Still sore your vaccine was replaced by Sabin, Jonas?

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you do understand neither are used currently? bueller?

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fyi, Salk wasn't sore about anything. He gave away the patent on his polio vaccine to save lives. He would even have saved your sad miserable life it needed.

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Salk ALSO begged G-d for forgiveness, on his deathbed...

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Hotez is worse than a coward. He's a traitor to humanity. And should be charged with crimes against humanity for his willing support of the clotshot. Chickenshit bootlicker.

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Where can I find this video of Peter Hotez that you speak of?

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I just searched on the WHO site and YouTube without success.

Edit to add: found it. It's only a minute long. Of course it's on Twitter, not the WHO website. gawd I hate Twitter.


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I met him in person a couple of years ago at some autism group conference at UNF. Imagine an autism group calling on him to be its main speaker. Following his prolific lies, I did manage to be called on to speak. And boy did I. I also managed to shove a copy of my autism poetry book in his hands before I left. I'm not a psychologist, but I believe his guilt about vaccinating his daughter(who has classical autism) may have led him to this nonsense and beyond. Anyway, I suggest he move to the tropics.

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Plus, Baylor University gets tons of government money to do studies that promote vaccines.

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I'll take stuff that never happened for $500, Alex....

Nice try Morine.

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How do YOU - know what did or didn't happen, moron?

You still don't even understand the Vaccine "Placebo" Pyramid scheme, shown by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - which proves that there are no meaningful control groups, relative to ACTUAL safety, in vaccine trials. Why would anyone listen to a Kool-aide drinking bozo, like yourself?

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That's Maurine. Are you back from the grave?

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I think this is all anyone needs to know about Peter Hotez: "Crafting your scientist brand" (2018).


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Found the video on the WHO Twitter feed. It's only a minute long.

Of course it's on Twitter, not the WHO website. gawd I hate Twitter.


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